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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. On the tank ammo topic: Airburst HE shells for the BMP-3 and T90.
  2. Will that smoke bug be fixed before final release? The one where all the particles disapear when the emitter is removed (most visible when the plane crashes).
  3. I was looking at it and noticed that it is quite empty, especially compared to TOW where the unit slection was one of the strongest features. This one has about 50 units with a grand total of 1 British tank, will there be (alot) more in the final release? While the lack of missions (will the total of 15 be increased?) can be fixed with the editor, adding new units is quite tricky for lone modders.
  4. Ragdolls proably never going to happen. Takes too much resource to make it look any good in RTS/Tact games and you run into the problem that it would conflict with buddy aid. This is going to be waaaaay off topic but it's got to do with vehicle visual damage modles. Ages ago I saw a screenshot from CMBO where a sherman's turret was blown off, what's the story with that?
  5. I guess I can add serious ideas for the next patch now...... Add dispersion to automatic weapons (mgs and autocannons), so they don't fire in a straight line anymore. They're quite ineffective at the moment (and for autocannons, sometimes too effective). Be able to target walls and trees directly, instead of the ground they're on. More death animations? Vehicle scarring?
  6. It's out and I'm downloading it now. Will post feedback later!
  7. It's in the support tab, next to the artillary.
  8. Do you have a list of the smaller changes in 1.11 you can give us?
  9. "- he died bravely fighting to capture objective Dora the explorer"
  10. On the up side, weekly rechecks means that if your computer dies you don't lose your authentication. Just wait a week and it wil deactivates itself. Also I would imagine that in the event the company dies they will remove the DRM, that is what every other company does. It would be real pain if you move around with sporatic internet access but for me at home it's ok with constant internet. I would imagine that if they think it's costing them too many sales they'll kill off the weekly checks, EA did it with Spore and I think Bioshock got rid of it too.
  11. The TUSK's got an additional .50 on top of the barrel, as well as an IR camera for the loader. The T-90 is a huge threat to the M1 tanks, their SABOT and AT-11 weapons can knock out the front hull and sometimes turret armor, at least they will disable some important part of your tank. The T-90 also has TIS blocking smoke and the M1s do not (they can in reality but just not in CM:SF since it's mainly used against no TIS units).
  12. Aliens? I don't know, that's pretty bizarre. Do you have a save?
  13. Well I guess you just have: Visual, Voice, Radio, Flags, Lights, Flares. You can have different delays for each type.
  14. I always thought the low hit rate for MGs was because they always shoot in perfect lines in front or behind the target?
  15. I would imagine that like most things of that nature it will appear in the next modern CMx2 game.
  16. That Javlin hitting a T-72 and not destroying it was a topic of thread a while ago, we hadn't decided if it was a bug or if the AA mg was taking the impact. You'll have to check with BFC if they've changed it or not. Anyways the Javlin will kill any tank in the world that it hits (on top of the turret). The AT4 only has 400mm of RHA penertration (less than the regular RPG7 warhead) so against tank frontal armor or ERA it will be useless but might get some luck hitting the sides and rear, against IFVs it will work fine.
  17. Yes that co-op problem does exist I remember from when I had it out. The co-op is a online match sort of set-up even offline, you pick a stage and play through it and the stages after it. The host who picks the stage can only pick levels they've beaten in single player so if you play split-screen first without playing single player, you have to finish the game in one go. Finishing a level in co-op doesn't count as finishing it in single player like Halo. Once you beat the game you get NAZI zombies dun dun dunnnn!
  18. 9800GTX+ is a good not too expensive card I got, has 1,234 rating on that website linked above. $228US needs a beefy PSU though.
  19. TOW missiles have that huge flame exhaust for a few moments after they launch, the 2 sideways jets are a feature of the system. The chaoticness of video is thanks to the editor of it, he's cut out all the quiet bits and aranged it nicely.
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