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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. heh heh that is a slippery slope. Most of us perceive value in just getting access to the additional features in the upgrade. It becomes a steadily declining value proposition to case after the "entitlement" group who can't correlate the cost of doing business as part of the value. On top of which trying to add additional content will slow the release of the upgrade.... How many would pay a little extra to have sooner, or in other terms forego additional content to have it sooner?
  2. don't know for sure, but one thing it would be good to know - I can hear the crickets so it is apparently at best dawn and maybe earlier. What is the overall LOS? There is really little to work with from the video and it is not narrated in English so I can't tell if you are supplying additional info or not.
  3. Generally yes larger maps are working better, but a couple caveats CMBN will likely get the 3.0 upgrade sometime in the next few months. Until then no change for CMBN For CMRT, it is still heavily dependent on your machine. If your particular computer is not up to the resource level don't expect a sudden miracle. Performance will be better but you won't suddenly be able to go crazy on a 4x4 km heavily forested map with several battalions on each side. That is part of the issue with larger maps, it isn't just the map size that increases. It is also the unit density and that starts to drive up resource needs of the scenario.
  4. MikeyD answered the why. There was also an upside. For people like myself that sometimes have multiple installs for specific PBEM games it allowed me to use some mods I want universally (sounds, buildings etc) and then others I wanted only for a specific install (unit icons and some terrain mods). This was particularly helpful for some CMFI games. However with the new scenario specific modding now available I expect I won't be doing multiple installs much anymore.
  5. I can see I am going to have to add one for mud tiles. I like the idea of bogging capability while driving through that rubble with no indication to the player. RockinHarry you looking at this? It is an urban battle wet dream for map making.
  6. Same here. My computer did grab the CMBN white star for the desktop shortcut, but I just went into properties and reselected the red star to get it correct.
  7. Tank riders and their use is a tough one. You absolutely have to have the opponent suppressed or those guys are corpses waiting to happen. It is particularly tough for the AI. They are great for getting your tanks into position with supporting infantry fast, but you absolutely do not want them anywhere near unsuppressed infantry. You'd be better off with halftracks in that instance. I expect players will discover real fast there are very definite limitations to their use even if that lesson is taught by a trail of bodies streaming off the back. Using them well like everything else in CM is a matter of good timing and combined arms tactics. I am not too concerned their use will unbalance things on the Western Front. Having them available helps limit some of the map congestion of too many trucks etc around. However the trucks do provide a nice mobile ammo reserve.
  8. no, actually you don't get it, but I can't say I really care. You don't like the game fine, wasted your money, fine. Not sure what you thought was gonna be different, but again, don't care. Obviously you are more interested in trying to make some political statement, unfortunately, I don't think any of us care. Though I have to admit, wtf is with the Brooklyn Hipsters thing? Wtf has that got to do with anything, or did you just learn that expression and figure it sounds cool? It doesn't, it's old. Are you done yet? I'd suggest going over to the CMFI forum instead of trying to ruin folks day over here. Woot! flamethrowers, tank riders and loads of new CM goodness!
  9. i just downloaded and installed the offical copy to be sure. I don't have this issue. I'd open a ticket with the help desk.
  10. rotflamo. I think your pixeltruppen are gonna frag you.
  11. sniff sniff... yeah I think I smell it too.
  12. Interesting..... Not sure what you played, but having beta tested quite a few of the scenarios I can't really remember experiencing what you described. I've been playing it for weeks and you've had it a couple hours? I think you should buy Wodin a copy just on general principle now.
  13. you are most welcome. Damn good thing I won the lottery recently. oh wait...
  14. exactly. BF is not stupid, nor are they out to make our lives miserable. They simply understand the limitations faced much better than we do. So to say "I don't understand why...." is exactly correct and the answer. There are a few things that we are just going to have to accept as limitations in CMx2. Maybe when CMx3 comes out they won't be an issue anymore, but they are fundamental problems with computing power and game design, not simple tweaks. Now I am sure none of that helps with the frustration, but it is what it is.
  15. considering it is this way with EVERY release I expect you will know when you can download it by the moment when you can buy it not preordering. So essentially when they announce it on their site - now get back to refreshing you monkeys!
  16. Yeah map making in CM continues to progress, this s**t is like art. Every release I get more and more impressed with the talent working on these games and with the additions BF is making available for map design. It will be interesting to see if folks catch all the new stuff in the game.
  17. The perils of tank riding..period... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQQM0N3JOhE&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBwHvI7RiLQ&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T29x-ShfpZQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwv4JjJtcnI Beware how you use these guys
  18. and then there are those of us who figure you guys have a way or surprising us with stuff we weren't aware we would like and will just buy friggin everything. I still am amazed at how much I enjoy CMFI.
  19. I have definitely not played everything in any of the releases, but that is partly because I play more HTH or mess around with my own designs. That is one thing you can't assume with the product. We all handle and use it differently so you can't draw any conclusions based on your own behavior. Check out umlaut, I expect he spends most of his time messing with Ciembienne. Pretty cool actually. I spend an inordinate amount of time on a map of my own trying different things as well, and have another large map I am slowly working on. Lots of choices and options for the community. It's a good thing. Martha will probably sue me now.
  20. so is that a complaint? Would you like BF to slow down? On the serious side, not everyone buys everything (though I can't understand why not!) I expect there is a whole grouping of people thinking pffft on the release of Red Thunder and are sitting back and waiting for the new modern game release.
  21. The monster maps have to be built as a scenario so they will always show in the battles folder. They are there so third party scenario designers can open them in the editor and cut them up as they see fit to create new scenarios. I think overall folks felt after CM Commonwealth that effort put into the master maps was wasted if not released. Just a guess though. It certainly changed with MG as there are several master maps in there as well.
  22. The novelty will wear off, but only because you will expect them going forward. :-) You won't look at them all the time, but every now and then you will see them and it will make you smile...or frown depending on how bad it was for you.
  23. no actually it was done to give perspective on what the force was BEFORE you took casualties. I am sure folks will mod it to change the look, but many folks have actually wanted this.. Personally I just want all the names of the guys so I know who in the squad is that guy carrying the MG.
  24. Yes the downside as BF accelerates releases - what to play...... and it will only get harder.
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