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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. It's impossible to have a constructive discussion so long as terms like "fanboy" are tossed around.
  2. Do you just not get it? If BFC had chosen the wrong strategy they would have been done for long ago. Like I said, it's easy to say "work harder, who cares if the profit margin is less!" when it's not you making the decisions affecting whether or not the company will be solvent come 6-10 months down the road.
  3. That's easy to say when it's not your business's success that's on the line.
  4. And yet, you were the first one to bring up GTOS here.
  5. You do realize BFC once had a business partnership with Paradox that they dropped because it ended up being a bad idea?
  6. The Bulge mod for CMFI doesn't come close to what's actually being developed for the Bulge title. No insult intended to the mod's creator, but it's as MikeyD wrote above.
  7. Ah, I remember that all too well. Long nights on the late shift at the hospital with nothing else to do, so I had to entertain myself with some sort of reading somehow.
  8. You make it sound like the recycling of 3D models is somehow unethical and/or unique to Battlefront.
  9. It takes but a couple of minutes to paint a test map with all the different terrain tiles, and that's one of the best ways to see what the different terrain tiles to look like. Really, it's not that hard.
  10. Scimitar, anyone? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/11374426/From-second-hand-boots-to-armoured-tanks-Britains-military-surplus-for-sale.html?frame=3179548
  11. Photobucket has been free for as long as I've used it.
  12. The "dumb reason" it was taken out for CMx2 is that the terrain is far, far more complex than it ever was in CMx1. Case in point - you can have more than one type of terrain feature in one grid square - how is a tooltip text supposed to represent that? Small tree on grassy ground with a small helping of scrub brush and with a dirt road running past it on one side? Choose a movement order and put your mouse cursor over the terrain in question. That'll tell you right there whether or not the terrain is passable.
  13. It is true that many of the vehicle models in Black Sea came from Shock Force, yes.
  14. Sorry, but you still don't know what you are talking about here.
  15. Nonsense
  16. Same here. Contrary to what BLSTK thinks, I got the joke perfectly fine both times.
  17. My humor meter is calibrated just fine, thank you. It was you who decided to interject low-brow, juvenile comments into this topic, so that's why I called you out on it. I'm not the fool you apparently think I am.
  18. My match with Rambler in the Mace scenario ranks as arguably my most enjoyable scenario ever.
  19. Sure thing! I did give it another playthrough and did a bit better this time, although I did lose Carius's tank early on to a gun hit, and Kerscher was knocked out by a flank hit from an IS-2. I managed to keep all the StuGs alive this time, though, by massing them together in one of the dry stream beds. In essence, the StuGs were like a swarm of gnats to the IS-2s - not a lot of damage done, but just enough to disconcert and to irritate them. I cease-fired after I lost my third Tiger and managed to score a minor victory which, again given the AI's poor targeting I'll take. Even still, I'll play this one again! I have some more ideas about to approach this one. That's something I really like about this scenario - with the size of the map, the multiple AI plans, and the forces available to the player, there are multiple ways to approach this one. And yes, like you say, luck really did play a big part in the real mission's success, there's no doubt about that. This mission really, really shows that. The player can end up being anything from either the slayer of Russian armor or toothless and in retreat. I like that.
  20. M1903 Springfield, and it's both a marksman's rifle and a sniper rifle.
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