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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. These two shouldn't affect things at all, they're pretty much out of the way.....The buildings in question were the 'State Bank' and a couple of adjacent apartment blocks. The bank layout needed tweaking a bit (the internal windows in that one are intentional - they're for the bank tellers) and the apartment blocks had internal windows where they shouldn't. All fixed now, Other than that as far as I'm aware everything lines up correctly, so there shouldn't be any issues.....If there are, well that's kinda what testing is for. If you really must have the very latest edit I'd be happy to upload it, but as I say this particular glitch shouldn't affect the current scenario whatsoever.....The one where the Mujahideen rob the bank on the other hand..... PS - We're in the wrong thread!
  2. I think it might perhaps be allowed minimal protection value vs. HEAT, but as you say it was really only there to proof the Panther against Soviet ATRs and it usually fell off before too long anyway.
  3. I've been looking the map over and found a couple more buildings that need fixing, they will be corrected in the next edit.....These shouldn't effect the current scenario in any way, once I get some feedback and make any other necessary changes, I'll post another updated version. If anyone finds any broken buildings (windows on inner walls, doors to nowhere etc.) please take a screenshot or otherwise let me know where they are and I'll sort 'em out. There are some intentionally placed internal windows in locations like the hospital, but these should all be obvious as they will be the same on both sides. I'd also be interested in seeing after action damage reports, so screenshots of any noticeable 'remodelling' you achieve (like my handiwork on the TV Station above) would be great.....This map will get quite a lot of use and I will be producing 'remodelled' variants that will feature an 'average-terrain-amendment' based on what happens in various scenarios (I miss static campaigns from CMx1.....Can you tell? ).
  4. Playability vs. realism is the oldest trade-off in the history of gaming.....What I most like about the CM family is that they generally hit the sweet-spot for me, detailed & realistic enough to model most engagements with some accuracy and yet still flexible enough to allow me to indulge in daft things like 'The Trumpton Riots' or 'The Battle Of Al Durkali'. But it's got to be said, to fully get to grips with the whole thing you really do need to dive into the editor.....If you think units can do strange stuff when you are controlling them directly, you ain't seen nothing compared to what can happen when they get their orders by proxy!
  5. Some of those reports make for harrowing reading.....Poor Mosul. Thanks for your continuing help LLF, it really is massively appreciated.....I'll open a separate thread for Mosul now and leave you and Ramadi in peace. (Hmmmm.....Probably not quite the right word, but you know what I mean! ) PS - Thanks especially for the mod tip, that would work perfectly with my Core Force, which as you know are Syrian SF.....Are black Humvees available anywhere by any chance?
  6. My current naming format with the [Test] prefix usually places my WIP scenarios at the very end of a list rather than the beginning, keeps 'em out of the way.
  7. That's pretty much exactly how the Blue setup zone should look. Close enough? PS - The US involvement with the Philippines is quite the story isn't it, TBH I'm rather more impressed by Smedley Butler than I am by Douglas MacArthur. PPS - IIRC brick walls are very slightly lower than stone, so purely for cosmetic reasons I thought they might be a possibility as they give the impression of being set into the stone wall rather than part of it.
  8. Bren was often used that way in real life, it was remarkably accurate for a weapon of its type.
  9. Current, slightly updated version, with corrected briefing and slightly tweaked units (on both sides) is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oc4gc193bqb1c0x/[Test] Action %26 Reaction 1.1.btt?dl=0
  10. Probably because I got a warning for ranting at Steve.....Least of my concerns TBH. I've added a new DB link to the thread.
  11. I just created a variety of interesting buildings on stilts while trying to 'Blast' them down.....I wonder if a 'Demolish' command should be a thought for a future update (perhaps requiring two satchel charges or more)? This idea could work well with some sort of destructible road-block and it might have possibilities for clearing minefields and taking out bunkers too. Just a thought
  12. Perhaps one could represent such gates with a single tile of tall-brick wall set into a tall-stone compound wall? I don't suppose there is any way to persuade AI units with satchel charges to breach a wall is there (he asks with some optimism, but little real hope)? Apparently the south-east corner of my little bit of Mosul got a full-on JDAM treatment from B-52(s) at some point prior to November 2nd (haven't tracked the details down yet). I'll open a separate thread for my project in due course, but I've decided to modify the map just a little more before I do, the industrial area in the north-east has to go TBH.
  13. There's one of those in my local museum along with a Boys Rifle. Here's an odd little anecdote for you.....I was out walking my Lurchers a few nights back and bumped into a lad with a strong Welsh accent walking his Jack-Russell Terrier. Got chatting and it tuned out he was into wargaming too, particularly painting military figures (which I hate). Got chatting some more and it turned out that my Great-Grandfather (2nd Battalion, the Worcestershire Regiment) had charged to the relief of his Great-Grandfather (1st Battalion, the South Wales Borderers) at the Battle of Gheluvelt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Battle_of_Ypres#Battle_of_Gheluvelt http://www.worcestershireregiment.com/wr.php?main=inc/h_gheluvelt http://www.inthefootsteps.com/First-World-War/Ypres/Gheluvelt-SWB-and-2nd-Worcesters-Memorials.html Coincidence? Maybe, but this conversation took place at Worcester's Gheluvelt Park: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gheluvelt_Park,_Worcester I think I'd call that synchronicity TBH.
  14. The smoke was blowing the wrong way for that. It's one of those things I guess, but when you are taking on veteran Challenger IIs with T-55MVs, these peculiar outbreaks of insanely bad luck really don't help one little bit. Mebbe some of those 'outliers' need a bit of reigning in?
  15. I remember Ogre.....I was a bit of a Steve Jackson Games fan for a while, way back when, I still have a sizable stack of GURPS & Car Wars stuff in the attic somewhere.
  16. There seem to be two distinct discussions at once taking place in this thread now.....One primarily about the game, the other primarily about current/future tank deployment. Could we stick to the game please.....It is a game forum, not a geopolitics forum after all.
  17. In Soviet Russia...... I've got a couple of 1/35 kits of this monster to build at some point.
  18. Don't know if that's true in all regards, my main issue would be that it seems to react extremely swiftly compared to other vehicles in its general class.
  19. One huge advantage of CM:A over CM:SF in scenarios where the player(s) control uncons is the availability of 'Mine Teams' (ie: dudes with satchel charges) to both Tribal & Mujahideen forces.....Makes a massive difference when both sides can 'Blast' their way into unexpected places. Just wish there was some way to get the AI to do it. Can't Battlefront just declare 'sanctions' on Snowball and update CM:A regardless.....Even I'd support that move!
  20. Me too, but trouble is, now I remember them this way.....The T-64 will, for me, forever be 'that crappy tank with self-entrenching road-wheels that sounds like a motorbike'.
  21. The scenario is done.....I thought you were playing it? I have a slightly updated version, if you want that one instead, PM me.
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