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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Not sure if this has been picked up on already, but the 120mm mortars appear to be missing from the player's line-up in the first mission of 'Charge of The Striker Brigade'.....I don't know about anyone else but I could really have used 'em!
  2. Wrong dude JK.....I'd suspect perhaps in as much as it kills one target? Or maybe think HIMARS rather than Paladin/M177? I agree with your point entirely in regard to a peer to peer fight, but that isn't where the A-10 finds itself.....Syria & Russia are doing fine against ZPU technicals with aircraft that are similar or inferior, so I'm sure the A-10 does an equally good job. So long as nobody supplies any of the desert-yahoos with sophisticated MANPADS (or starts a peer to peer conflict) I'd think these aircraft have a significant role in the years ahead. I'm not a Warthog fan in particular BTW, but I do see the sense in keeping them around when you are primarily fighting desert-yahoos.
  3. Put it this way.....Once you do buy it the entire contents of the CM:BN section of the repository are yours for the taking, then there's TSD too.
  4. 1.32 seems to be the current version, perhaps fully update the game (1.31 & 1.32 patches) and see how that goes: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=5&id=41&Itemid=378 PS - Are you sure you applied the correct 1.21 patch, there are two, one for the Paradox retail version, the other for the BfC version.....If you are not sure, I'd suggest that you uninstall the game, download all the correct patches, reinstall the game and apply all the patches in sequence. It might be worth following the advice in this thread with regard to creating a Battlefield install directory, telling your AV to ignore it and disabling your AV while reinstalling patching etc. I just reinstalled CM:FI following this advice and it was a painless and simple task.
  5. Not gonna happen. I have my reasons for my opinions, we all do, and I can support them. But this really is not the place for it as has already been pointed out, plus I'm actually here for the games.....Let's stick to those, we'll probably all get along better that way. PS - That comment wasn't meant to be taken entirely seriously BTW, I should probably have left it at that.
  6. Your post got me looking as it goes.....You wind up with about half the units you need with either game, but I'd now be inclined to say CM:SF is probably currently the better bet, unless it turns into a US/Russian ding-dong (which I truly hope isn't going to happen). You can sort of simulate drones with Intel & pre-planned fire in CM:SF, but you just can't do a T-55 or T-62 in CM:BS, let alone a VBIED. I've also been messing about with Turks, Saudis & Qataris using CM:SF, you can get vaguely close, but you would really need mods for it to be convincing and all your Qatari VABs would mysteriously have MG-3s (because they're Fuchs). Unsurprisingly the small arms usually aren't even close as a rule, you can just about do them if you really want to, but it will chop your C2 lines to hell (and your 'unused units post-battle reinforcement' will be humongous which can really mess with your VPs). This was part of the quandary with the Core in Mosul, in the end the Syrian SF as a 'whole unit' was probably the best bet, but they should really have M4s instead of AKs. I'm having another minor mare with that right now, I'd like to give the CTS some SPG-9s, but the Syrian SF don't use them (it's Kornets across the board). I can get them from Syrian Airborne, but their uniforms are totally different, more closely resembling some of the Interior Ministry units also found in Mosul, but not in this area and not at this time (these are also the guys who put a nasty stain on CTS' valiant work, which is another reason they ain't going in). Or you could make lots of really short battles, modelling the mad half minutes, perhaps interspersed with decision point pseudo-scenarios to simulate the duller (yet potentially still important) bits.....Basically make each patrol a mini-campaign, with combat being avoidable or conducted on more favourable terms dependent upon the decisions made? This would place a lot of emphasis on storytelling in the briefings and cunning trickery in the campaign scripts, but I reckon it could be done (could work well for CM:A too come to think of it, might look into that a bit further). PS - We seem to be equally far off-topic.....Maybe a thread in CM:SF?
  7. Fair comment fella, I guess my own reactions really haven't been massively helpful TBH. I was looking at doing the same but with the SDF/SAA, keeping the 'primaries' back from the fighting so to speak.....CM:SF doesn't really have the tools (TOE-wise), does CM:BS have the terrain? Or must it wait for CM:SF II? I'm still slowly adding blocks to Mosul, then picking them over to connect the bits, not exactly thrilling, but necessary as you know. Be careful what you wish for? Fair play guys, I'll take this one on the chin.....Sincere apologies to JK, Rinaldi and anyone else I may have offended.
