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Everything posted by bodkin

  1. How many save and reloads were involved? I don't really care but I think missions - at least official ones - should come with some room for error, by that I mean if a plan dosen't work and you lose a few men an alternative done right to achive the objectives should get you a victory without having to save and reload, just my view of how the game should work and how I like playing it.
  2. This is the most important release for BFC since CMBO - they may disagree, but with the amount of attention and expectation around CM:Normandy I believe it will be a major crisis point in their future success with the series. So from a company view it's so important to get it right, not just in terms of how it's recieved by CM veterans but by reviewers and potential new players alike. Therefore the game will be released when it's ready and no sooner, although I'd like to know what the 'solid target date for wrapping things up' is.
  3. Below info is from the 1.03 patch notes, just to be clear the third number in your display size.txt is for refresh rate....I think, hope this helps. CHANGING GAME RESOLUTION: By default, the first time the game is launched, the games internal resolution is set whatever your desktop's resolution is. We have added a two ways to adjust your game resolution. From inside the game, go to the Main Menu, then select the Options panel. From there you can select the game to run at the following resolutions: Desktop = (the game will run at whatever resolution your desktop is set to) 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 If you want to run the game in a resolution not listed, you can manually set this by editing the "display size.txt" file located in your game directory. Simply change the two numbers that you see in there with the width and height you wish to run the game. ex: For 1680x1050 you would delete the two numbers in that file and replace with "1680 1050" (without quotes). If you put in "0 0", the game will revert to using your desktop resolution. 60hz REFRESH RATE NOTE: Currently, if you change your resolution, the game will set the refresh rate to 60hz. While on LCD monitors that's the preferred rate but on older CRT monitors this low of a refresh rate may result in some screen flickering. In the near future, we will release a patch that will include the ability to set the games refresh rate manually.
  4. Any chance the Nvidia fix is going to be applied to CM:A, I haven't seen it mentioned?
  5. Not till we get to Normandy, you can make it hazy though.
  6. Considering most people wouldn't notice and the fact that they'd have to have a different model and texture that wouldn't show earphones come into operation when the crew bailed out I doubt it's high on the list.
  7. Look on the bright side we'll all have something else to look forward to other than 'medication time' and sponge baths while in the Gods Waiting Room retirement home - and no drooling on the keyboards!
  8. I'm currently playing a mission in the German campaign were I have to fight against Special Forces troops in buildings, nearly the whole company has been firing at one squad of these terminators for 3 or 4 turns and so far I think I've slightly wounded one of them. They occasionally fire back with an RPG-29 and kill half a squad of my guys, very frustrating. BTW you might want to look at this thread. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94051
  9. Note from BFC " due to inclement weather conditions in Scotland, 'CM:Something to do with Normandy', will be delayed. Well ok, but no more favours to the people of Scotland, you have now officially used them all up.
  10. I can't wait for Operation Star but there seems to be a delay in the english version as the Russian version has been out for some time. I heard that the publishers have no real interest in getting it translated, hopefully not so I can finally counter those T-34's with some Tiger payback. I don't know the history of what happened with T-72 but I'd wish they'd come back to BFC as it all seems a bit messy at the moment.
  11. Just picked up Achtung Panzer Kharkov a few days ago and it's resigned every other game I have to the shelf. It takes a while to work out what the hell's going on due to a lack of any meaningful tutorial but once you sort of know what your doing it's very rewarding. The level of detail is amazing, I heard a banging sound coming from one of my immobilised Marders, I zoomed in to see a crew member bashing the rolling gear with sleadgehammer and he got it going again after about half an hour much to his credit. At the end of a battle you can zoom in on knocked out tanks where all the penetrations are marked with red arrows that tell you what type of gun made the hit and what kind of shell was fired. I'm loving the large maps as well, Recon units are actually useful in this game, you need them to scout and locate the enemy so you can then manouver your main fighting units into the battle. It dosen't have the same level of squad control as Combat Mission, you basically manouver your squads into an engagement and they then think for themselves somewhat in terms of taking cover and weapons choice. However it's definately not a mass market RTS type experience it requires thought on the strategic and tactical level and it's all very historically accurate as well in terms of units and setting. I hope the guys that made this expand the series with new theatres and addons, I've already forgotton about CM:Normandy.
