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the Fighting Seabee

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Everything posted by the Fighting Seabee

  1. 122mm 33 26 46 N 36 02 07 E Half-tracks? 22 24 19 N 36 12 40 E Tanks 33 23 28 N 36 13 21 E Just a few.
  2. I'm pretty sure that you can't heal from yellow to green or red to yellow. I think healing is really just evacuating the red guys to medical attention. I never leave a man behind if I don't have to, and my KIA count is much lower than my redfully injured guys. I think yellow just means they can still fight and red means they can't.
  3. That's funny, I actually made an Insurgent Camp map. It actually plays out somewhat similar too! Great map making technique!!
  4. Khunt, don't live up to your name man. Terrorists try to scare the crap out of (terrorize) and kill innocents to get their way. Insurgents fight foreign militaries. "Human" is a species, yes. Terrorists also fall within the limits of the human species. But the word "human" also signifies a set of values that we hold to be part of what separates us from animals. Some of these values, such as reverance for life (especially human life), honor, and reason (there are many more). Therefor, if a group of "humans" does not live up to these principles, they could be considered inhuman. I argue that terrorists lack many human principles. I, for one, will never bow to anyone who uses terror. I would fight to the bitter end in order to be "free" of terror. Terrorists fight to FORCE everyone to do what they want. Therefor, a terrorist is NEVER a freedom fighter. Don't get that confused again. Back to the topic at hand, here is some more examples of what I would love to see and hear in the game... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e4e6b92681 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2b7bc04ffc This one is especially interesting, showing the difference in sound between an f-16 and an a-10. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fe2_1208203797
  5. I have not heard of any insurgent tank action. You may be thinking of the initial invasion rather than the famous 2 battles for Fallujah, the first one that sent us packing, and the second one where the Marines took it back. I don't believe that any tanks were ever used by the insurgency. What you may want to look for is the Iraqi Republican Guard in your search. Hope that sends you in the right direction.
  6. I have a winning strategy for this mission. I don't want to just hand it to you (you're the battalion commander afterall), but... . . . . . . . don't go up the middle. Also, uh pun not intended, use smoke to get high. That's a hint for you. If you use both of these hints to your advantage and take it slow, you'll win with limited casualties.
  7. I was taught, and practiced often, the way to react during an ambush. Far ambush: > 50 ft. Response: Keep moving if in convoy, take cover and return fire if boots are on the ground. Near ambush: < 50 ft. Response: Immediately and without hesitation, get out of the kill zone by charging the enemy. Charging means you let out your war cry, shoot on fully automatic, throw grenades, bite, kick, stab, rip out eyes, and overrun the attackers. It may sound crazy, but it's you and your men's best shot at survival. Maybe if a veteran or better squad gets pinned by an enemy within two 8 meter squares, they charge. That would be interesting.
  8. I was taught, and practiced often, the way to react during an ambush. Far ambush: > 50 ft. Response: Keep moving if in convoy, take cover and return fire if boots are on the ground. Near ambush: < 50 ft. Response: Immediately and without hesitation, get out of the kill zone by charging the enemy. Charging means you let out your war cry, shoot on fully automatic, throw grenades, bite, kick, stab, rip out eyes, and overrun the attackers. It may sound crazy, but it's you and your men's best shot at survival. Maybe if a veteran or better squad gets pinned by an enemy within two 8 meter squares, they charge. That would be interesting.
  9. I was taught, and practiced often, the way to react during an ambush. Far ambush: > 50 ft. Response: Keep moving if in convoy, take cover and return fire if boots are on the ground. Near ambush: < 50 ft. Response: Immediately and without hesitation, get out of the kill zone by charging the enemy. Charging means you let out your war cry, shoot on fully automatic, throw grenades, bite, kick, stab, rip out eyes, and overrun the attackers. It may sound crazy, but it's you and your men's best shot at survival. Maybe if a veteran or better squad gets pinned by an enemy within two 8 meter squares, they charge. That would be interesting.
  10. I think I remember one of the patches was supposed to 'fix' that, or at least make them much more accurate. Still though, the drunken shotgun of the gods tends to spray all the way across the map. If I called in close air support and got that rocket barrage, I'd be pretty upset.
  11. Yes the MLRS is HE, but still can be used with great accuracy during close support fire missions. Hoolaman, You said what I was trying to say, except with more finesse. And I do realize that battlefront has very few people actually working on the game. I also realize that they do listen to us, which is why they have a HUGE laundry list of fixes and additions that they want to add. And also why the patches are up to 1.08 and not just left at 1.01. Still, as I have mentioned to Steve in past posts, this game is a gem capable of many great things, and we want to be a part of polishing it. The game has so much potential, that it would be a crime not to keep making improvements. Even with everything that has been accomplished with it at this point, it is still, in my opinion, an unfinished product (and probably always will be with respect to constantly changing military technologies, as well as our own pc technologies). So when I bitch and moan about what I want in the game, count it as the ultimate compliment. And I know that all of the people on this forum feel the same way.
  12. I finished the campaign in 1.01 and again in 1.02. I got more than half way through it about 6 more times. Now I'm sick of having to play the same missions over and over again. A saved game would be a welcome download at cmmods.
