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Everything posted by Zatoichi

  1. Unfortunately moveable waypoints have been AWOL since CMSF was released - they are on 'the list' for BFC to implement, but as with all things on that impossibly large list, there's no real way of knowing when they'll have the time to do it. I've mostly got used to not having them now after years of CMSF, but I quite understand it can be frustrating to have to re-plot complex moves because you want to fine tune things.
  2. QBs! How could I have forgotten about QBs? Oh, and: You see, I was going to say all that stuff! Mind you, actually I didn't know about half of these - 1 week ago most of that list would have driven the forum 'bone crazy', but I guess with the release being a few days away and the demo in our hot sweaty hands, we're too busy playing to notice! Anyway, I'll certainly miss these enhancements when I go back to CMSF for my modern warfare fix. As much as I love WW2, there's just something special about watching a Javelin streaking off towards its target that'll never get old for me! But I've got a feeling that won't be for a few months yet...
  3. It's WW2 - that seems to be an improvement for a lot of people here! Other than that, the new soldier animations (including multiple different death animations) noticeably improved compared to CMSF. Surrendering is new - seems to have completely replaced the old orange '!' from CMSF. Terrain rendering is far better than CMSF - Normandy seems less of a strain than on my PC than Syria or Afghanistan were, plus the trees etc don't vanish at a distance, so the LODs have been vastly improved too. Loads of other stuff that I'll remember as soon as I post this.
  4. Oh, that's good - less hassle all round. I must be misremembering from CMSF. Looks like your sig is bang on the money!
  5. This is how I do it in WeGo - obviously, RT needs less fuss: If no engineers are available, have a tank area fire at the bocage for about 30 seconds (use the pause feature to set this 30 seconds), and give the tank a tiny move order - then place a Target Arc order from this waypoint as that this will stop the tank blasting away for the whole minute (30 seconds should do the trick).
  6. Normal Dude - just wanted to say thanks! Seeing the effort you've put into this one map is astonishing. I have to say, from my perspective it was worth every minute - I've had immense enjoyment fighting over the terrain, solving the tactical puzzles it presented and watching my Shermans brew up when it turned out I hadn't solved them! Plus I got to blow large chunks of it to smithereens, which is always fun! I cannot wait to get my hands on the full game - the demo has me addicted after 4 hours of play.
  7. That's the 'Buddy Aid' system - yes, it was in CMSF. Any soldier can provide buddy aid by being in the same action spot as a friendly casualty. The effects of buddy aid will not bring wounded troops back into that scenario, but they may reduce the chance of a WIA turning into a KIA at the victory screen, so can affect the final score. Plus you get to automatically acquire fallen soldiers' ammo and weapons by administering buddy aid - very handy! It's worth doing this on a KIA soldier (with the skull and crossbones on the base) as you will recover some of their ammo, even though this 'aid' will not help them. I had a tank crew give buddy aid to a couple of soldiers who had fallen during an earlier assault, and they ended up with a Garrand and a Tommy gun - not bad!
  8. Today's complexity is tomorrow's simplicity!
  9. I must have found a useful one - I lost a tank to one (either a 'shrek or a 'faust, I never did spot the unit that did it) through some spectacularly bad luck (commonly known as bad tactics by some people). Anyway, I ended up with a Total Victory despite losing 3 Shermans and 11 men killed, 18 wounded. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of letters to write to the poor pixelwives and pixelmothers.
  10. Eric - sfhand is referring to the coloured tiles that show up at the end of a waypoint when you plot a move that show where the teams in your squad will end up. They're definitely not as easy to see as they were in CMSF. I'm pretty sure they'll be moddable if they're not tweaked by BFC. Oh, and I'm running a NVIDIA gtx570, so it's not your card at fault. I've only managed to play the tutorial scenario so far, so I don't know if it's related to the time of day or not.
  11. Hey Taki - I think you'll need to provide some more details. Are you on the PC or Mac? What cpu and gpu are you using? What OS is your machine? Armed with this info, the tech guys can have a better chance of helping you out - good luck getting it running, it's a great demo!
  12. Yeah, could be trench foot. Better not take any chances!
  13. Seven minutes into the training mission, and I had to stop playing just to post here to say WOW! Yes, maybe not enough time in the game to be especially objective, but come on! Watching my mortars rise and fall in an arc, panzerfausts bouncing off my shermans, and seeing all my best laid plans going horribly wrong is just fantastic! War has never been so much fun!
  14. I'll be seeding in a few minutes - good work! (PC version only though - sorry.)
  15. It appears that today I shall mostly be 'working from home'. And by 'working' I obviously mean 'working on my tactics'. Great stuff - only 25% left to go! At times like this I wish I'd installed a crank handle on the side of my monitor so I could fool myself into thinking that turning it would speed up the download.
  16. It depends on whether you're talking about an African or a European download.
  17. Great minds and all that - your post was probably delayed by all the Refresh Monkey antics going on!
  18. Looks like you chose the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
  19. Why I oughta! *shakes fist at finalcut* But I knew, deep down. Call it a hunch. Call it intuition. Call it what you like, but I knew. Oh yes.
  20. This thread is great - it's got the full range of Refresh Monkey emotions on display! Just got to add to the positive waves and say good luck to BF with the imminent release and a heartfelt thanks for the years of enjoyment I've got out of your games, both to yourselves and all the other folks who've helped out. I'm sure I'll be getting many more years of great gaming, starting very, very, very soon!
  21. Seems this is working again now - here's the 2nd link to the preview/review/AAR thread that BlasdeLezo posted previously, which I've run through Google Translate for those of us with less than bueno Espanol: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.puntadelanza.net%2FForo%2FphpBB3%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ft%3D12087 My favourite quote so far is: 'The fighting is intense in the bocage of balls...' I think that sums it up nicely!
  22. Well, even though the steelbook will go in a cupboard after a week or two, the disk will probably never get used as I'll have the downloaded .exe backed up on my external HD and I may or may not be scalped by greedy middlemen, I'm still glad I've pre-ordered!
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