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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Certainly one without a sense of humor. Everybody thinks they have a sense of humor....
  2. Maybe that is how ossify became Ozzie. Cease developing; be stagnant= Ozzie. Yeah that sounds plausible. capitalise (third-person singular simple present capitalises, present participle capitalising, simple past and past participle capitalised) Non-Oxford British English standard spelling of capitalize. So what this seems to be saying is the British going to Oxford essentially learn what you say Americans learn from Sesame Street?
  3. That reproduction aspect bothering you....mule?
  4. Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House 1. - I follow directions. 2. - Going back would imply I ever had spelling lessons. I am from Phila. Why would I need that? 3. - Regarding spelling, what is "capitalised"? I know of capitalized, but that is a different... umm spelling. Oh I get it, it is an Ozzie thing. https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/24496917/life-insurance-company-used-google-ads-words-to-capitlise-on-mh17-disaster/ Must have been something picked up in Botany Bay Spelling Academy.
  5. Yeah, the interesting thing is while reading Stryker: The Siege of Sadr City they seemed a bit more survivable. Many were heavily damaged, but out right destroyed didn't seem to occur that often in the book. Could just be perception. I was a little more aggressive with them than I would be now. If those RPG teams were more skilled the force would have been shredded. Also came across this from 2005 http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/m1126-strykers-in-combat-experiences-lessons-01323/ Survivability? Russian analyst Vasiliy Fofanov external link may have had good reason to be impressed. Col. Brown: “We were hit by 115 RPGs hit Strykers over the year we had here, not one penetrated a Stryker, not one. Not any — no machine gun fire penetrated a Stryker inside. We did have a soldier that was killed in a hatch by an RPG — standing up in a hatch, and they fired from a building on top, but not one RPG penetrated a Stryker; 115 hits, it’s a fantastic vehicle. …Does it need improvements? I don’t know of any vehicle that doesn’t. I’d put a laser range-finder on it. I’d stabilize the gun, maybe put a larger gun on it. The Army’s working all that. Is it a fantastic vehicle? Yes.” Colonel Robert Brown commands the 1st Brigade of the 25th Infantry Division, operating in Mosul and the surrounding region in the northwest part of Iraq. They’re also known as the US Army’s second Stryker Brigade Combat Team. And thanks, quite a bit of fun
  6. Okay slide has been up long enough, so in this slide, do we have a possible answer for the question? Any one, anyone at all? Raise your hand if you have even the slightest thought...okay raise your hand if you aren't dead. Hmm okay we have a few that perhaps should be tossed out the back door... The answer people is painfully obvious, sheesh. The Ggod of them is they AREN"T HERE. Wow this is gonna be a long 33 slides.
  7. So where to begin Ozzies, What's The Ggod Of Them Then? Well I had to confront a couple issues. First off considering the audience, the likelihood they would even have a computer much less Powerpoint is slim to none. My first draft was I realized targeted incorrectly. It was aimed at a 6th grade audience. I realized in retrospect that would pretty much eliminate any chance of it being comprehended here. So I toned it down just a tad. And so Chapter one, the migration begins..... By the way for animation roll your mouse scroll wheel back and forth. See the English crowds jumping for joy at the imminent departure of little two tooth? You are welcome.
  8. nowhere near close enough sadly. Nothing against their game, it is just a different beast. CM is it for me.
  9. US units continue house clearing as mortar rounds fall in the compound across the street from the corner house. At this point the battle has become totally one sided. The insurgent force scrambles for cover, going on the defensive. For the US it is important to take advantage of the hours of darkness to maintain all elements of US superiority, but they will now have to dig the insurgents out. A new phase of the fight begins in the early hours before dawn. The reason for this coming all at once is the scenario has gotten so big and active, I am having difficulty loading a save. I lost three turns backtracking to find one that would load at one point. The insurgent force had 690 men and has lost 228. US losses so far are 4 dead and 6 wounded out of a full Stryker Bn (most of which is uncommitted). It is played out on the full Ramadi map so it is a bit of a processor cruncher. My original intent was to have US reinforcement take longer, but I was worried I wasn't going to be able to run the scenario too much longer so I sped things up. Besides this was just a test run. I can't wait for CMSF 2- triggers, ammo caches you can actually search for and lord knows what other goodies by then. Sadr city and maybe Fallujah scenarios. I miss the target briefly command, armor covered arcs etc better map editing capabilities (no offense to LLF, this is an incredible map, but CM has more options now than it did then. Still CMSF is a helluva game for being as old as it is.
