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Lt Belenko

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Everything posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Solar Panels: Soviet Russia was planning world conquest at the time (Jimmy Carter Era). When the T72s were rolling down Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, the solar panels would fit right in with the solar panels on the White House (Jimmy Carter era).
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SBL6dgBBak Is this what you're looking for?
  3. I just played a 3000X3000 game against 6 AIs. The 40% processing time improvement is greatly appreciated.
  4. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/exclusive-the-unseen-photographs-that-throw-new-light-on-the-first-world-war-1688443.html?action=Popup&ino=1
  5. The whole universe knows politicians have no ethics. Are you really implying that BFC has no schedule?
  6. And the BFC PR/Marketing Dept consists of screen shot bones ever 3-4 months. Excruciatingly fugal indeed.
  7. That's what I'm talking about!!! When I got Panzer Blitz for Christmas in 1971 (9th grade), the family did its usual Midnight Mass after which we opened presents. I didn't sleep again until around 10 AM on the 26th, after reading the rules 25 to 30 times. And energy drinks weren't even invented at the time.
  8. I see you are new to the forum. Did you look at the CMBB/CMAK games for WWII Tactical battles? It should hold you over until "CMSF- Normandy" comes out in ...well the release date is "When its Ready"' EOS is pretty good for a strategic level abstract game. Other than that I prefer Freecell over Solitaire any day.
  9. Why would one ever yell at kids on the lawn? The "automatic" sprinklers work just fine for redirecting under age trespassers.
  10. I've sent planes on straight line scouting missions and had them detour to make an attack. I cant say the number of pixels off the assigned path they travelled, but there was some deflection. Also, if their assigned path was to full radius they won't have fuel go off course.
  11. You need to research and build fertilizer factories for max food production. There is also fish management but I'm not sure how much that gives you. You need to run about 10 RP or so to get way ahead of the AI on research.
  12. I've experienced the small enemy territory too. A solution is to play against 2 or 3 AI players and declare war on them once you are established. This makes the game last much longer with many cities/islands to overrun. Yup, producing enuff food is a problem even with the fertilizer factories. You must sell the iron/oil to buy the food. I do the calculation cash plus iron plus oil better be greater than 3X food. Yup, I'm right up to date in version of the game.
  13. In America there things like: Dr Phil, Dear Abby and Dr Laura for questions like this. Around these parts (BFC land) lets try to keep the questions limited it to: Who's grass mod is that? What about the Bren tripod? How much butter and garlic does one use when cooking a Space Lobster of Doom?
  14. Sounds challenging. I'll give it a go.
  15. There is one there I agree with #92 Detox. It's REAL it EXISTS. I've spent more than a few days in Detox.
  16. My problem was I scrolled past the International Date Line (wrap line) around the world without seeing it. Perhaps it could be made bolder and red so it easily seen.
  17. I'm playing a really large map with a horizontal wrap. It would be nice to have LAT/LON lines that could be toggled on and off. They could either be representative of the game grid or use something like actual Earth like LAT/LONs with and an Equator and the International date line at the wrap point. A really nice feature would be it the lines automatically zoomed in relation to the map zoom. Long distance views with 100 or 200 unit grid lines and 5 unit grid lines when zoomed in. Perhaps in EOS 2.0.
  18. Note to self: Delay all posts by 5 minutes.
  19. This is something I'd like to see in the future. A more robust file manager at the opening screens. Things like: creating folders, moving files around, starting games from different folders, copying files, and deleting files.
  20. For Crocs will the towed FT fuel trailer be treated as a separate entity? Can it be destroyed and the tank go on fighting with out flame capability? From that can we infer a towed gun could be destroyed in transit and the towing truck/HT survive?
  21. Those evil Christians made some one go to a concert. Can you spell FT HOOD. I hope this isn't seen as political or defamatory. Just reporting what I read in the papers too.
  22. Plenty of black widows in So Cal. I kill a few every year around the yard and garage. Go out side around 9-11 PM on a warm evening use a flash light, look up around the eaves. Keep a can of long reaching wasp spray handy for the black widow spideys. When I was a kid, an older kid told me, never pick up a rock or stick laying in the yard, always move it with your foot and flip it over 1st. And always look in the old tennis shoes on the patio, you wear for yard work before putting them on - most bites occur putting your feet in the shoes they call home.
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