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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Who knows what VG is playing, but there is absolutely no comparison. The damn maxims are a pain dragging around the map and trying to get into position. Then let er rip.. umm okay, let er rip...aww c'mon guys pour some lead down range! Meanwhile the MG42 is ripping your men apart.... Yes they are both MGs, but in game or RL there is no question as to which I'd want.
  2. I told you not to be posting your selfies. It is just a wee bit too personal for our tastes. Your goggles are kind a cute though.
  3. sburke - proud member of the Forum Propaganda Brigade since Jan 2006. Having just passed my 8th anniversary as a member of the FPB I got my traditional tie pin and doily. What I haven't yet managed was to get myself banned. Then come back. Then get banned again. Then come back. No that takes a very very "special" kind of person. I suspect you are wrong MikeyD. He plays and loses and blames the game.
  4. Can that be considered a group gift or do we all have to get our own? ooh choices ASL Vet you always give the best gifts at parties.
  5. Actually I expect that is the case to some degree. The exact same hit in the exact same place isn't always going to produce the same effect. For example say you have one tank that has a communication system close to being on the fritz, not bolted in correctly or simply has already been batted around and then you have another that is just out of the shop and fairly pristine. The first gets hit and the comms craps out, second does not. I would hope BF has results with variables that could be just chance. How random is another question.
  6. Speaking of which did you see the little neo nazis get togethers in France to celebrate crazy Adolph's 125th birthday? What do you get a dead guy for his 125th? I felt so unprepared.. However my bet is most of the evening was spent watching the cartoon network.
  7. That was actually my point, the ricochet changed, the hit location decal however did not. Nice to know I wasn't wandering out in left field again.
  8. LOL yeah I hate that one. However from what I understand that is not a CM issue per se. That is a matter of the animation display catching up with the positioning of an individual unit - I got some geeky response about how graphics work etc Something about how the image is adjusting the location of the item, but the movement graphic is no longer applicable as it isn't actually displaying "movement". I have seen it in other games so I think that is likely accurate.
  9. Go into the editor and check the AI plans. It could be they had them start from the same location. I know they can be altered as I experimented quite a bit with placement and movement making Venafro. It was the first scenario I had done and I really was not clear on what was possible. My advice - create a small scenario with a platoon and mess around with it. It can be very enlightening as to what is and isn't possible. I need to do that now that we have triggers as I haven't messed with them at all.
  10. That unfortunately is the case. I was looking in the CMSF archive for this bit a member had written on assaulting houses. Didn't find it, but came across some interesting stuff by combatinfman about different MOUT techniques. In one thread they discussed the issue of fire lanes. Part of the drill for an assaulting unit is specifically about knowing how to avoid the firelanes of your overwatch element. Trying to get the TAC AI to understand firelanes would be really really hard and prone to all sorts of odd behavior. Net result is we don't have them and small arms do not hurt friendly units, that in turn means an assault command doesn't have to separate the direction of the assaulting unit from the overwatch element. I am not sure however that is the root of the issue. What would be an interesting test would be to have split teams perform the same setup the assault unit does and see if the behavior is the same, if not that would be worth posting and asking for clarification. If under the same conditions a split team and a united team using assault get totally different results and the assault team is unable to actually assault, I think BF would be interested. Whether there is an easy remedy is a whole other issue. I think part of the problem may be that as long as they are considered a "unit" they share suppression factors. Splitting them allows the game to make a distinction. I tend to split my squads whenever feasible and honestly can't say I have used the assault command very often. I'll play around tonight with it and see what kind of behavior I can mess with. LOL that might actually have been the subject of one of the threads. Recon work around a corner. If you go into the archive there are 3 screens worth of threads under tactics. Look for Urban or MOUT in the subject.
