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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. Love your work Aris, can't wait for more. In case you haven't seen in some other posts, while you were on leave from the community a few of my fellow FGM members were after 'packs' of common mods for CMBN. I combined your CMBN stuff and is available here: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/mods-aris-and-other-popular-mods-combined-into-easy-to-download-packs.17477/ Please note, I'm not trying to take anything away from you or other mod authors, just helping out club mates getting into the modding scene by saving them the hassle of dloading hundreds of individual files.
  2. My guess is we're all waiting for the MG module and getting FJ's in CMBN first.
  3. Over at the FGM community we had a few requests for a 'pack' of popular mods for CMBN so I made them from my Z folder. Nothing is touched mod wise and full credit to the authors as always. This just saves people dloading 100's of individual files. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/mods-aris-and-other-popular-mods-combined-into-easy-to-download-packs.17477/
  4. It's been a very long time but I think 'hiding' vehicles meant cutting engines back in the CMx1 era.
  5. Brilliant news - Many many thanks. Also a big thanks resetting my old CMSF key the other day. Great service.
  6. The link I posted above is a collection of popular CMBN mods that I use for gaming and CM video recording. A few in the FGM community were asking for a package of mods so they didn't have to dload a few hundred individually. Works fine if you have everything current updated and CW module installed.
  7. <Cough> http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/mods-aris-and-other-popular-mods-combined-into-easy-to-download-packs.17477/ <cough>
  8. In that type of situation I don't think you'd be able to play against each other to begin with. And yes I know for this next part only BF really knows the answer but almost everyone in this community appears to buy every module that's released if they like a particular theatre. I think EF fans and grogs would snap up every module that was released if they want some Jerry and Ruskie action. Another benefit to one base for the EF is for the scenario designers. A lot of territory could be designed for use for more than one year. The thought of designing the same map for somewhere like a section of Kharkov over multiple base games is not pretty. The ability to simply change the date in the editor, made possible by having the correct modules installed, would be a nice touch and save time. It would also help pool all the maps for the east front and avoid the inevitable players saying 'Hey I like that map with the three hills wish it was in base game x.'
  9. I'd support EF as one base game with the longer line of modules and packs. Finance considerations of course should come first, but it would make organization so much more easier on the user end if it was all part of the one program.
  10. North Africa, stop teasing me - From someone who wants to play or create a few Australian scenarios from Tobruk. Just concerned with the upgrade system once there's a whole lot of games out there. I can understand the method behind the madness. The BF crew do need to eat once and a while I know, but the thought of buying say four or five upgrade packs for each family of games gets a little heavy on the wallet. Any chance of package deals for CM tragics who will inevitably own every family?
  11. CMFO? CMFI As for soldiers not picking up SMG's from KIA or WIA buddies there's a few other things that probably need to be considered... - Does the soldier who's doing the 'buddy aid' already have an SMG/LMG? - Did the SMG on the dead body have much ammo left? - Was the equipment damaged? The game doesn't tell you everything which I think it's one of it's strengths. Being that one step away from the battlefield forces the player to adapt to the changing battlefield situation rather than trying to control every small detail. Just because you lose an MP40 or MG42 doesn't mean you can't win an engagement. If it does, time to reassess the tactics you're employing.
  12. No psychologist but I'd support this. Would need to look into it but I think most human activity could be measured like this.
  13. Economist by day (shocking pixeltruppen murdering General by night ), this data and trend is also the same for any worker as they enter employment in a new job (which in this case also includes a meaningful promotion), whether it be their first, second, tenth. You have an early period where you are learning the ropes but improve rapidly, followed by competency which flows into becoming a 'know it all' and then depression/apathy as you stop learning and finding new challenges. The trick for employers is to keep people to their peak quickly and retain it for as long as possible. Depending on the occupation and industry this gets very hard based on factors like the workers intellect (try keeping a Rocket Scientist interested working long term at a Fast Food joint) and the nature of the work itself, (repetitive production line anyone?). Obviously there are outliers for all data sets like painstakingly boring jobs and lets face it... the trainee who wants to take the truck off road kind of stupid. Loving this series JonS!
  14. A few more to add. - An inbuilt FPS counter so we can check performance if we think something is wrong. (Refer Nvidia performance issues in the tech support forum). - The ability to set AI movement plans in 3D mode (like we currently can deploy units). If you could view AI plans with roughly the same guide lines as you see in a normal game it maybe easier for Scenario Designers to use and get a better idea visually on what they are setting in place all at once.
  15. I'm surprised that's even possible in the editor... unless photoshop is involved.
  16. Marco, Missing texture report. When the tankette commander of the L35? uses the main 37 mm gun there is no silhouette for that weapon. I'm using the plain package. See following Youtube clip for reference... (5-10mins in) Cheers
  17. Error... error, please move to the warehouse for disciplinary action followed by deletion. You didn't know our whole existence is a simulation? Didn't you know about the Little White Mice and the search for the meaning of life the universe and everything? 42.
  18. Then have a shot yourself, it is actually quite refreshing change of pace.
  19. Interesting reading. My thoughts on Kesselring mirror comments above. Brilliant at the administration and theater level decisions but less than average when deciding on strategic decisions, like where to counter attack. If someone like Rommel stayed in Italy and got along with Kesselring actions in Sicily and Salerno could have been a little different. Granted, sheer weight of firepower the allies had at this time however is something even strategic brilliance sometimes can't overcome. Kesselring's organisation and rapid movements of troops to where they were needed is his biggest positive attribute to the theatre. When you look at how little the Germans had in manpower at some points it is quite impressive. Saying that there is another key factor that worked in his favour and could be seen as helping to mask his faults as a General and that's the terrain of Italy - it's a defenders paradise. In my opinion, he definitely had the easier job compared to his counterpart, Alexander. You also have to remember Kesselring was defended by the likes of Churchill, Leese and Alexander when the initial death sentence was handed down, saying it was far to harsh for someone described a simply a military opponent.
  20. Awesome mod really enjoying this. And some action from this evening with your mod is already on my YouTube Channel. Stunning work!
  21. If BFC had a counter on their website of marriages strained or dissolved due to their products I think their sales numbers would drop significantly. Welcome to fold and hope you enjoy your time here.
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