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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. From the manual, hope this helps a bit. What this means in game terms is that units can effectively only trace command- and-control to their immediately-superior HQs. Higher HQs may fulfill this role only to a limited extent. If a squad or team is out of contact with its immediate superior (usually a platoon HQ) then its company or battalion HQ may provide voice and close visual contact, but not radio or distant- visual contact. This simulates that a higher HQ can’t babysit a large number of units more than one level lower in the organization, and it means that higher HQs can’t be used in a gamey way to make platoon HQs unnecessary, but they can step in and provide command-and-control in a limited radius in emergency situations. Regarding the green light, I suspect it does not mean the unit has comms with higher levels as you'd suggested in your 2nd scenario. The comm link showing visual or audible link will show if you have C2 to a superior HQ, but I believe the comm link indicator is an overview of how the comm nets are functioning that affect that squad. An easy way to check is to set up units in a test scenario and move them around to see how the status indicators work. hmm sounds like an interesting way to spend a sunday afternoon with a beer. I'll try some tests and post what I find.
  2. Mod tools is for packing and unpacking the brz files. Unless you are interested in compiling all your mods into a brz or unpacking one to look at the files in it there is no reason to touch that folder. Per page 113 of the manual Now that you have created your mods as .brz file(s), it is time to see them work inside Combat Mission. Here is the easiest way to be sure that your mod files get loading priority over the files that ship standard with Combat Mission. First, note that any enclosing folder names are included with file names in the alphabetical priority comparison for loading. Now go inside your My Documents/../User Data/Mods folder and create a new folder called “Z”. Because “Z” comes after the names of the standard game files (“Version XXX”) you are guaranteed that any mods you put into the “Z” folder will be loaded and used by Combat Mission. Second, note that among the .brz mod files you create and put into this “Z” folder, the alphabetical rule still applies within that folder. So if you have “MyMod1.brz” and “MyMod2.brz” files both inside the “Z” folder, data from “MyMod2.brz” will take priority over “MyMod1.brz” for any duplicate contents. 114 Combat Mission You may also place single *non-brz* files into the Mods folder (such as individual WAV or BMP files). Combat Mission can recognize individual BMP or WAV files even when not packed into a BRZ file. This is not recommended when creating a “mod pack” for use by others because dozens or hundreds of individual files are difficult to manage, but it can be useful while you are creating your mod, and want to test out small edits. Individual files are given loading priority over ALL .brz files regardless of how they are named.
  3. too funny, I can still recall the first time I found Jerry Garcia/Merl Saunders recorded at the Keystone doing My Funny Valentine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMw6P96K8f4 Tried to see if anyone posted Grace on youtube playing the tune, but couldn't find it. Lots of other stuff, just not that.
  4. Any chance they mistook you for the fair lass? A lifetime ago I was walking along this road..back when I had hair. It was the early 80's and mine was fairly long. As this car passed some guy was leaning out the window whistling and carrying on like a dips**t until they passed me....then he saw the beard. Priceless.
  5. nope, so far the word is Bulge will be a separate game family. The only content left for CMBN is supposed to be packs. Then again stuff is always subject to change. Personally I would be much happier if it were a module just so I could have maps work in the Bulge scenarios that is created in CMBN.
  6. good plan, also find a map you really like and check it out in the editor to figure out how they did stuff. No need to reinvent the wheel.
  7. The whole situation is an outlier. In a tactical fight like we are playing how often would an aircraft ever intervene? Our forces are usually far too close and the communications net didn't really allow for that kind of coordination. Hell reading a book on Operation Anaconda and with all the technology at hand the fog of war and communication issues lead to a few friendly fire incidents. Basically I agree with folks that the most realistic use of CAS in CM is simply not having it. Within all that I agree with you and the strafing aspect is even more extreme. This is one aspect of CM I could accept never having been included at least in the WW2 game families. So I don't use it. Problem solved
  8. posting pics, it's fun and easy. Amaze your friends! http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97288
  9. With Apocal's? Very very different, but that isn't surprising. Apocal is trying to verify their accuracy specifically. I am trying to understand their overall effectiveness in a CM battle on a decent size map with a fair amount of units. Different goals, different tests. 3 heavy IL 2 flights have accounted for one Pz, a halftrack and 4 mobile AA tracks and some odds and ends of pixeltruppen hit by shrapnel (the mobile tracks were all hit by strafing runs). This is after about 15+ bombing runs and a number of strafing runs. I watched 3 attacks on a PzIV platoon all miss for example. It is a lot of watching and turn running for something I rarely use so I don't know how much more I'll invest in it. I don't know how to gauge the effectiveness of AAA. I have tried running without it and I can't say the results are much different, but statistically my data pool is woefully inadequate to reach any real conclusions. However if I was going to buy air support I'd more likely go for strafing units which are pretty cheap and very accurate versus expensive bombing aircraft which seem far less effective. Just a gut reaction at the moment. To counter that I'd buy cheap mobile flak as they will suck up the strafing runs. Overall no I am not likely to really utilize airpower in games much.
