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Everything posted by Ithikial_AU

  1. Noticed a couple of little glitches with this for me. The UI seems to be slightly out still showing the older V1.0 background for infantry special equipment. Also the modded compass doesn't load. Is the naming of some of the files slightly off? Thanks for any help in advance.
  2. You can do it like MJK suggests, however most scenarios you play you are using forces from a specific type of regiment with some support from other areas. ie the Scottish Corridor Campaign follows the actions of UK Infantry formations as a base. Personally I go with where I've spent most of my points in a match to determine the type of regiment. If I chose a German Panzer Grenadier Company as the bulk of my force in a QB or PBEM, that's the row I would enter the result into.
  3. Thanks MikeyD. Hope it's frightening for results only. Adding numbers from a screenshot into Excel shouldn't be frightening.
  4. The tool does allow you to record Multiplayer and Single player separately and it's all colour coded so you don't mix them up. If you think the AI is a blind cripple I expect to see the proof with a lot of dark green on your graphs. Time to put your money on the table.
  5. I like it. Maybe for Version 1.1, I'll have to look into it.
  6. Thanks The whole purpose of the tool is meant to show how you perform with each regiment type over time. You are meant to use this as a ongoing 'tool' to record all of your battles not start a new workbook after every game. If you play a game with no armour or no infantry simply don't change the number in the respective cell when entering results. The graphs are separated between vehicles and infantry because the infantry numbers would dwarf the vehicle numbers after about two or three games and you'd have scale problems making the graphs look funny. I did think of that while building it but it would require using Pivot Tables/Charts which can get a bit confusing for people who don't use Excel much. Also at work (I do economic analysis as a day job) I've sometimes run into little problems with Pivot Charts when MS Excel updates itself. Followed the KISS principle - Keep it Simple Stupid. Nothing stopping you keeping a record of opponents separately on another worksheet though - workbook is completely open for editing.
  7. Time to find out who are the brilliant Generals and who are the great pretenders of 1944. Now you can record your individual battle results for all of history (or until your Hard Drive fails) and have visual proof to display to your opponents that you can never be beaten. Introducing the "Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Theater Operations Reporter". This is a simple to use Excel Workbook for you to enter all of your Single Player and Mutliplayer results into and see just how many pixeltruppen you have ever sent to their deaths. Using the 'Combined Casualty Report Workbook' I'm currently using for the Few Good Men Operation Overlord Narrative Campaign as a base, it's now been re-purposed for individual player use. So what do you get? Every time you enter data you get.... - Automatically updated stats about how you are performing overall and with each regiment type. - Automatically updated graphs to show visually how you perform with each regiment type, infantry and armoured forces. - Compare results between battles you play against the AI and human opponents. What do you need to do? - Have a copy of MS Excel handy. (Don't worry it will be invented in 1985). - After every game take a screenshot of the AAR screen and enter the details into the respective blank cells in the datasheet. The workbook will take care of the rest. For example if you played a game with a UK Infantry force you would plus one to the number in respective cell in the top box along the row labeled 'UK Infantry'. Then move to the second box below, entering the damage you caused against the enemy in the green cells along the row labeled 'UK Infantry' and then the losses in the red cells further to the right. So it looks something like the picture above. That's it. Don't enter or change anything in cells with numbers (including 0's) already filled as these will auto update when required. - Blue coloured tabbed worksheets are for single player games. Red tabs are for multiplayer matches. How do I get it? Version 1.0 is available from the following link. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/51696551/CMBN%20Theater%20Operations%20Reporter%20%28v1.0%29.xlsx Cost? Nothing (of course). But if I ever play you in a match please be kind with off map artillery. Enjoy! Any questions or bugs you catch in the system please let me know. I'll update it and make it 'user updating friendly' when future modules are released.
  8. 28 and been around since CMBO days so I started playing CM around 17-18.
