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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. ooh oohh I know, I know!!!! You are just gonna have to play it to find out. One way or the other you'll need to get the job done.
  2. Yes - but note it has to be in range to directly communicate. This is not directly a C2 issue in the sense of establishing comms through the chain of command. It is essentially a guy in authority getting in your face and saying "do this". no, not even sure what that is.
  3. I respectfully disagree, your AAR banter is quite refreshing. Get on with that fight with Bil.
  4. Okay I think Pak 40 is correct. For you to be able to use the mortars in direct fire mode, the unit calling for fire must have communications with the on board firing unit. (I specify on board as off board arty is a different animal). I believe if we were to have a screen shot, your initial placement would have the mortar unit out of communication with either 1st pltn HQ or F Co. HQ. There is a way to check your status, but you need to become versed in the C2 section in the lower left of the UI panel. Select the mortar unit. In the lower left hand section you will see the current C2 status of it's chain of command. It actually reflects a couple things so it is important to know what each level represents. If the 1st pltn link is red, it means the mortar has no C2 to 1st pltn HQ. If the F Coy link is red it means 1st pltn HQ has no link to F Co. HQ. F Co. HQ could be sitting right next to the mortar and it would have no bearing on those links or whether F Co. could call fire from the mortar. If the mortar can communicate to F Co. HQ , the HQ can call in direct fire. Now here is the little tricky part. In that UI panel you have various icons representing your C2 link. They can be radio, visual, distant visual or audible. If F Co. HQ is right next to the mortar you will see the mortar has a visual C2 link, you just don't know to what. If you look at the 1st pltn and F Co links they are both red. What the icon is telling you is that you have C2 to a nearby HQ in it's chain of command despite the overall C2 links in the company being shot to hell. Now if you move 2nd pltn HQ over next to the mortar you will see it can now call for indirect fire using that mortar, however there is no icon for C2 showing as 2nd Pltn is not in the mortar's chain of command. In that particular case you just have to make sure you move the unit close enough to insure it can communicate. Generally if I have to resort to that I want that unit within an action square of the mortar. Now move the 1st Pltn HQ over so that the link to 1st Pltn goes green (it doesn't have to be right next to the mortar, it just has to be able to establish communications) and move F Co to be sure it has no means of linking to 1st Pltn other than by radio. Once the link to 1st Pltn goes green and the link to F Co. HQ is green, F Co. HQ though out of LOS now has a means of communicating back to the mortar through 1st Pltn HQ. F Co HQ or 1st Pltn HQ are now capable of calling in direct fire. Does that all make sense? My suggestion is to play with this scenario a bit. Ignore the actual play, you can always restart. Move the two HQs around to put them into LOS in different combinations with the mortar and watch the UI panel. You needn't have to wait through the whole 60 seconds just hit that red button to see it in each command phase. A few minutes of that and I think you will have a much better picture of how the visual icons and the Unit C2 link indicators give you a perspective on your unit's relationships. It is worth the time to really understand that portion of the panel in detail. As you play the game more you will see the importance radios can have in getting around some c2 issues. When developing an attack plan and you know you will need to call in arty resources, verify that you know beforehand HOW you are going to establish that comm link. It really sucks when you have an attack going in and it is time to call in a mortar strike and you left the mortar with no radio link to the command net. Been there, done that.
  5. no problem, I'll try to take a look tonight and post what I can see relative to your question.
  6. I've never had a problem posting a link as long as it was not an explicit commercial link. Got dinged once, it was an obvious issue I just didn't think about. Have never had an issue since.
  7. In the incident I was recounting, they were right on top of the MG team. They hit them from a blindside, mowed them down, blew the smoke from their barrels and moved on. Whether they are over modelled or not is not something I am qualified to answer.
  8. word of warning, I just had an MG set up over watching a clearing covering a withdrawal. As they sat there a pair of SMG guys hit them from the flank and rolled right over the team barely even slowing as they wiped out the whole team and continued chasing my withdrawal. Friggin brutal. Granted the MG team was part of a particularly hard hit company that is very fragile. (Yeah Sergei I am looking at you). Still they never even saw what hit them.
  9. The problem I think you will find is generally the opportunities to grab a Russian SMG aren't high (even assuming BF would allow for buddy aiding the enemy). Odds are if there are a number of dead SMG guys, they are at some distance from your troops and your MGs did the work. If they get close, as Ken noted, odds are your guys are not in possession of the battlefield any longer.
  10. don't know the answer to that specific question, but Red Thunder has seen a lot more preview of material than any prior BF product. Chris's twitch tv program has been a really nice addition to allow folks in general to see the product as it develops. I'd expect they will follow previous practice regarding the manual.
  11. how they get loaded depends on the name of the folder. For example in my z folder I have a folder called sounds mods in it I have different sound mods. I put each into a folder and named them to load in the order I prefer. So the answer is yes, it will load sub folders. You can organize them anyway you like so long as you track the load order.
  12. lol the ongoing debate RT versus wego - which is more realistic... I am still on the wego side precisely for the example above from @placebo - when that mortar round drops all the RT guy has to do is pause and reissue orders. The Wego guy has to just wince and bear it. As to the dumb moves, I am gonna do those in either mode. There is no cure. What's the expression? You can't fix stupid.
  13. CMBN has been out quite a bit longer than CMFI and not everyone who bought CMBN followed up and bought CMFI so you will likely always see a difference in forum posts. CMFI as you will find has quite a different feel than CMBN. It starts in an earlier time frame when the Sherman was a far more dominant weapon. The terrain is CMFI is also much different than most of the scenarios in CMBN. Personally I have found I enjoy CMFI far more than I thought I would.
  14. man you do not want to know how blind a T 70 is. Picture this. 3 T 70s barreling down on a StuG trying to catch it from the rear. All 3 are unbuttoned to give them that slim hope. They get close and the StuG loader opens up with his MG. One after another the MG takes out the TC and the now hapless T 70s go up in flames. Next time I'll go with 6... or maybe 9.
  15. lol damn that must have felt good.
  16. Christ supposedly turned water into wine. The Peng god turns ashes into salt. How utterly believable.
  17. LOL they are just up the road. Please don't attribute the bonkers Apple attitude to us. This is the company that has an army of slaves in China to make them as rich as possible, certainly not the bastion of liberal thinking.
  18. It is a MG module scenario and a great one for HTH. This will be real interesting to me to see how it plays out. Last time I saw it was testing it a looong time ago. I won't spoil this with how my experience went.
  19. rotflmao. I can see it now. A whole series of unrelated spleen venting posts. No one replies, it is just a place to vent...and then some psych major stumbles across it and does a thesis paper on us. LOL It is worth doing just for that.
  20. LOL hey one thing I have learned, never post anywhere if you are tired and frustrated. It is bound to go sideways. Especially on a forum with a bunch of grumpy old grogs...is that redundant?
  21. understood. No actually I don't have a position. All I am trying to say is that to sway BF's position one would need to be able to show in practice under battlefield conditions that would be an expected norm. Video clips of that would I think have a different impact. Modern video of drivers on a course or video clips from movies will not do the trick. I know getting that documentary evidence is likely very hard and I expect that is a good part of the reason that their stance has not changed. I recall a fairly long thread on the turning radius of the Tiger and King Tiger and if I recall it correctly that did lead to some changes.
  22. You can see where my literary material falls....a classic book or a game AAR, hmmm which should I quote?
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