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Everything posted by sburke

  1. So is that the reason for all those penalties near the Café Grammont? I noticed my pixeltruppen are darn near useless once in proximity.
  2. That isn't entirely true. We did find that honkin big radio was stuffed with vodka.
  3. Yep, here compliments of Segei is the way to do this. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288
  4. Yeah this time was totally different than my first play through. The AI plan is a lot more aggressive. My forces are holding now that my reinforcements are here, but getting a counterattack rolling has been difficult. The Russians have good overwatch positions and any attempt to go downslope usually ends in a flaming wreck. No more spoilers, but a warning just so folks are not being misguided. This isn't just a major armor fight, the infantry close combat is every bit as if not more intense. In fact my first play through my favorite part was the hour I spent fighting through the East end of town house by house stalking the enemy tanks and SMG teams. great stuff.
  5. rotflmao, sounds like it was written by Robert E Howard - "the mysterious asiatic" attitude he always wrote about. Actually yeah I think you could consider this pulp fiction. I particularly liked this. Poor "poor" Germany. 5. Nevertheless, it is not easy to draw the correct conclusions from the experiences gained, because the means available to the opposing forces were very unevenly matched. Except for the first few months of the Eastern Campaign, we were, so to speak, constantly waging a war of the poor against the rich. Several Russian surprise attacks would have been detected in the assembly stage, had we but had sufficient reconnaissance facilities at our disposal. The Russians would not have broken through many a German position, had it been more adequately manned, and had sufficient materiel for defense been available. The danger exists,. therefore, that Russian feats may be somewhat overrated.
  6. This is rich coming from a guy who finds his only acceptable source for information is the German Reich.... Talk about anti-logic...
  7. Hell I just learned something new. Thanks Pete!
  8. Absolutely agree. Was trying to be constructive to find some condition where the defender would have a reason to resist blowing the bridge and fight to defend it (allowing units that need to exit that have to cross the bridge), but honestly I think the utility of being able to blow a bridge in scenario design is extremely limited as well as being ahistorical. Just my particular opinion. Now being able to have a booby trap to blow a building when the attacker enters is a whole other issue! That I would love to see in CM.
  9. I do not believe you can set a trigger to open fire. Triggers are essentially interruptions to initiate a move. In your example above those look to be fixed locations - AT guns. In that instance the best I think you could do is have armor ambush settings. If you want to present a dilemma, the trigger would have to be to cause a force to move, say a tank platoon and have it crest the ambush point on a flank.
  10. If you decided that after a few hours, you haven't played enough. There are quite a few scenarios and Normandy bocage ones have their own particular feel. The sense of frustration you are feeling is probably a combination of two things. 1. Early map design- yep we are all learning even the really really good scenario designers are always learning what makes a good map and scenario. I can remember playing some early CM battles and getting bit frustrated with flat maps, bocage that had no openings whatsoever etc.The designers though keep getting better over time and there is a lot of phenomenal stuff out there now. Don't let one or two samples form your whole opinion 2. The Normandy Bocage in real life was exhausting, frustrating, deadly and ideal defensive terrain. Unfortunately CM does portray that rather well, but there is hope! There are more scenarios that don't take place in the bocage!! I am well into years of entertainment with this CM engine (especially if you include CMSF) and I foresee many many more to come.
  11. I could see a possible scenario where the defender has an exit point total to make but also needs to prevent the attacker from achieving objectives on their side of the bridge. They then have to balance how closely they have achieved their exit VPs versus the threat of the attacker crossing the bridge. Unfortunately I expect getting the victory conditions to work for that would be really tricky and second I can't for the life of me think of an actual real world battle where this really fits historically - not that we always have to have a historical basis for a scenario. Just seems to be a subject that comes up more often than a real life counterpart ever did.
  12. Honestly I was a little skeptical of this thread as I have not heard the TAC AI had specifically been tweaked. However on 3 separate occasions now I have seen my infantry retreat from assaulting Russian SMG teams. On all 3 occasions they have left the building they were in and moved back into a building now out of LOF of the enemy. I was expecting them to just stop in the yard or somewhere outside and drop to the ground. Now you guys have me scratching my head and wondering. Could be just a fluke of the map and circumstance, but it certainly looks and feels really cool. Especially as they are leaving a trail of Russian casualties to mark their trail.
  13. No I don't think you do. The point was I think it is cartoonish to do for either and doubt BF would consider including for any nationality. On the other hand you think it should be in for the Russians only.* *note lack of cute smiley
  14. There are quite a few large maps for long range engagements. Try Studienka. I have got a Panther that has taken on a couple T34s and ISU 152s. It is a little banged up but the opposition is flaming wrecks. The engagement range for this particular unit has been between 800 and 900 meters. I am lucky the fighting position is slightly higher so I expect I am getting some additional protection from the angle. Maybe not much, but that Panther is still alive and the enemy isn't.
  15. Sorry I don't think BF is interested in trying to portray cartoonish stereotypes in CM. You don't see any goose stepping Nazis running around either. I also doubt they will try to portray drunken German soldiers in the Bulge game of which there are more than a few anecdotal stories.
  16. You get head to head helper from GAJ, you sign up for a free dropbox account and after that it almost does everything by itself - very very cool and easy enough that even I am able to run it. There is a link for CM helper in this thread http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114474
  17. I just dropped a bridge in Studienka after brewing up 3 T34s on it. Only problem is I need to cross the dang river!
  18. Told you I'd be revisiting this George once I had a little time. Either I hit a different AI plan or you tweaked it since testing. Damned Russians just rolled over me in West Studienka and are headed for the bridge. Last time I held them at the town and never gave up possession of any of the bridges. Nice change..well not so nice for my guys who USED to hold that end of town. If you haven't taken this one for a spin I highly recommend it. I'd write more but don't want to spoil it for anyone.
  19. Rout my a**! This dude has an answer to all this... just as soon as he finishes reloading...
  20. video in post #50. Minor media event with Putin checking the troops. zzzzzzz He doesn't even take off his shirt or wrestle any of them.
  21. not really sold one way or the other, but the main thought that comes to mind is usually my reason for having a dismounted HQ tank crew is I managed to get their tank blown up. They likely have crew casualties so I am not thinking to take over a fully crewed vehicle. I'd mostly be happy just getting them back on the comm network. The exception might be a bogged tank.
  22. Well what did you expect taking her to see Capt America?!! LOL
  23. the only one I know of was in Day of the panzer. I'd have to go back and check that section as I recall it also presented some difficulties.
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