  11. Damn it, just when I was getting comfortable in my position as the anti logic, someone gets promoted over me!! TimoS I can definitely attest that in wego the visual is not an exact. I had a save of a round striking a Panther. If you reloaded and reran the turn, the ricochet visual would give different results. However as far as I know the indication as to where the round struck is usually good. Do you have a hit decal showing? If so I'd say that is likely a high probability of where the round struck. As to the crew not suffering injury, your description is conflicting. Buttoned up means hatches are closed. Were the crew visible? Do you have a save per chance? Yes it is, even banned members don't stay away. Whether you fit that category is a something many of us continue to wonder.
  12. my understanding (and I could be totally off base) is that the sounds files have a disproportional hit on resources the more unique they are, hence the tendency to group sounds unless there is a very strong reason they need to be more distinctive (german MGs for example). If you are simply referring to the quality of the sounds themselves I can't answer that. I am one of those guys without an arsenal and I couldn't tell you the difference between a mauser, an enfield or a garand (other than the distinctive sound of the clip as it empties). I take everything I hear in the movies with a big dose of salt so whether BF's sounds are realistic or not isn't something I can judge. I suspect I am not the only one in that predicament.
  13. BF will be the first to say they are fallible. However again, they set a pretty rigorous standard as to what data set they need to begin changing stuff. I had more hope from your initial posts you weren't gonna be just another one of those guys with his set perception of what the uber German army should look like that then slams BF with sarcastic comments and then alludes to their base of fanbois. Once you go that route it is going to be real hard to get BF to take you seriously in a discussion to alter aspects of the game. It isn't like they haven't been researching these games for 15 years. My suggestion is to back off the sarcasm and stick to collecting actual data and being open minded enough to be able to accept that maybe, just maybe, you could also be incorrect. I for one do take most of what BF says at face value. I am not a grog and I don't intend to become one. I also know to some extent how much research they do (at least I see a tip of the iceberg on it anyway). Based on that I am able to respect that their figures and settings are usually in the ballpark at least.
  14. yeah what he said! I came across these while grabbing your UI. Nice surprise.
  15. I've always wanted to check out Austin City limits.... Thanks to them I can at least catch Stevie Ray on video. Sure PM me. Glad to hear you're hanging in there. Spring is here - step out, grab a beer and watch the world spin by. As Frank Zappa once said "If you don't think it is f**kin great to be alive, you better leave now as this show is gonna bring you down".
  16. It varies a little bit, but generally the kindle uses percentages and locations. It can be a little annoying when you aren't used to it, but once you figure it out it isn't bad. Bookmarking also makes things a lot easier. I have gotten completely addicted to mine. Carrying around a few hundred books at a time and being able to access them from any PC if needed is just too cool. Saves on bookshelf space too.The only time it isn't as useful is books with illustrations, pics and maps. Those I reserve to buy physical copies.
  17. the upside of one the 3.0 changes is now you can create a map 2x6. The potential has changed to be able utilize the function. It is possible based on that it could be revisited.
  18. Kauz, there is nothing personal in the general lack of direct replies. Simply put there is a limitation on time. Steve can either focus on the game or the forum. Some times he does reply to specific items, but it is pretty rare. Doesn't mean he doesn't see it, some of these same issues are discussed on the beta side. In fact that is a big reason why folks agree to be beta testers. We have higher odds of getting specific answers, though even then it is not always anything more than "not right now". VG has an axe to grind. While he may be able to cite specific items as issues as noted by others there is a lot more on the agenda. Don't get distracted by the trivia into thinking he has the same concerns or intent as yourself. As to MGs as noted above there was a general discussion as to MG effectiveness for suppression etc. That has been increased across the board and my experience has been German MGs are deadly. That was done after an incredible amount of testing as BF does not make changes lightly. They struggle to be as close as they can to actual effect and determining actual effect has to be more than just what we perceive to be a weapons capabilities. BF is not going to change them to appeal to some mythical commercial demand nor will they do so for some mythical capability based on war time propaganda. The German army in particular has created a lot of hype about capabilities in WW2 for a lot of different reasons, much of which doesn't hold up well to scientific verification. On the other hand some of their weapons systems do. Figuring out truth from hype is something BF takes very seriously. The game is far from perfect as even Steve and Charles would note. Within the limitations of what they are working with however it is pretty darn good and they are always open to anything that is not accurate. The requirements however to get them to change behavior are pretty rigorous and a video or two or stories from one individual will not cut it. If you feel strongly that there is something in the game that needs changing be prepared to roll up your sleeves and work. Believe me the beta testers are held to the same standard and I am continually amazed at the amount of testing time these guys put in to verify different aspects of the game.