  10. my personal experience and testing (admittedly limited) is showing them to be a lot less effective. I am also testing on an actual map with other forces involved (Studienka) as opposed to a flat small map with limited units. I think that may be skewing the accuracy perspective in terms of actual in scenario effectiveness versus testing scenario effectiveness. Overall the bombing runs don't faze me, the strafing runs however are brutal. Mobile flak guns seem to be the preferred target and once targeted, they are dead. The aircraft do not miss. However like Wodin, I still jump
  11. yeah for a minute there I thought I saw this last night, but on closer examination found they had gotten line LOS and nailed the guy so quick it was hard to see (the icon was also blocked a bit by buildings so you needed the right angle to catch). Bummer as I thought that would have been so cool to see them open up on a sound contact in this particular circumstance.
  12. Nice selfie there, but generally we like to leave things a little less personal here. Heck we don't even have those goofy little avatars. oh and now I am totally convinced you are a cartoon network addict. It's okay, nothing wrong with that.
  13. I'd really consider this in a map in replacement of water areas to create ponds just because of the level issues with water. Hell you could create a pond any height you want. Interesting possibilities Mikey, thanks
  14. Life must be smoking hot there with lots to do that you'd refuse to buy CM for something like that. I need to move. Things are so dull here I sometimes play CM with all my fingers taped together just to increase the difficulty level and add a degree of friction and confusion to combat. Getting the tape off is a bitch too.
  15. From yesterday- the thread is in the tech support section if you want to follow it
  16. Or you could comp his game. And before you get indignant, I have offered to comp another modder's game. I am putting my wallet where my big mouth is. BF's UI is just fine, if we like a modder's work it should be on us to show it.
  17. How would I know, I am the anti-logic. Having had that honor bestowed on me by one whom many of us suspect to be our favorite forum revolving door member, I must demur to comment. :cool:
  18. That wasn't dejection, that was death from gas emissions.
  19. That statement I do agree with if you caveat it that the German player have at least a minimum skill level in order to be able to win. I think it is also true that depending on the relative skill levels of the two players it may also be balanced for HTH. If the player's skill is poor it may also be balanced for Russian vs AI play. That is the problem- there are far too many assumptions about "balance". If you are saying a scenario is only balanced if it is equally difficult for both sides in HTH then you will almost NEVER have a decent scenario for AI play. My apologies if this statement is incorrect, but from your critique I am going to have to assume you have not designed a scenario in CMx2. I would suggest tinkering with one if that is true and try to put yourself in the shoes of a designer who is primarily trying to develop something to be included in a BF release. HTH scenario design is actually much easier. You don't have to create an AI plan and you can try to match up the forces based on the type of battle and terrain. Designing a challenging mission vs the AI is a totally different kettle of fish.
  20. I know the map and play tested it quite a bit. The only problem with your suggestion is it may help balance hth, but will unbalance play vs the AI. As play vs the AI is I believe from BF's view the first option I would not recommend a change by the designer. Players can alter as they see fit for a better match up for hth (don't know who you were suggesting change the scenario. If the above was your intent I'd wholeheartedly agree though it is a challenging and fun scenario as is versus the AI)
  21. Outstanding. This is one I'd really like to see. Thanks Kieme!
  22. Studienka if memory serves. I killed a T34 by close assault there as well.
  23. huh. thought I tried that, chalk it up to old age. or just plain stupid.
  24. It just might. The jarring visual image would probably totally disrupt my mindset while playing. Might even make me physically ill.
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