  9. Did that before Fuser went on holiday for a few guys over FGM. The file is gone now but happy to set one up again, if it becomes clear Fuser is done with CMBN again and moves on to CMFI again.
  10. Looking great. With the pics of the Autumn mod also making the roungs, you have to wonder why BF don't tap these modders on the shoulder and ask if they can make them official. Will save on resources when creating new products. Really important for a small company. But I'm sure there's a reason that will be obvious when someone says it.
  11. Just double checked with CMFI, getting between 20-24 FPS on a slightly larger scenario from Conrath's Attack. No drops in FPS.
  12. I keep my drivers up to date. Tested on the same 60 secs of action in a WeGo game I'm currently playing - bonus mission at the end of the Scottish Corridor campaign. If you want me to send you any details or saved games etc so you can see what's going on please let me know.
  13. Will add my support to this. FPS has dropped for me as well with version 2.0. Not game breaking but I'm now only averaging bout 15 FPS, down from around 24 before. (According to Fraps). Does hit some low points of around 10 FPS at times. Even took out my 'extensive' Z folder and it made no difference. Similar rig to what's listed above, except I have a GTX580.
  14. Sum's up my thoughts on Firefly verses a lot of today's 'entertainment.'
  15. It's the Bonus Mission at the end of the Scottish Corridor campaign with the CW module. I think you have to go down the veteran path of the campaign to access.
  16. Just found the quicker nature of modern combat meant I wanted to pause and read adjust orders every 30 seconds or so. Don't hit that often in the 1940's. (No guided weaponry ) Thanks Macisle. Just need to personalise the webpage now.
  17. I play all my WW2 era CM games in WeGo / Turn Based mode. Found it easier playing Shock force in real time. Playing WeGo doesn't make editing any easier as you need to chop up your videos between command and action phases and smooth transitions are generally impossible unless you don't ever move the camera. This is where the Replay Battle feature would be great so you can focus on camera work not playing the game. Given the comments above I'm having another shot of doing my next AAR with no editing what so ever. A classic "Lets Play." Results so far... it's going to be a very long process. Part 1 Part 2
  18. Looking forward to getting a new rig myself after Christmas with a GTX690.
  19. I do some AAR's on my youtube channel, just because I want to learn how to use video editing tools. All I can say it's a time consuming process going from WeGO into a fluid battle replay. A Total War-esque replay system you be amazing for CM. http://www.youtube.com/user/Ithikial/videos?view=0&flow=grid
  20. I do that sparingly in some of my videos but usually cut out every single mouse click as it makes the video bloated and boring for the viewer. If it's an important moment before I hit the 'Big Red Button' I will explain it first but I aim to use it sparingly. Remember the joy of playing games is learning things for yourself. Saying that if BF ever tapped me on the shoulder to make AAR videos for them... A few of things I've learned doing CM AAR's: - It is very time consuming to do CM videos compared to other games. The one Total War video that is on my channel took less than a quarter of the time a CM video of the same length would take. The lack of a battle replay feature with CM is the problem here, so anyone doing a video AAR is making a big commitment. - I tried a full non-stop game of CM with commentary with one of the first ones I recorded. I didn't release it as it became very boring after about 10 mins. The gaps between the action were simply to long for a video. This means... - You need to edit CM videos heavily to make it interesting. Sometimes go back and re-record the action phase from a different angle to get a better view of the action is also required. - You need a beefy rig to do it right (in 1080p) with lots of Hard drive space for the raw footage, ideally on a separate drive to where the game is installed. Not every CM gamer has a powerful enough rig that can play Crysis let alone HD video editing without going nuts or burning hardware so that limits who can do it as well. Saying that if regular Combat Mission YouTubers wanted to form a group and share secrets please count me in.
  21. Shameless self plug. I do AAR's and also little short funny or amazing moments I have in my battles. Currently designing a new PC with a lot more grunt to make video recording and editing easier. http://www.youtube.com/user/Ithikial/videos?flow=grid&view=0
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