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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Would it be possible to make the 'Destroy' & 'Preserve' terrain objectives a little less 'granular', ie: if a large zone is painted over a number of buildings would it be possible to start awarding points at a lower level of overall damage to the combined structures (tricky request to explain)?
  2. How about one written by an American general, indeed the first American officer to win the Medal of Honour and the only one (AFAIK) to win it twice.....You can even read it for free, here: https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.pdf
  3. I'm expressing my opinion there yes, but the facts are what they are.....Anyhow I'm done with this, I won't be buying the book, but I don't think that will be a surprise to anyone.
  4. Apparently it's been considered: https://warisboring.com/the-man-who-wanted-to-nuke-a-hurricane/
  5. Fair comment.....But this whole 'Russia did all of it!' thing has got beyond ridiculous, remember NATO marched pretty much to their border, member nations then interfered massively (both covertly and overtly) in the elections of a country very close to the Russian heartland, so Russia reacted and it all went tits up! It's pretty difficult to honestly frame those events as a Russian war on the Ukraine, much more like a western war on Russian interests that exploded in our face.....IMHO. Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last (unless we learn to practice what we preach and stop meddling).
  6. Just occurred to me that you should probably read this page before patching: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=265&Itemid=449
  7. You guys might enjoy this one: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/231155.Blacklisted_by_History
  8. It's just an abstraction dude, maybe don't look at it until it's set up? I really don't mean to belittle your request, but I can think of a LOT of things I'd rather see the team spend their time on TBH.
  9. Easy enough to test.....Set up a building with no windows or doors and place a friendly unit in it. Then add an AI controlled sapper team and, using the AI editor, give them an advance command adjacent to the building followed by an assault command into it. Watch your unit's suppression meter as the AI unit blasts its way in.
  10. My pleasure. It's great to see some refreshed interest in CM:A, at present it is still probably my favourite game of the series, despite its many quirks & foibles.
  11. The selection of T-72s available to the Syrians needs some revision, the T-72A & T-72AV are missing from the current TOE (yet have been in service for decades) and the TURMS-T system should be an option on any of the types in service (T-72 Ural, T-72A/AV, T-72M1).
  12. Current patch level is 1.03.....You can find it here: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share?#/view/s8b5e5f1f2654e8f9 You may need to apply the 1.02 patch first.....You can find that one here: https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share?#/view/s3a8395574694af7a HTH
  13. Some interesting ideas: http://nationalinterest.org/feature/4-ways-out-the-korean-crisis-22572
  14. In my opinion yes.....But I'm not the one that brought it to our attention. There are plenty of contrary positions out there but I (and many others here) don't feel the need to ram them down other peoples' throats.
  15. The description in the advertisement you linked to. Also.....How is your post different to one advertising Super Male Vitality? Are you trying to sell me on the political theories expressed in the book? If so why?
  16. Really? Why? I thought most of the members here preferred factual information, this is IMHO, propaganda of the lowest order, falsehood piled upon falsehood.
  17. You can thank Photobucket for that, they messed up a LOT of great threads and not only here.....Modelling forums with a decade's worth of tips & how to threads were utterly laid waste. +1 for a rebuild, really wish the forum would just let us edit our posts TBH.
  18. That's exactly what I did, but they still rotated their hulls as soon as they reached the preceding order location.....'Fire' works fine, 'Face' seems to work OK, but 'Withdraw' is still proving tricky.
  19. Just had a quick look and it's much as you describe.....In my test the tanks moved forward to a sighting position (advance with face) correctly although one did a glamorous little pirouette before settling down, they then rolled forward to open fire (advance with fire), but as in your experience at this point they turned their hulls around to face their next order spots (advance with retreat). Clearly some more experimentation is required, perhaps adding a face order on the same tile before the retreat order?
  20. So.....About those BM Oplots in the current TOE?
  21. There are buildings, and there are buildings: Breaching charges aren't used only for assaulting buildings, but also for creating safe routes of travel through rows of buildings that lie parallel to exposed streets. PS - It's just occurred to me that the ground floor door in the foreground is almost certainly borked (they don't like diagonal walls near 'em), another tiny tweak to do! PPS - It was.....I fixed it.
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