  19. Possibly. I think what players found and BF agreed with is that in general MGs were under modeled. That probably affected the German MGs disproportionately. That was adjusted and right now a German MG is a tough nut to take on IF as Philm said, you position them properly. I think that is a key item here. CM will generally display the strengths and weaknesses of a unit if employed properly. How many of us actually do that is a whole other question. There has been reams of information in this forum written about tactical deployment of different weapons systems but I think few of us (myself included) have really mastered understanding or employing those lessons. As to the 88s, I think BF has a different position as to their TACTICAL redeployment. It is one thing to say they are employed as a fire brigade to head off Russian tank attacks, it's quite another to say they were shifted around a tactical battlefield during a 1-2 hour time frame in a "whack-a-mole" manner. Positioning an 88 takes a bit more than saying- "hey that looks like a good spot over there, it even has a little shade from the sun and not so many flies to bother me while I am eating". Yes I can see on the video that the gun is still on the wheels, but I can also see the side stabilizers deployed and adjusted to keep the gun from pitching over when it fired. I also do not see any indication at all in the video of it being moved and deployed or how long it would take them to set up like that. Last and probably most important to BF is yes they could do that but under what conditions - remember a player will always use a feature if available even if the reality is it was infrequently used or discouraged. It is what we do. As someone else noted, we'd need the prime mover in the game. Does anyone think the German army ran those prime movers around in range of Russian guns? The prime mover itself was probably worth more to the Germans than a couple of those guns. As I understand it the German army was chronically short of motorized vehicles in general and movers in particular - it is no coincidence that the Horse drawn artillery unit is so typical of the German army all the way into 1945. Lose that and those 88s aren't going anywhere. You now have an immobile, highly visible unit that is not dug in...mortar anyone? I think if CM was at a larger scale then perhaps you'd see BF reconsider. Hell they may even reconsider based on this thread, but I doubt it. I do find it amusing though that it is almost always the complaint German weapons systems are under modeled. We almost never hear anyone say, hey the T34/Sherman/Churchill/Firefly is under modeled. Remember the shock players had with CMFI seeing the Sherman as the King of the battlefield?
  20. Yes and they are in that funky document they call a "manual" Sorry couldn't resist Real-time Mode Two player Real Time Mode works just like in Single Player games, with the difference being that players must mutually agree to a pause in the action. Players can request a game pause during TCP-IP play by navigating to the Menu Options Panel and selecting one of the Request Pause options. The second player will be prompted to accept or decline the pause request. If the request is granted, the battle will be paused until both players press the Resume button, at which the action will continue. Three types of pauses are available. A Playable Pause allows players to move their camera around the battlefield, select units, and give commands. A Viewable Pause allows players to move their camera across the battlefield, but they cannot issue commands to their units until the pause is lifted. A Locked Pause prevents players from moving their camera or interacting with units at all until the pause is lifted.
  21. You rang? I told you all to keep it down, your nattering is interfering with my watching the Stanley Cup playoffs [electricity brownout as some old git powers up the only PC in town, a ripe old decrepit thing running win 95. It sputters and grinds slowly to life as he opens his browser and realizes the town has no internet. Just as well as he can't type with those damn hooves to search for "Stanley Cup" on Wikipaedia]
  22. well he wasn't quite dead yet, in fact he was beginning to feel a little better...I feel happy, I feel happy...thud yep he was dead.
  23. Not too weird, there have been requests for this sort of thing to allow players to withdrawal units that are just in the way vehicles, HW teams that have no more ammo etc Now get off my map hippy, exit zone is over there.
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