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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Thanks Wodin. The two tone is just the brown desert pants under the para smock, or vice versa. Fj wore quite a mix of uniforms, camo/non camo, etc. I can't stand uniformity in, er...uniforms.
  2. Yeah, they'd carve you up in a minute, Wodin. They were definitely not people to fok with.
  3. Not being disrespectful to the people who went through it, but it would be nice to have ruins like this in-game. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2344233/The-ruins-Normandy-Unpublished-color-photos-taken-northern-France-1944-devastating-impact-Allied-Forces-battle-defeat-Nazis-World-War-2.html
  4. Hi nik, yeah, I'm looking into sandals, and gonna try to make the turban area covering the sides and back of the head larger. Maybe scarves. A poilu helmet would be nice, but not until BFC adds early war French. I have scads of different colored djeballas, but pics and sources lead me to believe most were browns, dark browns and black. Apparently goums (company-sized groups) and tabors (battalions, IIRC) were based along tribal lines...but hey, you guys are going to get mixed colors, because that's they way I like to see them!
  5. Actually, Para, I did these last Saturday and a little more yesterday. I taught myself a whole lot about PaintShop muddling around with my attempt at Winter mods, both uniforms and terrain, but GL mooted that, so then I figured I'd tackle my 2 favorite unit types in Italy, these and FJs. hope you like em.
  6. Got that right! Now, if you could just get that message to Hollywierd!
  7. Just preliminary coloring done, and new helmets, but you get the idea. Coming soon.
  8. Coming to a CMGL game in your area soon! I'm working on Moroccan/Algerian Goumier (Goumiers=plural?). I'm testing colors for the djeballas, atm. The whole collar of the US/Brit greatcoat needs re-working to make it look like a normal neck opening for the djeballa, so the neck area for now is just dark. (Plus, "cuffs and collars don't match", so to speak, the problem being that the collar is not attached to the rest of the greatcoat--they are on the same bmp pic, but are separate and attach to the model in-game), These could only be used November--March, or whenever the game allows you the greatcoat option. I have more work to do on the faces...work the skin tones and add beards, work on the turban, etc. Another issue is that being part of the Free French Forces, these troops were essentially armed and kitted-out along US lines, so they should have US light and heavy weapons. They did have a mish-mash of rifles--Springfields until about mid-1944, as well as French rifles and even German Mausers. But the thing is, since I first saw a picture of some Goumiers in Italy years and years ago, they have to be wearing the tin hat (which I used to think was Brit issue, but apparently simply old US per/early war tin pots). It's just iconic to me. So that means until I teach myself how to work a hex editor, so I can point the Brit tin pot to US soldier models, these guys will have to be kitted out in Brit regalia. Comments, suggestions are welcome!
  9. I was thinking like Fizou last night, option #6 is probably the best one. I was also thinking of Option #7, however: This was a quick bash-up. A little work on the leggings, etc. Once I learn how a Hex editor works, pointing these models to the Fj helmet, and this could work; at least from a distance.
  10. Reasonable people differ. I would agree he is in the same vein as Atkinson (why no remark about his lack of depth?), but it was a good trilogy regardless, especially for the Canadan perspective. Fields of Fire is good; I haven't read Cinderella Army. I'll have to give it a go.
  11. For books, The excellent trilogy by Mark Zuehlke: http://www.amazon.ca/s/176-0451655-1528415?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Mark%20Zuehlke&search-alias=books-ca and the US Army's (US Army Historical Center, or something like that) publications on the Italian Campaigns...don't have the link atm. I have the hard copies...excellent maps!
  12. Try "The Battle of San Pietro," filmed and narrated by John Huston. And before anyone jumps on it for having "staged" footage, as some people do, apparently some footage of the troops moving up to the front was either stock or staged. Battle scenes weren't, and certainly not the footage of dead American boys from the 36th Division being stuffed into shrouds. It caused a ruckus with Army Brass, but Marshall defended it. It should be on YouTube.
  13. Old Onion headline: God answers little crippled boy's prayers. "No," says God.
  14. Great minds think alike? I looked into it and concluded the easiest (for my needs anyway) would be to use the earliest 1943 OOB and do Leros invasion, or just do Crete anyway. I started a map of the Heraklion areas...just barely started, that is. I switched to modding uniforms instead. I was also thinking of ways to simulate both landed gliders and the fact that heavier small arms would not be readily available initially until the troops reached the equipment bundles. I know you'll do an in- depth job in whatever you choose to do, Broadsword.
  15. Last night playing GL's FJ campaign, Foiling Fustian scenario #2. As I was adavncing my force after neutralizing the Brits' first defense line, a Para took out an AS 42 that was slowly creeping through a wooded patch. I was certain I had cleared all the troopers out of one area, but while watching the turn, all of a sudden WHAM...WHAM! I thought maybe they had a small AT gun (but it was taking place around Primosole Bridge...Brits had AT's brought in in gliders there?...wasn't sure). Then I saw it...a single trooper that had lain doggo gets up 1 AS away, lobs a demo charge which lands behind the vehicle, taking out one passenger, then immediately throws a second charge that lands right inside it, killing it and everyone inside. The brave bastard was immediately gunned down, at which time a buddy of his jumped up and ran hell-for-leather back to the secondary line. I would have let that one go, but the TacAI is heartless, and took him out, too. Gawd, you gotta love this game! Great little war movie vignette added to my collection.
  16. Just keep repeating "calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean......" Luv your work, PT.
  17. Aris and umlaut, did anyone figure out the problem with the mixed textures on the pz IV H? Late last night I cut and pasted the maps from GL v1.10 (or was it 100?) into Aris' mod to see if that might in some way help, but fired up the wrong pbem, one that didn't have any pv IVs in it, and had to hit the sack right after I finished that (about 1 hour) move, and forgot to check it. No time this morning either.
  18. Face files names "skins" were not changed in the latest upgrade, so "old" face mods will work.
  19. Vin, I have them all. You have most of them with CMFI v100 A and B folders, it sounds like. CMFI v110 had them after all...I should have looked the other day. There's a bunch of Brits, a handful of Germans, and about a dozen Italians. Only 4 for the US, all for SPAA's. I can email them or if you have Dropbox, I'll send an invite.
  20. Scouts, reserves, and medics for me.
  21. That score in your sig line, Sublime, is that 28 losses, 6 routs, and 13 surrenders by your Pixelmen?
  22. I don't know, but I think Sublime's been messing around...me, Sgt. Schultz, Sergei, now Lethaface. What a slut!
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