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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Flanker15

  1. It can be locked onto anything aslong as there is enough thermal contrast between it and the surroundings. For instance you couldn't lock onto a patch of dirt surrounded by more dirt, but a big rock sitting on the dirts might absorb/reflect enough heat to be lockable. As pinetree said you need to be out of rifle range to area fire the javelin most times, sometimes they just fire it regardless.
  2. "The road to Dinas" is reccomended. A new version of "Hasrabit" will probably be uploaded after 1.2 patch.
  3. I'm sure they could find a copy of PREDATOR in Syira. (How effective would that technique actually be in reality?).
  4. On the death animation thing, I think the "knockback" could be created by the person instead of the bullet. As a reflex or from shock the person moves in that way as a reaction to being shot, could be possible (I don't mean fly through the air hollywood knockback but the fall backwards like in CM:SF)? I'd enjoy a couple more death animations for varity like a fall forwards or a grab torso and collapse kind of one. On routed/surendered guys: for routed could the unit just run off the map with no AI/LOS/anyhting just a model running off the map. For surrender it could just be like a new death animation where they surrender?
  5. The XM25 is what happened to the OICW, it's basically the grenade launcher system without the rifle.
  6. Which mission's this? The one with the Stadium?
  7. That's what I'm feeling like. I bought Marines straight away just for the T-90 and BMP-3 but with no new red units in British I'm less excited. I might still get it just to see if I like playing with the British and to support BFC. I reckon BFC is missing a good opertunity by not releasing a dedicated red modual with a red v blue campaign for CM:SF.
  8. Will unspotted burning vehicles still have their smoke fully visible? Does driving across dusty ground increase the spotted chance for the vehicle?
  9. Those typse of missions are a pain in the ass! There's a similar part in AC6 but it's optional and much shorter so no probs there but the "strike at the core" mission in Rouge Squadron 2 is sooooo arrrrghhhhh!!!! (and I did it with the Millenium Falcon too!)
  10. The BFC forum community triumphs again!
  11. Indeed, I've seen BFC say that in CMx2 there are no invisible cover modifiers. Shots have to hit the character model and for things like trees to block shots, they have to hit the visible tree model. I guess you could have the LOS of a prone infantry be drawn from the head instead of the middle, don't know how tricky that would be though.
  12. Hows the AI in ETW going? I haven't played it in a lonnnnnng while, I remember it was pretty bad. Can the enemy still deploy on the oposite side of where they attack you on the over world and are siege battles still crap?
  13. Allot of the blue armor and some red tanks can fire their AA machine gun buttoned, the main one that can't on the US is the M1A2 (except the TUSK varient). Another thing about the AA machine gun: almost all vehicles have to unbutton to reload it and it won't happen automatically as far as I know. ATGM reload will unbutton automatically though (mainly a problem on BMPs) so watch out as it puts a crew member in danger and stops the vehicle firing. Unbuttoning is very important for BMP1/2s as they have terrible vision buttoned, they should be unbuttoned most of the time. You could button them up when in danger of close infantry attack but those infantry probably have an AT weapon aswell so the added awareness might be a better regardless.
  14. This is an interesting issue, most people (I used to) would think that the DL files from BFC would work like most DL game sites (non-expiring downloads once you buy it). I would think that there wouldn't be much of a problem if the install file was publicly distributed as it's useless without the e-licences key, which mat has. Several DL games have the whole install file as the trial version which needs a key to unlock the full game.
  15. I'm pretty sure that video was showing off their "varmint grenade" bullets which have an violent fragmentation effect.
  16. There definatly still is a memory leak in CM:SF though. After I exit the game I need to restart the game and then exit again or restart the computer to release the memory it's using.
  17. A way to view the full component list is most likely on the list.
  18. It might be a good colour scheme if it were parked on a glacia.
  19. Someone was having a problem like this before and the fix was that he was installing the wrong patch. There's the patch that you use if you get the game from BFC online store, another if you got it from gamersgate and another for paradox versions.
  20. Our dedicated MBT group was formed because of the lack of one in Korea apparently. They definatly sent some Centeurions to Vietnam but back then a tank filled a lot more roles than today. Theres a letter from the Defense department about why they chose the tank: http://www.defence.gov.au/minister/Hilltpl.cfm?CurrentId=3643 I can see why it could be useful to have the tanks but I can see more useful things we could have instead even if it was just a 550million dollar surplus.
  21. I have decided that it was a unwise purchase. Main reasons would be: The Leo1 did need a replacement but it might have been better to buy a modern mobile gun system not an expensive and heavy MBT. The M1A1 was designed to fight in Europe and the Desert, around Australia there is little suitable terrain for it's deployment. Try to deploy it on one of the tropical islands and it'll just sink into the ground, not to mention the lack of suitable roads and bridges. The other problem would be that we don't really need a MBT at all anyway, Australia has never used any of its MBTs and relies more on APCs and IFVs for all its operations. So a MGS that has the punch of a tank but is light enough to move with APCs and IFVs might have been better. Another gripe would be we bought the only tank that has a gas turbine when there were plenty of tanks with diesel engines available.
  22. Some things to consider: Explosive damage to infantry is reduced in CM:SF since they aren't as spaced out as they should be. RPGs have HE-frag warheads which are much better at hurting infantry than a Javelin. As mentioned above HEAT warheads are very ineffecitve at causing damage in the open, they need to detonate on the other side of something hard first.
  23. I think the ruling is important for the well being of soldiers. It shows that if the command neglects to provide adaquate care to the people that are relient on that care to survive it can't use the excues "it's a war, people die". This can't be used in situations of combat deaths since people killed in warfare are considered "lawful" deaths, so you won't have commanders reluctent to put people in danger. As said above RTL covers unlawful deaths.
  24. With amphibious landings could there be static flavour object landing craft in the editor? You could stick them on the shore line so as to imply the troops didn't teleport onto the beach.
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