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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Thanks BG, that is pretty much what Steve said - and to quote him again in case folks missed it the first time. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1536440&postcount=165
  2. okay ya got me there. Haven't looked at the demo in like... well ever. You don't seem to understand, I have no issue with change. If BF changes their mind and feels Steam would work for them, have at it. It isn't an issue of me being wrong or right. It isn't my call and frankly I don't have any data one way or the other as to whether steam would help. However BF who are far better placed to say whether it will or won't says it won't. The only person here claiming to KNOW is you. You are the one saying BF should risk their business on a model they say doesn't work for them. This being a company that has survived quite a bit and is growing some 20 years in. It takes a certain level of balls to tell a successful business they should change their model when you have no skin in the game.. at all, you haven't bought anything from them. Kind of reminds me of Jerry telling Babu to change his restaurant. I hope never to see your infallible face as it dawns on you BF was right when they go bankrupt, that would really suck. And I don't have a cave, I prefer woodwork.
  3. ooh ooh ooh can I take this one?!!! Let's see, you don't PLAY the game, how would you feel placed to evaluate it? No don't tell me, you are slumming on your friend's copy cause you can't be bothered if it isn't on steam? C'mon you can admit it, we won't hold it against ya. but back to your point. For what the game does, yeah I like the UI. It works for me with the caveat that I play WeGo. One of the RTS style players would have to comment on how it functions for that. And note I have been playing CMSF for a long time. I didn't find it difficult to pick up with CMSF and I do play some other games. Probably not as many as someone like yourself. Games in general aren't a real interest, I can count on one hand the number I spent any time on this year outside of CM. Could it be better, maybe. Would I prefer BF spend their time on the UI (which actually is one of Steve's stated goals)? No, I'd rather they add more content, more varied commands (like the bazooka shot around the corner...) more effort on the TAC AI maybe.... There, you can stop waiting. I hope I brought a ray of sunshine in your otherwise drab day without CM. I do what I can.
  4. and then if you are me, your first spotting round hits the FO..... A Company then takes the resulting scream as an order to charge. B company sees some guys running in the open and knowing the battle plan says no attack till the arty has finished decides those must be the enemy and opens fire. B Co commander then quietly starts writing up his thank you letter for the award he is sure his coming his way for decimating that enemy unit that was displacing in front of him.
  5. @asterix909 Yeah I am totally clueless. I have only been listening to this argument about steam for a few years now. I trust BF to know their audience and their business model and do know as they have stated it that they have actually reviewed the terms of agreements that it would impose. You on the other hand I do not know and other than you purchasing games on steam,you don't seem to have any other qualifications that would justify you giving BF business advice. This isn't about some elitist grognard strawman thing that keeps getting dragged out as if the rest of us are completely clueless about the online community. I have a steam membership, I have bought games there. I have not found it to provide any value add relative to how I installed CM that makes me care one wit about whether BF decides to use them. BF has outlived most other computer gaming companies by quite a bit in this genre. My ONLY concern is they continue to produce games. Your apparent only concern is how you get the game. If BF goes the steam route, perhaps that is how I will get the next one. If they don't I will still get it and will continue to support the company. I suspect BF will take your position with a healthy dose of salt in that you do know about the game and years later have yet to pry open that wallet. Either way I don't care, now excuse me while I go fire up the game.
  6. Maybe read the next sentence? It seems in his case it isn't enough just to know about it, he has to be able to buy it there. Enough of this nonsense, if he wanted the game he could have it. That they don't want to sell through a third party is their business and they have said no thank you. Why you guys can't let it go at that is beyond me, like you have some god given right to tell BF how they should do business. It is simply arrogant. They have been considerate enough to explain, patiently, why they don't want to do it. Shouldn't that be enough to end this?
  7. So the argument that being on steam would introduce to more people who would buy doesn't seem to hold too well. You know about the game and yet still won't buy because it isn't on steam? Sorry but that is as poor a reason as I have ever heard for not buying a game. BF is comfortable with their sales so it seems you are the only one to lose out here. I have been playing BF games for a very long time and frankly the outcry over their copyright protection and licensing is way overblown. Kind of like this steam argument. Seems to me it in your case is more like cutting off your nose to spite your face. You may call it principle. I call it being obstinate.