  12. I think protection on roof tops was increased in one of the patches because units were too vulnerable before to small arms fire when on a walled roof. While that was a nice change it also seems to have resulted in air burst artillery being ineffective. The main problem for me at the moment is that many scenarios seem a bit broken as the scenario designers have given you arty to deal with identified threats in buildings yet this dosen't seem effective anymore making infantry assaults with the subsequent casualties necessary.
  13. I think Paper Tiger made the Canadian campaign, and it does sound like one of his diabolical creations. I haven't played it yet so I can't comment too much but I remember him saying previously about his unoffical missions that he makes them to suit his own tastes for a challenge and then releases them to the public to make up their own opinion. Maybe he's still apllying this philosophy to the official missions which I believe shouldn't be so hard to cause rage/frustration to gamers that have bought the game for some enjoyment in their precious gaming time. Don't take that the wrong way PT I like most of your stuff, except I still have nightmares over 'It ain't half hot mum'.
  14. While we're here I'm finding getting the mission type right even more frustrating now that there is a 'Personel/General' option. I just called in CAS with an aircraft that had the first two bars showing some level of ordanance on board. I selected 'medium/general' only to wait a few minutes for the pilot to get in the 'POP' to tell me 'all ordanance expended, I'm RTB'. It would be a really nice feature if you could only select missions that are available for the given aircraft.
  15. Ryujin, Any chance you can post a new link to just the M1 and the Bradley, the old link is broken. Thanks,
  16. I'm noticing this alot more often now, I just spotted a Syrian HQ squad on the second floor of a two storey building. I pounded it into rubble with a 155 barrage that kept going after the building was flattened, the following turn I counted six guys still fighting effectively from the rubble. I think unit experience has something to do with the survivability equation as well, but whatever the case may be this definately needs a tweak.
  17. I agree 60 seconds can be an excruciatingly long time for WEGO players on the modern battlefield and I presume WEGO players suffer greater casualties in general than they would playing RT. Which is why I somtimes struggle keeping casualties low in scenarios designed by RT players like some of Paper Tigers missions, or that's my excuse.
  18. I just flattened a three storey building with an airstrike and 155mm arty. I then sent a squad up to where the building once stood only to see them get gunned down by nearly a full Syrian rifle squad waiting in the rubble. It reminded me of that scene out of the Blues Brothers when Jake and Elwood dust themselves off after their apartment block is destroyed. Artillery seems almost useless now against defenders in buildings.
  19. I had something similar playing the Germans in the NATO campaign. A main gun round from a Leopard went right through the head of Syrian officer and exploded 50 metres further back, gold.
  20. Just on this topic I've noticed the scenario difficulty has increased with each module release. For a new player jumping into one of the NATO campaigns this could be quite daunting and even frustrating enough to put them off keep playing. One thing I don't like about alot of scenarios being made now is the use of a very strict friendly casualty limit. I prefer scenarios that are more a puzzle and a tactical challenge, so if you go the wrong way and lose a few men you can still recover and win. But in alot of scenarios now a lucky RPG shot on a AFV with a squad in it can doom you to failure. I'm a veteran player and get frustrated at these strict casualty limits because I like to play for enjoyment in the limited time I have to spend on the game, but I'm also concerned new players will just give up and shelve it. I guess I'm looking forward to when we get back to WW2 when pixeltruppen were expected to die for their masters without question.
  21. Mig 23 unit icon looks like a Mig 25.
  22. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=select&id=25&orderby=2&page=5
  23. Yep I've had this as well, sometimes the barrage never arrives after you adjust it. Also and I don't know if I'm just imagining this but often I hear the sound of the incoming rounds in the last seconds of a turn but never see any impacts during the next turn.
  24. I think that was a bug with an earlier version, make sure your playing the latest version.
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