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Everything posted by bodkin

  1. Not really a mod but I've found the two 'grass doodads' files from CMSF look alot better in CMA than the stock grass it comes with.
  2. CMx1 with high res mods and graphics settings maxed out dosen't compare too badly to CMx2. CMx2 still suffers a bit with buildings looking rather sterile, I'd like to see the building model come with a base footprint texture which looks like someones actually lived in it, worn foot pads, a little bit of paving etc rather than looking like it's been beamed in by a ufo and no ones ever set foot in it.
  3. I'd be keen but can only get dial-up where I live so it ends up being a very slow game sending those big save files back and forth.
  4. Another baffling result, all trucks made it safely to the exit zone. http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/5456/cmaaar.jpg
  5. So far I've found the 1980 campaign quite challenging unfortunately not because of genuine tactical problems but often because of unclear briefings or frustrating scenario design. I've just finished the Kill Zone mission where you have to escort the convoy, with 15 minutes to go I was finishing off the last group of defenders between my trucks and the exit zone when the enemy surrendered, which gave me a minor defeat! I presume because I didn't get any trucks to the end. The Muj got a hefty 500 points just for turning up. The mission before that I waited in ambush as the briefing suggested only to find the Muj convoy decided to take a big right turn and exit off the map out of effective range of any of my weapons. The ambush mission before that in the snow covered mountains ended in a draw as many of the enemy somehow exited off the map no where near the zones shown on the tactical map. Just needed to vent a bit, hopefully things will improve as I keep playing.
  6. I love this little video, just a crew of guys in a foreign country fighting a war they may not understand but for some reason the comradery comes through. Love the Bruce Lee pics in the APC and for some reason it reminds me of Apocalyspe Now even if the're just driving through the countryside, maybe it's because the guy with the moustache reminds me of the chef.
  7. I recommend using Gordon's 'plain russian vehicle' skins that he made for CMSF, they look right at home in CMA.
  8. I suffered a major defeat in that mission despite my depleted squad repelling all Muj advances, but as you said a few lucky rpg's seemed to doom me as I lost one of my two BMP's and half a dozen men. Next time I might withdraw the majority of my force to a better position leaving a token unit hidden to hold the hill. A little gamey maybe but the points system seems so heavily weighted towards the enemy in this mission.
  9. Welcome to the forums! I'll leave the debate about OOB accuracy to the more knowledgible members of the community, but despite said unrealistic equipment portrayal I wouldn't bin the game just yet.
  10. Hopefully someone with skills in uniform modding buys this game and applies their talent as many look quite low res and bland.
  11. I hope some makes a 'faces of the Soviet Union' mod because at the moment every Soviet troop looks like they come from Mongolia.
  12. Martian landscape? Have you got a screenshot? What are you saying, that there is no vegetation?
  13. Today's tip of the day is that you can use most CMSF mods in CMA. Well as long as they are relevant, so you can use any of the effects mods from CMSF like flames, explosions, smoke, tracers, etc without a problem just drop them in a Z folder. Sound mods also work fine, so any sound mods with Syrian weapons will work ok in CMA, it will just ignore any irrelevant sounds from the Brits or US. I'm going to make a transparent/subtle icons mod but it wont happen until next week when I get a day off. Just hoping Scipio buys this game so he makes a mod to replace the green fluro weapon icons.
  14. I've never noticed this but I assume that the AI that controls aircraft is the same as for ground forces and is more likely to spot the enemy when they open fire. I still get frustrated when using air support, specifically the ammo bars, I can usually get it right when the aircraft has three bars that I believe correspond to light, medium and heavy missions. However when there are four bars or sometimes two I call in a mission, wait 5 minutes or so until I hear that the aircraft is 'cleared hot' then get the message "guns are dry I'm RTB".
  15. As long as they don't make it exclusive to Steam so that you can only get patches from Steam and all the associated problems for people with poor net service. There's also plenty of other ethical issues with Steam that I won't go into.
  16. The 180 series work the problem started with the 190 series.
  17. I'm getting it on the new drivers when I never had it before using a 9800GT on xp.
  18. However I observed that the AT rounds were only supressing the defenders in the building, it was the HE round that eventually caused casualties.
  19. I've noticed RPG crews will use up all their AT ammo against enemy infantry in buildings before switching to HE is this right?
  20. My understanding is that the breaching tank would spray an arc of mg fire across the base of the opposite hedgerow to suppress the waiting defenders, at the moment there is no command in CMx2 to simulate this, which I fear is going to end up in suicide missions for US tank crews in CM:N.
  21. I'm playing the 'Road to Amarah' mission in the 'Road to Dinas' campaign and found some troops becoming chronically exhausted after a 50m quick movement order. Paper Tiger made the campaign before 1.21 and then released a post 1.21 version but not sure if he addressed the fatigue issue or wether it's intended to be like that. Some scenarios are definately broken or made alot harder than the designer intended by the new fatigue factor in hot conditions including 'It ain't half hot mum' which is nigh impossible now.
  22. There's also one in the middle of the street in the BoB Carentan battle.
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