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Everything posted by Zatoichi

  1. Wow. Just wow. First off, thanks to tyrespawn for these VAARs - great job! I too was having to sit on my hands so I didn't try and reposition units or check damage to recently hit tanks! How's that for immersion? It's so great to finally see the game in motion - I was blown away at how smooth the game was playing considering all the foliage and intense fire fights (not to mention FRAPS chugging away in the background), and there was no noticeable tree 'texture pop' either, which is a fabulous improvement over CMSF. It's a shame it cuts out right at the end when you're about to show us the kills each unit got - maybe you can include this in your next vid? Anyway, great job showcasing the game - I am properly excited and now also very late for work!
  2. Agreed - and the funny thing is, I pretty much took all of this for granted before anything was written about the new DRM in the original thread. Maybe I'm naive to trust Battlefront to look after their product without compromising my system in some dastardly way? Either way, this really was an excellent description of the issue and the new solution - thanks.
  3. We can't all be Tube Guy in real life, this could be as close as some people get.
  4. It puts me in mind of this oldie but goldie: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/iheartdeadseraphim/thehorror.gif Now that is a thousand yard stare.
  5. Tee hee. I guess some people have different priorities when they look at what CMBN will offer... Very different.
  6. I'm not sure if I'll start with one of the campaigns or dip my toes into a preliminary test QB. Either way, I will be spending some quality time with the game and the editor for the foreseeable future. Oh, and mopping drool from the keyboard no doubt!
  7. Excellent job guys - thanks for your hard work and genuine enthusiasm for the game! I simply cannot wait to get this game installed on my PC!
  8. What date is it today again? So anyway, here we are in April, which means we're already nearer May than we were yesterday, so it's almost late April right? So is it being released today or what?
  9. Ha! That's pretty much exactly what happened to me! I started out on ATI - there was the whole 'left click compatibility' issue with their drivers and CMSF way back in 2007/8 which you guys worked around. I stayed with ATI until a further ATI bug caused CMSF to crash if you used any drivers newer than 9.3 (back in 2009). So I finally swapped over to NVIDIA - of course, pretty much as soon as my new NVIDIA card arrived, ATI fixed their drivers and NVIDIA released a new set that had the 'lighting bug' (which is now fixed by an actual code change in CMSF & CMA and I'll assume in CMBN too). All driver glitches aside, I have to say CMSF and CMA look better on NVIDIA cards on my PC (in my humble opinion of course). So, take from that what you will, but evidently I am a total a total jinx, so you should go with ATI!
  10. It's currently about £50, but there's almost certainly a charge from your bank/credit card company on top of that. Still, that's a bargain given the hours/days/weeks/months of gaming time I'll be extracting from the game.
  11. What a fantastic way to start the day - pre-ordering over breakfast - how very civilised! In the UK we have a bunch of Bank Holidays at the end of April - Easter and a couple of young toffs tying the knot means I can have 11 days without work and only use 3 days of my annual leave... Now, what to tell the wife? (I suspect that thorny issue is worthy of a whole different thread). Congrats BFC!
  12. Yeah, unfortunately 'long established and impossible to extract myself from' real life plans got in the way, otherwise I'd have been up there like a shot - it's only 2 hours by train (my in-laws live in Chester, so I even had a ready made excuse to dump the wife off for the weekend!) It sounds like you all had a great time - I'm thoroughly jealous! I'll just have to suck it up and wait for a few months before I get my hands on it. Any further details any other attendees want to add to help ease the wait?
  13. This sounds amazing, but I have to say: Pictures or it didn't happen! I don't suppose there'll be any previews in London then, right?
  14. Thanks Elvis - great job entertaining and providing tidbits of information throughout. I really appreciate the time and effort you've put into this - thanks!
  15. That was a great read from start to finish - it's kept me entertained throughout. Considered my appetite whetted! Thanks for taking the time (and the screenshots!)
  16. Great job - looking forward to getting hold of this when I finish work!
  17. Hmmm. Now I think about it, my German infantry squad fired off a panzerfaust at a target I'd given them a Target Light area fire order to. The target was infantry in a building (showing as an '?'), but I thought Target Light meant small arms only?
  18. Excellent stuff - thanks for sharing that with us! Soon eh? Soon is good. I like soon. I prefer now, but I can live with soon.
  19. They're not in CM:A, so I don't imagine they'll be in NATO. Not having them can be a bit annoying occasionally, but it's not one of my personal top 5 bugbears with CM (Better quick battles, redesigned Acquire system, AI triggers, kill stats and damage decals if anyone is keeping score). Even without all of the above being included or even on the list*, I will still happily buy NATO, and the WW2 titles - they'll get there eventually. *QBs will be overhauled in the WW2 release for sure, no idea about the others.
  20. It's interesting to see just how much better CMSF is now compared to its release - there are a ridiculous number of improvements, adjustments and brand new functionality (not to mention of course actual bug fixes). Add all of this to the new content introduced by the modules and the 3 years of experience gained by the very talented scenario and campaign creators (both those contained in the modules and those released independently) and you have a superb game that is undoubtedly about to get even better with the (hopefully imminent) introduction of the NATO module. I guess I'm a bit odd in that I liked the game right off the bat, so I've been an extremely happy gamer for the last 3 years watching a game I enjoy getting better and better with each patch and module. Yes, the bugs were frustrating, and yes, it can always do with more features or tweaks, but having the current evolved engine as the basis for 'CM:WW2 title unknown' promises great things for the future. So how do I regard CM:SF? Pretty darn highly. Just my 2 pence.
  21. Yes - I've read a post where Moon or Steve have said a patch for 'vanilla' CMSF will be released to coincide with the NATO release. Not sure of the timescales involved though.
  22. Well, I lost a few of the 1980 missions, but still ended up with an overall Tactical Victory at the end of the campaign. (But there were a few reloads along the way, to be honest!) I think maybe some things have been 'lost in translation' to some extent in the briefings. Overall I've really enjoyed the missions of the first campaign, whether or not I've fully grasped the briefings!
  23. Thanks for this thread - what a nice way to start the boring workday! Three different campaigns and a complete overhaul of the QB maps, not to mention new functionality and three new forces to mess around with. What's not to like? Oh, and Syrian trucks... Thanks one and all - I wish you every success with this module, I cannot wait to get my hands on it!
  24. I'm of the same opinion Destraex1. I guess this may mean extra admin for the team though, but I'd like to be able to pre-order the game regardless of whether it's digital or physical.
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