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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Are you guys talking about the 1980's color version of Stalingrad? The 1950's black and white version was pretty decent...at least it was 30 years ago when I last saw it.
  2. Going from memory (after making alot of US divisional patch mods), these seem right. I can't check it atm though. P.S., Badger, I think I've asked you before, but whereabouts in WI are you? I'm in Madison.
  3. Georgie, the only way I know of to fix this is to set up the gun on an action spot where there is no tinted "Set-up Zone". When you set up assests in the colored set-up zones, they all seem to be fudged with when you hit the "Play" button. Tanks may go from un-buttoned to buttoned,; guns from undeployed to deployed, etc.
  4. Zenomorph, you'll find the new names/new textures in your CMBN Files/Data (where you keep the "z" folder) in the "Normandy v200" (basic Normandy) and "Normandy v200 Commonwealth" folders, inside the "uniform" folder. You'll have to "RezExplode" the brz files first.
  5. Zenomorph, that Ranger mod was done in v1.0 or thereabouts IIRC, and the naming convention for uniforms and other textures changed completely with v2.0, so old uniform mods (and some other textures) all have to be renamed to work correctly.
  6. As for FOW...play against a human! Ideally, play against a human in RT without pauses. But for me, it's enough just to play a regular pbem against a real person. Man, do you ever slow down and scout, scout, scout! Your plans will fall apart in no time, and you are constantly making adjustments and counter moves wouldn't have to make playing the AI.
  7. I like them both, but I think the time estimate would take alot more programming. the distance should be easier, since targeting tool already does that...but what do I know about programming? IL2 Sturmovik playback wasn't a capture of the video, which of course uses a lot of comp resources, but "simply" a copy of the original computer calculations replayed--so in actuality, the mission was being done over. This meant that at times, the replay was a little off from the original mission, but not enough to hardly notice (the path of the cannon/mg bullets might not intersect with the plane you shot down, etc.). Supposedly that is why it was relatively easy to have full replay without a lot of comp resources being used. I can only assume that BFC is fully aware of that procedure and that it won't work or otherwise not possible with the CMx2 engine. Too bad though...who wouldn't want the ability to replay the whole battle.
  8. You aren't, Erwin. I move them around all the time not wanting them to deploy until I have them in position. @Rocky, I don't think they would deploy anytime they stopped, but rather only when they stopped and were told to "dig in" or similar command indicating this is where are fighting positions are going to be. And for making short hops moving from one piece of terrain to another to get a better fitring position, etc., no way they would set up at each stop. For me, I actually enjoy the micromanagement aspect of commanding them when to deploy. For those who can't tell if they are deployed or whether you even ordered them to or not, get JuJu's UI mod (I think it was his). Very colorful, and you will have absolutely no problem telling whether or not a particular command was given...a given order is highlighted until it is cancelled or another order is given. So the "Deploy" button stays "lit" until you cancel/override it. And the picture of the weapon in the UI is in a big square that says either "Deployed" or "Not Deployed". You simply can't miss it. @JasonC, like JonS said, undeployed HMGs will fire away just like the non-deployable lmgs.
  9. My brother was a M60 gunner in Viet Nam (1st Cav). You bet they were clean. (Well, maybe not the belt as much, but the rounds were.) He was always cleaning/recleaning them as necessary out in the field. If your life and the life of your squadies were on the line, wouldn't you make certain they were?
  10. Looking great! Like Rokko said, use heavy wood tiles for the ATditch, or you could use mud.
  11. Whew, oh yeah, verified, er...make that Certifiable!
  12. My sentiments exactly, sburke. Besides, it beats growing a tumor about things that you can't control anyway.
  13. And after you move the MG team right up to the bocage, make sure you give them a Face Order essentially perpendicular to the bocage row before you give the Deploy Order. I have never had a problem shooting through bocage doing it that way. Oh, and it is a good idea when practical to stop your teams/squads/section one Action Square short of the bocage, then use Slow Order (they'll crawl) into the AS next to the bocage. it will be harder for the enemy to detect them. Then if you can afford the time, let them sit a turn or two without moving/firing (you'll need to have them Hide--not that best idea that close to potential enemy--or better yet give them a short Cover Arc), and they may detect any enemy in the bocage across the road.
  14. That has to be it, since this guy is moving back and to the right...back and to the right
  15. Has anyone consulted Chuck Norris yet about this? I think his subjective observations about bullets hitting his body could shed some light.
  16. Erwin, unless Aris changed the placement of bolts and such, it should work fine as you did it.
  17. That squad either had a lower experience and/or motivation level than the one that stayed put. I don't think it is a BF coding problem...it's apparently the scenario designer's choice to give some variety to the platoon. Plus, if my srmor protection/support goes Boom! right next to me, even if not catastrophically, I be doing some serious thinking about moving in a retrograd motion...
  18. +1000, then another 1000, just to get the character count up so I can post that I agree with Myles.
  19. Yeah, that was a good one. I remember when you posted it.
  20. Vin's animated text (any version before the v2.01 version he just uploaded) is probably the culprit. But also, if you installed v2.01 patch with mods in your z folder, that also may be causing the problem.
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