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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. All true, but there is still the underlying question. If Open GL is too unreliable and eats up too much in the way of time and resources from BF to support, eventually they would need to consider doing something. It isn't about being prettier so much as being consistent.
  2. as well you should, you've earned it. For what it's worth I like playing with your new map as well.
  3. Funny, those were favorites of mine as well. I remember Wiltz getting converted in CMx1 I think after CM Afrika Korp and the NWE Mod was out.
  4. And hand to hand combat against submarines. Though the submarines have no hands. And then . . . Claw to claw combat with space lobsters
  5. Messing with maps makes up 90% of my game play
  6. Not sure what the "cost" would be per se. I have no idea what the effort would be to change, but I'd agree it has to be part of BF's play book. When and how are very difficult questions, but for myself I'd rather see sooner than later if for no other reason than concern they'd have to end up duplicating titles. If on the other hand they can figure out how to port the existing games it wouldn't be so much an issue. I know less than squat about it, but I expect it won't be a simple process. (Phil is probably rolling his eyes now and muttering "you think?")
  7. Local Public Television here used to run the Japanese Taiga dramas with subtitles - year long historical dramas that usually focus on samurai in various periods. I was in Kyoto shortly after Shinsengumi was aired and it covered quite a bit of the developments in Kyoto in the period leading up to the Meiji restoration. There was also dramas on Atsuhime and Sakamoto Ryoma covering this period. The dramas tend to be a real mix. The first I saw was Toshiie to Matsu - story of the Maeda clan in the warring states era and I got hooked. KQED stopped running them right as Ryomaden started, but I was in Tosa and got to see some of the historical locations. They were getting more "pop" oriented. Literally with pop stars playing leading roles in Shinsengumi and this guy playineg Uesugi Kenshin in Furin Kazan... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gackt bummer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiga_drama
  8. Absolutely agree. You still have to be able to play it. I sometimes mess around with rules forcing my teams to spend time transmitting orders, sending runners etc.
  9. Heh I am not only not a specialist on war, I am not even a specialist on CM. However I'd still hold that CM does suffer from time compression. The simple fact that you are the commander at all levels of the c2 chain and have no real terrain fow means we do commit to action and change our tactical position and orders instantaneously. A real environment would require a lot more interaction within the chain of command and commensurately slower pace.
  10. I've been checking back every day, but I still don't see the CMBN/CMFI variants...... just sayin..
  11. Yep, that is one of our own forum members - Broadsword is running a campaign that a few of us have had the pleasure to be a part of. This will be my 3rd campaign with Broadsword. Previous op layers were using the St Lo board game and Where Eagles Dare. The Hamel Vallee battle in my sig along with 4 of the other 5 listed 352nd ID battles was from the St Lo campaign. Total blast and proved for me that it can be done with the tools at hand.
  12. Yep, there have been a couple recent similar items and BF was able to sort them out.
  13. Time to exfil. Alerted militia opens fire on the convoy US Infantry returning fire Luck runs out - an rpg team in ambush The occupants were uninjured and bailed into a nearby house. Call goes out for QRF as there isn't enough transport to evacuate everyone now. And the militia hornet's nest has been disturbed. Stay tuned.
  14. Target taken down, searching house for possible intel. A suicide bomber heads for the area Another militia member is taken out. End of the suicide bomber
  15. Militia starts reacting Visibility is terrible, but US troops with night vision gear have no problem dispatching the enemy.
  16. Okay so I really liked that book and decided to see if I could reproduce something like the opening chapter. A quick raid to snatch a high priority target. Started great. On LLF's Ramadi map was able to hit the house deep in enemy territory in under 5 minutes. US infantry pouring out at target house sealing off the block.
