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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. LOL it's the link that seems a bit off. Indeed. Lower Radar signature never meant none. Even if some poor citizens were fooled by not paying attention.
  2. +1 for the survivability onion. Getting hit might be worse for a hull down vehicle don't forget that don't get hit is after the don't be seen layer of the onion. Being hull down will help impede the enemy's ability to spot you. Which means that hull down tanks will get shot at less. On top of that the difference in many tank duels is who sees the other guy first because that leads to who gets the fist shot off first. and any extra time your gunner has to line up the shot is a good thing (tm). +1 for drive like real tankers and seak hull down. See them before they see you, hit them before they see you -> win.
  3. And this is probably the kicker. If one shot one hit is a likely outcome for a turret size target then it will be for the whole tank. But if the range is longer then the chance to hit with the first shot starts to go down and then the smaller turret size matters. So, if you test this at 100m, 200m or even 300m you will likely be testing if the turret armour is stronger or weaker than the hull armour since the first shot is likely to hit something. If you test this at 1500m or 2000m then the size of the target is going to matter a lot more since it will effect the chance to hit with the first shot.
  4. That's news to me. Do yo have some sources for that? All I can find is a story in an UK tabloid that reference a book written by a Chinese official. Seems thin to totally bogus. But I could have missed some credible articles or books I guess...
  5. Ouch you guys are making me queezy. Hope you recover well. Speaking of tension and storing force Ken's discussion of the strap made me think of this: https://what-if.xkcd.com/127/
  6. For each of the games with the 4.0 upgrade already (CMFI is still being worked on) you can download either an upgrade installer that assumes that you have an otherwise up to date game. Or you can download an all in one installer that will install the 4.0 from scratch. And yes your 4.0 key would activate it.
  7. I just did a quick test and was able to download the install file for something that I purchased recently without any problems. I recommend you contact the help desk (press the big blue button): https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  8. LOL which tries to download something called "downloadconverternow" which does lord only knows what. Those sites are just bad news - IMHO no one should be using them ever.
  9. No. Would be a cool feature to have your side forces be part AI control and part your control.
  10. Correct. If you want to play a QB vs the AI then you need to create the AI plans for it. Crack open one of the shipping QB maps and have a look at the AI plans. To play vs a human opponent then you don't need that. Some third party QB s are just the map and some have the AI plans. It should be clear from the site which is which.
  11. Perhaps but I could not find it in the bug db so I created a new one. Perhaps a second chance for it then.
  12. So, the way the mod system works is mods override files by name. So if you have two mods that try to mod the same thing you will either get fileo over write errors if everything is going into one big directory of files or you might not see what you expect if you use different subject directories because your newer mod is aphabetized before an existing mod of the same thing. I would follow @Erwin 's advice and be aware when you download multiple mods of the same thing so you can choose which one you want to use.
  13. Reproduced and reported. Yes, I am going through my rather long list of bug threads making sure that things have been logged. Sorry it took so long...
  14. LOL you might but clearly a few others don't trust them enough to do that. Hence some of the frustration seen here.
  15. Definitely not random. Mods are loaded using alphabetical order. Last in order is the on that gets loaded. Getting replace file messages means you are copying a second mod that is modsing the same thing.
  16. Pass thanks. Data cannot be separated from the discussion about its creation and analysis of its relevance. So, if someone were to post something that was incorrect or by mistake there would be no way to discuss any issues and fix it. Where as out here there is.
  17. Minute 3:24-3:23: The tank support arrives. And fire some HE at one of the pesky MG teams. The scout team stays frozen next to the barn but the suppressive fire from the rest of their platoon fist hits one member of the German team… And then the other. F Co nears the end of the field. Minute 3:23: Orders More troops moving into the farm. F Co orders to make it to the next bocage line.
  18. And bug reported. Thank you. That was an excellent example too - very clear.
  19. Cool. PM me a link to a zip file on drop box or send me your email and I'll create a folder for you to put the files.
  20. Really this again? Isn't the peddling of that tosh officially not welcome here.
  21. Yeah you are right. I don't think it has been reported though since the workaround is so easy (drop the new way point lots further away and then drag it back to where you want it).
  22. There are two separate things that are similar. The first is the driver turning the hull while the gunner is trying to aim and therefore never getting a shot. This has been fixed. I think it was fixed in 3.0 but I forget exactly when. If you see something like that please save the game and report it. The other issue is what @Hilts describes where the crew seem to flip between executing thier face order and targeting the enemy they just spotted. I actually don't know if this is even reported, mainly because I never experience it any more. I never give vehicles face commands now. I make sure their last move order is along the direction that I want them to face. Doing that eliminates the problem. Having said that it is a bug and if anyone has a save lying around please share it. Lord knows when I'll get around to trying to reproduce it.
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