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Lt Belenko

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Everything posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Will haystacks, carts, and sheds/outhouses burn and/or take damage? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E24cveClIGI at 6:05 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-gl2s2dJtw The first 15 seconds
  2. Any one notice exuberant amount of time Steve is spending on the forums? Prediction: Pre-orders are imminent.
  3. Let me make a SWAG here - you are not talking about a Scientific Wild A$$ Guess? What means this other definition of SWAG?
  4. The only good part of the article is where it says a low price would force the company to quickly release a sequel or in the case of BFC a follow on module. Bottomline: Just keep the modules and new games coming.
  5. Horses have 4 gaits walk, trot, canter, and gallop. We should be allowed to set vehicle speeds at 5 mile intervals.
  6. TYVM Added words just to reach the minimum required to make this a valid post.
  7. You are correct sir. With 30 years of technical writing Experience under my oversized belt. BFC would do well to pick ME!!
  8. I'm not saying music died in 1975. 65-75 was the Golden age. Disco - barf Punk took some getting used too. A few good bands Ramones, Social Distortion. The "Hair" Bands of the 80s. - freaking noise. White Snake, Van Halen, AC/DC, Mottley Crew, etc. They all sounded alike. KISS:Make up with a few good/great songs - Why the paint? I don't get it. The screaming banshee women of the early 90s- Mariah Carey, Celineon Dion, Paula Adbull - I'd prefer to jab sharp pencils in my ears. I recently discovered New Order 80/90s - great music. Blues is great too. Best song writer ever - Paul Simon. Best vocals - Tossup between Eric Burdon - Jim Morrison. Guitar - Carlos Santana or Eric Clapton.
  9. Michael one more "You may be right" to add to your sig line. 65-75 was the best years of rock. From the Animals to Frank Zappa - all good stuff in that era. And then along came disco - barf.
  10. Terrible waste of potentially medicinal seeds.
  11. Are the Canadians serving Maple Leaves with these missing waffles?
  12. Then to keep it more along WWII lines of discussion: There were more Jerry/Tommy surrenders in Afrika than Ivan/Fritz surrenders in the Ostfront.
  13. Like my mother used to say: Wish in one hand... ....(another line goes here)... ....See which one gets filled faster.
  14. Holy crap! Was that guy for real? One more question: Did his invention work out?
  15. Only sadness is over the extended waiting time for pre-orders.
  16. Slacker. I check in multiple times an hour for 17 hours each day. The other 7 hours, everybody needs some sleep.
  17. This is just another delaying tactic by BFC to quell the rebellion from the masses demanding the game be released.
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