  10. The tone of the battle is changing as the Americans forces unequivocally sieze the initiative away from the insurgents. Superior night vision capability, better C2, overwhelming firepower, rapid mobility and better discipline all begin to accelerate the rapid destruction of insurgent units that try to stand and fight. Dismounted B Co. units prepare to take down a Mosque south of the MSR that has been identified as a base of fire for the insurgents. Mortar fire is called down on positions where fire is originating from against 1st pltn 2nd pltn makes for the high rise buildings US units start appearing in unexpected positions making insurgent movement hazardous in areas thought secure.
  11. 2nd Pltn by now is in an absolute frenzy feeling they have their foe off balance and are going in for the kill. A team blasts their way into an insurgent position eliminating occupants and then immediately taking under fire units that had moments earlier thought they were safe.
  12. A lone insurgent is the first to get an indication that the insurgents may have taken on a tougher foe than expected. Racing to notify his cell leader he descends to the street only to find out too late US forces have already infiltrated the area.
  13. 2nd Pltn surges forward eliminating all resistance while 3rd pltn pushes fronm the other direction. Higher command issues new RoE due to the size of the insurgent assault and the gloves come off. 3rd Pltn units start blasting their way through houses to disrupt insurgent ambush positions. (they had a sound contact on the area)
  14. More insurgents pour into the construction site proceeding to close assault a 2nd Pltn stryker, first dropping grenades from above and then trying to clamber onto the vehicle. A passing Stryker from A co HQ strafes the insurgents breaking up the attack.
  15. Insurgents in the construction site near 2nd pltn fire an RPG at another stryker, again narrowly missing. US forces have been very lucky considering the sheer volume of RPG fire.
  16. 2nd Pltn continues house to house clearing the perimeter while another RPG team opens fire narrowly missing an open Stryker. The round overshoots almost hitting 2nd pltn units down the street.
  17. 2nd Pltn begins clearing a perimeter around the damaged Stryker. While the 1st pltn survivors who can still move vacate the rooftop position. A devastating decision to have to abandon their fellow soldiers. Meanwhile 3rd Pltn narrows the gap to 2nd Pltn.
  18. A Technical mounting an SPG starts to hammer the rooftop position.
  19. Though the battle inside the corner house has ended, the insurgents are far from done. The SPG gunner on the watertower starts to just drop rounds into the street in the midst of the US position while an RPG team opens fire on the 1st Pltn position atop the Apt complex resulting in more casualties.
  20. The end comes for the battle for the corner house when 1st Pltn blows a shaped charge and surges into the room eliminating the last of the insurgents.
  21. 1st Pltn continues to hold out on the third floor denying the insurgents a way out of what has become a trap. 3rd pltn continues moving down the MSR when they suffer their first casualty. Sniper!!! Frantically they search for the source of the fire eventually finding and eliminating him. I love this shot, the posture of the trooper just looks so lifelike. Who cares that he's looking at the paint peeling off the bottom of the balcony above, he still gets the insurgent.
  22. 1st Pltn units on the Apt complex open up on the technical while another RPG team narrowly misses a Stryker again. Insurgent forces move into position for a close quarters fight only to be caught by 3rd pltn units advancing up the MSR. Note the Stryker idling next to the construction site.
  23. The battle for the corner house continues. Another American is fatally wounded while the insurgents falter under the amount of firepower US forces are dishing out. An Insurgent technical mounting a heavy AA gun opens fire on the Gov't complex.
  24. 2nd pltn suppresses the ambushing RPG team while a 1st pltn team holds out on the second floor blocking insurgent attempts to reinforce the corner house assault. The situation continues to deteriorate as insurgent reinforcements pour in increasing numbers into the battlezone. Room to room fighting continues in the corner house with no quarter asked or given. The insurgents attempt to force their way to the second floor.
  25. Another car bomb races towards the American position, but is hit by 1st pltn units in overwatch on the Apt complex. Meanwhile in the corner house, the insurgent rush is blocked from spreading beyond the initial entry room. 2nd pltn teams do not wait for orders and instead race immediately for the damaged Stryker. The gunner blocks insurgent attempts to capture the driver, who lies bleeding in the street by the Stryker having been hit by small arms fire from the ambush team.
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