  17. Kieme's HD mod, absolutely beautiful work.
  18. Just read Stryker: The Siege of Sadr City and now I am craving CMSF 2. Sadr city, the next Ramadi map? $3.99 on kindle and worth quite a bit more. http://www.amazon.com/Stryker-Siege-Konrad-R-K-Ludwig-ebook/dp/B00EZW0HUM/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1412120937&sr=1-1&keywords=strykers+in+sadr+city
  19. Funny thing is, this thread was fine until post 40. Folks talked about BFs position, some expressed a desire that it change. Most expressed an ambivalence but responded to the OP in a non aggressive manner. And then the geriatric brigade comment comes out It frankly wasn't that bad, but it starts a negative turn and also is frankly off relative to the discussion preceding it. It wasn't the geriatric cheering brigade that started the negative turn nor was there any "resistance to change". Hell there was even a suggestion from another old hand about using kick starter. Seems to me the negativity and bull headedness started from one particular direction. It settles down a little and then we get this. That is a first post, it is negative, combative unhelpful and self indulgent. Get off your high horse asterix. I did prison time defending my principles, you did what, not buy a game? How dare you compare your little egotistical trip to folks risking their health and well being fighting for real causes like the folks in Hong Kong. That is so pathetic it defies belief. You think these youth movements happen in a vacuum, ever hear of stonewall? Where do you think that generation is now. Oh yeah voting to change the status quo, becoming lawyers who can actually change things, educating the young on a different set of beliefs. Or did you think all these ideas sprung spontaneously out of nowhere as completely original ideas. Typical arrogance. edit addition -Oh and by the way, it seems the people beating their wives these days are young NFL players.
  20. Yeah I'd agree. Between too much Hollywood and the constraints of being a game we definitely suffer from time compression.
  21. Well if nothing else I am helping you get your post count up. I think the jury is still out on whether I can understand simple logic. While you have shown you are simple, you have not displayed any real grasp of logic. Either way I would agree I do not understand you. This supposed stand on principle is a load of crap. I will not buy your game till you change your sales model, man the ramparts!! We must defend our right to buy your product how we want to!! Good luck concerning yourself with others here, the general consensus seems to be not very favorable. Back to the game!! (And not just the demo version)
  22. Funny, what I got out of that is Ian Leslie is a famous cricketer. And here I am thinking his big item is enjoying combat mission.
  23. Grognards not liking change - strawman New users not being welcome - strawman Age differential as THE factor supporting steam - strawman Man with no business or contract experience claiming Steve doesn't know what he is talking about - priceless Okay asterix, you have managed to insult a good portion of the actual active purchasing community and the owners of the game in one thread. Excellent job I must say. Most of your ilk takes a little longer to achieve that level of over hyper ego. Kudos to you. Honestly I would take you a lot more seriously if you actually bought the game. As it is I am not very impressed with your level of concern about BF's success if you aren't even willing to do that. Unfortunately that in turn undermines everything you have to say. The point from most of the folks here, those who really would like to see BF on steam and those of us who don't really care is that the main thing is we want the game. Whatever it takes we will own and play it as it fills a unique place for us. You do not however seem to have that same level of interest. Yours seems to be more (from my perspective anyway) a casual interest. If it is convenient on steam you'd purchase it, but if not you'll pass. Admittedly there is a hard core community here just as there probably is for any game. We are not hardcore about HOW BF sells, just that they continue to sell. Coming in here and telling them how they should market their game when you have not done the one thing that EVERYONE can agree on as the first step in keeping them going - purchasing - does seem to not be putting your best foot forward and is almost guaranteed to engender the response you have gotten. Sorry, that is just the way life works. Us old heads are kind of used to it having had it thrown in our face for years. Intended or not it just reeks of arrogance and self entitlement which seems to be the hallmark of a generation that seems to think the social behavior on the internet has some different rules than one would use in a face to face conversation. No that is not behavior driven by age, but the internet allows certain behavior to pass that would have gotten a totally different response prior to this age of anonymity. Like a beer poured over one's head.
  24. Last time I saw that was a pbem and it was a British trooper who hid underwater way off from his team. Took me forever to find him. Not that it mattered, he wasn't rejoining the fight.
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