  13. OK, screw the stupid dpicm's. 1. I still want smoke rounds (how the hell are smoke rounds gonna change the fps of the game, I use smoke all the time and enemy vehicles use it all the time, and it's fine, so that's not even an argument). 2. As a lowly seabee, I could call in artillery on the other side of a hill. I did NOT have to have direct line of sight. All I needed was a map and a compass. This feature is dumb and should be fixed. The whole reason we used artillery was to hit places we couldn't hit otherwise. There I said it. 3. Here is a video of soldiers using MLRS closer than 1200 meters... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c6d_1210416574 . 4. Since there is only ONE campaign from BFC, then the relevence of what type of artillery is used in a new scenario or campaign is up to the discretion of the SCENARIO DESIGNER, not Steve. Steve said special forces couldn't be done. I did it anyway and it wasn't too bad. So Steve, wouldn't it make sense to give the designer more tools to work with, allowing for more interesting scenario variety, which in turn allows for a more diverse gameplay experience, which in turn could increase sales as well as customer retention? I think so. (Yes I know you don't care about customer retention, as you have mentioned before). 5. While I'm at it, throw in some willy peter. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b27_1210961771 6. If you guys MUST HAVE arty mines, just use regular mines and tell the player that they are arty mines. Use your imagination to simulate it. Btw, I can think one good reason to include any of these suggestions in the game... FUN. I would love to lay mines behind an enemy and make him fight me head on by taking away his escape routes. I think it would be more effective than the current "armor" option in the artillery menu. I have shot thousands of these rounds with very few armor kills. To me that was a useless waste of programming time that could have been spent on any number of game improvements. But hey, I'm just a lowly customer.
  14. I don't forsee battlefront allowing atrocities to occur in their game... which is another good reason to implement capturing enemies. Also, it would add a new dimension to scenario design.
  15. I know this has been gone over many times. But I think this would be pretty easy to implement into the game. When a unit's morale, etc, are low enough, there would be a chance for them to give up. Upon surrendering, just make it like they are casualties so the other side doesn't keep shooting at them (maybe give them a white disk to stand on rather than a red one. Then the capturing force would move up and secure them the same way as when they give medical treatment to the injured. When secured, they go away and you get 1 captured for the aar. Seems like battlefront could tweak existing code to accomplish that without too much trouble. Just a thought.
  16. It's funny this topic came up. Just last week I was wondering about this because I had SEVERAL instances where the Leaders were the LAST to die. And it seemed even more evident that the enemy leaders were extremely tough to kill. I had one enemy battalion commander becoming an army of one. He was under fire for several minutes before he was injured. Another couple of minutes of firing and he was finally dead.
  17. I have also posted in both. I personally like to see anouncements for new scenarios in the main forum, but also agree that talking about them in detail should stay in the scenario forum. If people want to download new scenarios and campaigns, they should take the two seconds required to actually look in the scenarios forum. I always peruse the scenario forum, but the best way to look is to just go to cmmods. There I can tell what I have and don't have.
  18. RPG's take out my strykers with the first shot all the time. Lucky shots I guess. In Iraq, a Marine was sitting in the back of a truck. An RPG nailed him right on the helmet. It bouced off harmlessly (except that it knocked him out and gave him a headache). Another guy (a seabee) was hit in the legs with one. It broke both of is legs and exploded on the wall behind him. It just shows you that luck has a lot to do with it. Sometimes the warhead hits at a weird angle and bounces off, sometimes it hits dead on as designed. Just luck. The one main complaint I have with RPG's in cmsf is that they are extremely accurate. RPG's tend to spiral off a lot and sometimes only fly 10 feet. Even when using a scope rather than iron sights, they are still fairly inaccurate. We had AT-4's and were always taught that they were way more accurate than RPG's or older American unguided rockets (and that's with iron sights). http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7f2_1198045257 Anyways, I'm no expert. Just my opinion. [ May 11, 2008, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]
  19. Happy Mothers Day! I'm partly Scottish, but unfortunately, I have not been able to see the land of my ancestors yet. Hopefully within the next 10 years I'll be able to go.
  20. Good points. Now mine: 1. In RT, that HUGE RED BUTTON does nothing. Please make it a pause button. It's annoying when you can do everything in the game with the mouse except pause, especially when there is a HUGE RED BUTTON THAT DOES NOTHING. 2. I would love to know which units killed what. In cmx1 you could press the enter key and it would show you all the kills they had. Please bring this to cmx2! 3. My unit icons tell me NOTHING about the units' current status. Use your imagination and you could come up with a hundred ways to show some information. 4. Be able to adjust the placement of a waypoint. 5. Better ways of organizing my units. I hate to suggest biting the style of another game, I would like to be able to group units as in the Total War series. I also like the list of troops as in the Company of Heroes series. Basically I'd like a button that shows a list of my units, then I'd like to be able to group them together. 6. An option to get rid of "?" icons. I can turn off unit icons but there are still "?" all over the place. 7. When you target, it shows range. It might be handy to show the range while moving. I mean when you select "move" then the cursor would show how many meters are between the unit and the point that the cursor is pointing. 8. I still want to tell my troops to not use rockets and missiles unless I tell them it's ok. I don't mind if they shoot up a tank that appears over the horizon automatically, but otherwise I would like to be able to use the target command without using up all my missiles. 9. It seems like snipers should be extra hard to spot. Maybe I'm wrong, but right now they seem to be the same as any other troops. BTW, I still love this game no matter what, but these improvements would make my day.
  21. Yeah, I've had that happen. I've used up my last 5 javelins on one t-62 before... and it still didn't die. I had to flank it from 2 sides and hit it with an at4. Pure luck I think.
  22. Well done! I'm gonna have to use that for a future scenario!
  23. My tanks were hit within 1 minute of arrival. I needed those, got my butt kicked.
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