  8. I'd say a whole new title carries more bang than a module.... and more variation. Really comes down to, do you want FJ for CMBN now?
  9. I'll try to avoid the totally subjective sounds ones CMBN - Tanks a Lot's buildings. CMBN and CMFI Mord and DC's unit portraits CMRT what can I say, Umlaut's industrial destruction
  10. Don't Bash windows.... For all it's perversity, I 'd rather it than those arrogant pukes at Apple.
  11. nothing ships as 3.0 with the exception of CMRT. A new order or a re download of a bundle order will be at 2.12. Yes you would have to re-apply 3.0 as the exe will get overwritten in the process of applying MG. You do not have to uninstall anything however, just load MG then re apply 3.0.
  12. See there is the hole in the theory and the problem with developing a strategy that gets BF more sales. If Steve and Charles get too wealthy they are gonna say "screw this annoying fan base, let's just retire to Bali." We have to make sure they have enough sales to make it worth doing, but not so much that they could retire...yet.
  13. Hard to get ANY help around here, hold this bucket please. I need to go find out what that gurgling noise is. One of these kniggets is probably so drunk they've slipped below the surface of the pool. Unfortunately that means they'll likely clog what little drain is left. If you wash my mouth out, it would become the only clean thing in this joint. I take it from your suggestion someone else should do it to mean you don't touch soap yourself. Probably a prior bad experience reaching for it in the shower. By the way Burke is a verb, I'll only take so much abuse before I prep one of you for sale to a medical school.
  14. lol yep a total waste of time. This is the classic "I read one book on this and now I am an expert on the space" kind of attitude of the newly indoctrinated. They typically have no real world experience to rely on. Sort of like a soon to be casualty 2nd Lt. The really funny thing these guys don't get is if BF's livelihood is dependent on the success of their games and they see no reason for going to steam, why does everyone keep pushing it on them? They have run their business successfully for 15 years now, they apparently know something about what they are doing. Let it go already. sburke of the Geriatric Cheer Leading Brigade
  15. been playing around with it to see just what my PC is objecting to and it does appear to be something in the building folder. I have played around with some really massive maps in CM with stuff that I know normally chokes a PC and I haven't had it crash like this. I'll see if I can't isolate further. good news, I was able to get it to run smoothly. What seems to be choking it is the ceiling and floor mod in the modular building file.
  16. scuse f**kin me!! They gave me a pissbucket to clean up a cesspool, wtf do you expect?!!
  17. Yeah hedges and walls when you have those angled sections can actually make a very difficult pathing move for the AI. You sometimes have to get very very specific about movement and that section of that map is really tight.
  18. Guess we really do need female soldiers so you can mod her face in and continue to play while looking at her at the same time. Although then you'd freak out every time you saw her get shot. Hmmm a real quandary there. Only one answer, you have to get her hooked on CM.
  19. Unfortunately I think BFs dance card for the foreseeable future is pretty full. They seem to be awfully busy with the items they already have in the pipeline. Who knows though, they could always surprise us.
  20. Hot fix for CMSF? Only BF can say, but I'd be surprised to see any effort on it considering their announced intent to redo it in CMx2.
  21. This is one of those items in CMSF that has spurred me to start reading everything I can on Iraq. Take this all with a grain of salt as I am a late comer to beta testing, but I am under the distinct impression that CMSF was developed with a LOT of input from folks who were there. This isn't just a theoretical gamey idea. This is an attempt to render in game the ROE that folks fought under. It is hard to render as there are no civilians depicted in CM. The idea as I understand it is to depict the inability to use heavy weapons in civilian areas negating some of the firepower advantages the US had. We can't totally simulate it in the examples of not being able to fire unless fired upon, the TAC AI would preclude that as well as FOW as there are no noncombatants in CM. You have to try and visualize at that point what the conditions CM is trying to reflect. I seriously doubt BF will ever include civilians in the game environment. I realize none of that answers your specific question. Just reacting to the question as that aspect of CMSF had a pretty strong impression on me trying to understand it.
  22. Nope that doesn't help. What are you suggesting? I am not gonna guess, you need to spell this one out. Sorry. This is straying into one of those odd areas from a historical/political perspective. I don't want to risk assuming anything or putting words in your mouth.
  23. I am almost afraid to ask based on how the question is phrased, but strangely? In what sense?
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