  8. Great stuff.....I eagerly await the next instalments, the arrival of the armoured reinforcements marks the start of the real fight! I think now may be the time that your initial plan pays big dividends, I certainly look forward to finding out. PS - To guarantee victory, you should at least attempt to push a spearhead towards PL Charlie, it marks the edge of an area of open (by urban Mosul standards) ground that divides the Hayy al Karamah district. The Maqbara Road is probably the easiest route in terms of manoeuvre, but of course, ISIS would know that too!
  9. TBH I was genuinely surprised by what I found when I went for links on the Merkel thing, there was only the one (immediately obvious) article that carried the story as I recalled it.....Mea Culpa on that one for sure, but I think you know me well enough to know I wouldn't have made the comment based on one rather scanty article. If I find whatever it was that drew my attention to the concept, I'll post a link or PM you. I must also concede that you are both right concerning its relevance here. However my main issue is (as I stated obliquely in my very first post) that this thread is apparently promoting a book with a very particular political orientation and its relevance to CM:BS the game is utterly minimal as far as I can tell.
  10. Oh don't be ridiculous, did you just pop in for a rant? Pray do point me to your invaluable contributions to this thread. Totally out of order.
  11. Interesting, there seems to be some back-pedalling on that story: http://www.dw.com/en/east-german-stasi-tried-to-recruit-merkel-as-a-spy/a-4265402 Here's something closer to the original account as I recall it: https://adarapress.com/2015/10/19/was-angela-merkel-a-stasi-informer-some-say-ja/ This may be the image in question: Not certain about that. Der Spiegel has a book review that may be relevant: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/new-book-suggests-angela-merkel-was-closer-to-communism-than-thought-a-899768.html You pays your money.....As they say! PS - Meanwhile according to Teh Grauniad, it was her dad: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jun/26/books.germany
  12. I hate using spies for the role though, their spotting capabilities are too powerful for the role I want them to play, if I had 'Grey Civvies', I'd probably stick one or two spies amongst them in some issues to represent friendlies with mobile phones etc. Whatever the team decide to do, this game is the brightest point on my horizon right now, can't wait to see it.....Please, please, get the UnCons right, fighting those bastards is what it's all about IMHO.
  13. The EU is a particularly interesting example.....It's inner workings are obscure to say the least and some of its chief proponents weren't actually the nicest chaps you could hope to meet (their last attempt at unifying the continent ended particularly badly). On the flip side of the (alleged) political coin.....Were you aware that Angela Merkel is ex-Stasi?
  14. But what if one knows that the enemy has also trapped civilians in the same building? This was what I was really struggling with.....To a certain extent civilian casualties should be unavoidable, but in the current format it is quite unlikely that you will be penalised unless you go 'The Full Stalingrad'. Frankly I'd prefer grey marked, unarmed, neutral AI controlled Groups that I could just place, but I'm not sure if the engine could add a third 'side'? Simple & elegant solution, I like it.
  15. Yeah, being subject to a faceless unelected bureaucracy (that speaks in foreign) just rocks.
  16. The primary plan as I understand it was to lift a 10m Orion to orbit as three parts, each aboard (IIRC) a Saturn IIC booster. The first two payloads comprised the vessel itself; crew compartment and propulsion section. The third payload was, well, the payload.....Nukes! This version would not detonate any nukes in the atmosphere at all, which completely lays waste to Freeman Dyson's explanation for the cancellation of the project. Here's a concept for those with a tendency to tin-foil headgear: It is theoretically possible that the public Apollo Program might have been fully or partly a cover for the launch of one or more 10m Orion vessels. These vessels would unquestionably have been able to deliver man to the surface of the moon and bring him back, regardless of the radiation issues, they are very heavily shielded for fairly obvious reasons.
  17. That's pretty much what I'd assumed, I'm certainly not disputing your position as it matches my own general conclusions very closely indeed.
  18. To be fair you would need a more detailed breakdown of the voting in each province to draw any stronger conclusions.....Either way.
  19. Project Orion: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d4q0shfrj9rf0wx/Project Orion.pdf?dl=0
  20. That's pretty much my own experience, I've tried to make civilian casualties a feature of my Mosul stuff, because, well, you've read the same reports I have.....But at present the player has to go the full Stalingrad for them to have much impact.
  21. @Combatintman Re: Point 1 I think you can do this by assigning them to an AI group and setting them to Hide.....I wouldn't 100% guarantee they won't still take a pot-shot now and again, especially if they take a scare, but it does seem to have some effect, to me at least. I also pre-activate all or most of the bombs in Preview mode.....No idea if this bit makes any difference at all, but it makes me feel like I tried.
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