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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I did say one, not all or only. But the point is still valid. When it became something he didn't want to do . . . .exit, stage left!!!
  2. I understand the intent, but am wary of something that requires too much coordination as the AI will just fall apart.
  3. That unfortunately is probably unavoidable. With the player in control certain aspects of c2 issues can only be truly duplicated if the player refrains from moving units utilizing info they don't yet have. Same issue with infantry really but more noticeable with armor. Spotting and lack of radios should be in, but it doesn't much matter if you already moved the unit into a good position based on info it doesn't have.
  4. Feedback from new users is just as helpful for me. Consider me a newbie designer. Hmm actually I am a newbie designer.
  5. Just wait till I get my teeth back in and my hair back on and I'll tell you a thing or two, now where did I put them? