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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Thank you fellas, I am glad you are enjoying them!
  2. I think that's already available (well, light, sandy colored ones anyway) in sdp's Italian Mod for CMBN. It shouldn't be too much bother to port that over into CMGL. I'll check on it tonight, Broadsword. P.S. I'm also working on Brit Para 2in mortar detachment-as-Fallschirmjaegers 50mm mortars for your Crete games.
  3. No need to rotate! but yes, you could add as many numbers as you want. I thought of doing a folder like that, with all 40 uniforms, but it would look even more random and varied than even i like!
  4. Ian, if you put them both in, or all five in, yes, 1944 should trump. But it was set up for you to pick only one folder and put that one in the z folder. (Unless you want to mix and match individual uniforms. And make a new folder for them.
  5. Meh, can't please everyone. By the way, I missed giving credit Jorge MC for his helmet mod. His mod inspired me to do a few different helmet bands, and upon closer inspection, I have at least one of his in this mod. He graciously let me use it. Gotta love this modding community! Thanks Jorge! His mod is here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/4887/details
  6. Yup, FRAPS. It can capture screenshots and videos of games, too.
  7. Blackcat, if you give them a Slow order to one Action Square away from the bunker and make sure they are facing it, they may throw a satchel at it. There is no guarantee they will, and they may just chuck 'Andes at it, or do nothing, but it is the only way I know to get your troops to throw explosives. There is no command specifically for it. Sorry I couldn't help more, but I'm the spawn of Ward Cleaver.
  8. Sorry I missed it if it's in this thread, but which QB map was used in this battle?
  9. Genuine Corinthian Leather vs. Naugahyde.
  10. I had to change my web browser, but I finally got it uploaded at CMMODS, and in one piece, not split up like it is in the BFC Repository. http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods
  11. OKAY, I had to upload it in three parts, so the chance of me effing it up (and the extra hassle to download) has increased exponentially , but they all went through, so now it's just a matter of waiting for them to pass BFC inspection. I found the upload max notice...it's 75MB, give or take.
  12. Exactly what I was going to do, Fizou. I hate splitting them up, but gonna have to, I guess.
  13. All done tweaking and tried again last night to upload on both CMMODS and the Repository. No go for either. I know that I can upload at CMODS on another 'puter--I still don't know why I can't on mine, I used to be able to do so--but the only one available today is my work computer, and I'm leary about using that one, plus I'm off today anyway. I have another possibility I'll be checking out later today. So it will be up at CMODS tonight, anyway. I'll keep trying the Rep today. Edit: I suspect in regard to the Repository, my zip file is just too big. It's 143MB, and looking through other mods, the largest I saw was about 97MB. Anyone know the upload limit? I don't see anything on the BFC website about that.
  14. Yes, you can for scenarios. It wouldn't work in QBs though. You can switch between Allied v Axis, Allied v Allied, and Axis v Axis while you are setting up units in a scenario. I used to think once you chose between those options, you are locked in, but turns out that's not the case. So when you're building your FJ units in an Allied v Axis situation, you just have to switch to Mission and choose Allied to Allied, go back to Units, choose Purchase Axis (in Units, the choice is always Allied or Axis for obvious reasons), and purchase a Brit Para mortar from Specialist Teams. Voila!
  15. I resemble that remark! Quoteth Ahhhnold: I'll be back!
  16. Thanks Jaeger and Erwin, I sometimes can't tell if my uniforms are really any good or not. I like 'em, of course, but you never know about other people. A good share of these were done several months ago, simply for my own benefit. (I have more than a hundred other modded German uniforms, not counting helmets, but alot of those are based off of other people's earlier CMBN mods.) I was encouraged to upload them by others, so then I had to do a lot more work to get them up to snuff, so to speak. However, finishing these set my Goumier uniforms back a bit, as well as a Russian mod I have been working on for my own consumption--no one would approve of the TO & E shortcuts and all the stuff that would be missing in such a mod. (I'm using Italians for Russian infantry, with Italian armor, plus probably the Lynx and Stuarts. A few red stars, brown uniforms...voila! I want to try a human wave-type defense on a GL map, just to get an EF fix.) Btw, being mentioned in the same context as Vein made my day! He's a Mod God!
  17. Oh, great idea, vin, absolutely cool!
  18. Oh yeah, you need to in order to upload at both places. It apparently has something to do with my Adobe Flash...it's not reading it. I have had no trouble in the past uploading mods at CMMODS, and I have the latest version of Flash, so who knows. I can use my son's comp to upload, but probably won't be able the finish off a few little things before they are ready until Thursday.
  19. Broadsword, did you decide on what you wanted to do with the light mortars for the FJ platoon? I think the vanilla 81mm would work OK, but I also did a quick mod of a Brit 2in mortar team and they look better than the Italians I modded. Unfortunately I didn't take pics and deleted them in the Great Ghost Uniform Hunt of 2013 (see the Fallschirmjaeger thread on Maps and Mods), but can mock one up pretty quick in the next day or so. Let me know.
  20. Thanks Erwin, it means a lot because I wasted about 20 hours just searching down the ghost files of some half-finished uniforms that kept popping up in the game, even though they did not actually exist, so to speak. Somehow those files were corrupted and became "associated" with the actual folders I kept the mods in while I worked on them. There were no psp.image bmps (the files that the paint program uses), or bmps, or anything in those folders but the files of the uniform bmp images. I looked in every single folder in the CMGL data files--v1.10, 1.10A, 1.10B and 1.10C, to find the buggers, then finally uninstalled the whole (backed-up) game, including the folders and files that are left afterwards, rebooted...and they still kept showing up! Then I took all modded 50 bmps, and one-by-one put them in the z folder and fired up the game...no luck, so turned game off, put a new file in, started it up again, and again, and again.... Still no joy.:mad: Since the errant files didn't turn out to be in any of the modded bmps, and since I put the bmp directly into the z folder intead of putting the whole mod folder in, I got the bright idea (after about 35 times) to put the mods in a brand new with a new folder name and zap the old one into eternity. It worked! Why/how a bmp file can be "in" a folder and be invisible is beyond me. (And I did check each folder for every type of file extension--still, nada.) That has never happened before when I've used the same folder for uploading. I only mention all this so that you can see how modders bleed for the community. : (...and Jesus wept!) Btw, I just finished Fustian Battle #2 with them. It appears that there are 2 AI plans for the British, so go for it...whenever I figure out the upload problem.
  21. Yeah, you're doomed. Face it like a man and dive in!
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