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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I've tried both early on and (anecdotally) there is no real difference in load times that I can see. I also explode all downloded mod files so I can see what's in them (sometimes they contain a lot of extraneous stuff...pics, options, etc.) and only put the necessary files/folders in the "z" folder.
  2. For FO's and ambushes, SLOW Command (crawling) into the last Action Spot, coupled with a small Cover Arc does the trick for me. On HIDE, btw, they will pop up now and then to take a reading on things...I don't know if that occurs more for HQs and FOs as opposed to regular troops, or not.
  3. Vin, they could be in v1.10. I couldn't find the Fallschirmjagers for the life of me in GL 100A, B, or C. It drove me crazy for about a day until I decided to look through all the data files, including FI. Noticed the 1.10 data file and tried. Succes!
  4. SLIM, really good stuff! I agree with you on the MOVE Command. I always use it when my men are back out of the line of fire...most of the time anyway.
  5. Oh...my...God! Where are Broadsword, sburke, and Noob? This is fantastic, Tank Hunter!
  6. Ian, Slow(crawl) is the best move option to get P-truppen to throw grenades in general, too, not just at tanks. And like womble says, smoke helps ALOT.
  7. I don't play QBs much, so I never tracked answer down to this question, but while we're on the subject: Whose force gets affected by the Force Adjustment option, and is it up or down? I assume it is "my" force as opposed to the AI, but that is not clear. Thanks.
  8. Grim reading. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1960/11/first-wave-at-omaha-beach/303365/ On the other hand, my city's newspaper, The Wisconsin State Journal, devoted a sentence to D-Day...in the "Today in History" section, in about 7 Type, stuck in between birth, legal, and local govt committe meeting notices!:mad::mad::mad: Pretty pathetic. Rant over.
  9. Even though he's defending against my FJ attack in that scenario atm, I completely agree with Sublime. I hope they integrate CA from buildings, at least with grenades and satchel charges. BFC is gonna have to by MG, right?
  10. Thanks Normal Dude. Are the scenarios included too?
  11. He's probably too busy being the King of the Hill over at The Few Good Men site. Oh, Great King Michael the Lofty, can you bestow upon us lesser beings whose ass you did kick mightily and completely in Knightly competition verily and anon, a wonderous means by which your humble subjects may enjoy the fruits of BFC's labors and yet avoid the drudgery of actually exerting the multitudinous toil, trouble and woe known to accompany those who struggle in forlorn hope of winning through a vast and very dangerous military campaign. God speed, Your Majesty! Your Humble Servant, mjk. (Bowing, scraping, throwing alms...) ...and make it right snappy, Kingy!
  12. I never played any CM games before CMSF, but that Operation systems sounds tailored made for me! Someday, maybe, huh?
  13. LOL, I'm a procurement and contracts lawyer, but there are a number of building contractors and software company honchos I wouldn't mind locking up!
  14. Hey Broadsword, I haven't forgotten about the MG campaign, just finishing up all my cases so I can retire this summer. I hang out here and play a game or two, but haven't been able to commit to a regular campaign yet. I didn't know that MMP has a Crete game coming. I certainly would be interested in that one!
  15. If I win the lottery, BFC gets half.
  16. Face Command before Deploy Command usually solves that problem.
  17. Where Eagles Dare and it's companion Devil's Cauldron. Excellent monster games covering Market Garden.
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