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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. In the interest of good game design, successful buddy aid should be advantageous in the final score regardless of any weapons recovered. Can someone check? In fact there should be more BA given that the dead to wounded ratio in CM2 *seems* seriously skewed in favor of the former.
  2. Wikipedia: Overall, the Tiger II was a formidable tank in spite of its problems. Its 88 mm armament could destroy any of the Allied armored fighting vehicles in service during the war far outside the effective ranges of their guns.[34] Also, notwithstanding its reliability problems, the Tiger II was remarkably agile for such a heavy vehicle. Contemporary German records and testing results indicate that its mobility was as good as or better than most German or Allied tanks.
  3. Like the Battle of Arnhem? I agree it doesn't come up too much. Yet. One promising development for city fighting is that infantry is now firing from recessed positions within buildings.
  4. Would it be possible in a future edition to grant each player a 'bank' of pausable time, say ten minutes in a 60 minute battle? The bank functions like a chess clock; once you've drained your 10 minutes of pauses, that's it. Or five minutes. The size of the bank can be pre-configured before the game according to the desires of the players in selectable increments.
  5. Whinging? What whinging? This looks looks like it has potential: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical/y_eIWeG-Kg0
  6. It's not really that bad. The situation where a tank is firing up at a 6th floor window doesn't often occur. As a matter of fact, I've never witnessed such an extreme event in game. And faced with an upper story target the tank will elevate the barrel, achieving a rather visible and convincing angle.
  7. This quirk- no attempt to simulate the limitations of u gun elevation- has been around since CMBO. And heavily discussed back then. As YD points out this is easily remedied for the player but not the AI. In the same way implementing an Armor Cover Arc poses no problem if all games were H2H. Getting the AI to employ it intelligently is another matter.
  8. Because mortar teams have binoculars and some (British) infantry squads don't?
  9. Hard to say. Virtually none of the scenarios that shipped with CW include air power. Whatever the reason.
  10. What's the rush? This gives you and Lanzfeld a decided edge in PBEM matches.
  11. Did you have enough time, Erwin? Inquiring minds want to know.
  12. Yes, in the next module based on Market Garden.
  13. MANY problems? Affecting game play? Version 1.10? I think we're playing different games. You're being a bit dramatic.
  14. Nope. It's the aristocratic Hasso von Manteuffel, commander of the Großdeutschland Division in Russia. In the West, his formation, an army group, achieved the deepest penetration of Allied lines in the Bulge, almost to the Meuse. And, yes, he was really, really short. Dudley Moore short. From WIKIPEDIA: 'He spoke fluent, even sophisticated, English, and was an honored guest in the United States, visiting the Pentagon and, by the invitation of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the White House. In 1968 he lectured at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and worked as a technical adviser on war films and was featured in Cornelius Ryan's The Last Battle. He also featured in the acclaimed documentary, The World at War.' He died in '78.
  15. Staged: 1- The Mutt 'n Jeff Panzerschreck team. 2- The U.S. mortar group. Intensely aware of the camera. And how come no new ones with the CW module?
  16. I recall there's only one 'Observer' on an FO team. If this guy catches a bullet you're SOL.
  17. The first three assertions in that second sentence are untrue. True the graphic doesn't have have a linear shape which would make them suitable for use behind hedgerows. But you already have the berm for protection even if one can't duplicate some of the truly elaborate defenses devised by the Germans in the bocage. BFC is perfectly capable of coming up with a terrain deforming version of foxholes that would retain FOW and look better. But its implementation would freeze out the X number of gamers with low end rigs. Maybe one of your PBEM partners?
  18. Speaking of Anti-tank, the AI still *loves* those guns when playing random QBs. Here in a recent Tiny QB, the AI picked FIVE, including several 88s:
  19. Speaking of predictions, Hister, did you get your nick from Nostradamus? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostradamus
  20. I'd favor fife and drum music, e.g., this excerpt from Barry Lyndon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH3JEuQPpKs&feature=related Eighteenth century but stirring and a propos. Or 'Scotland the Brave' with bagpipes:
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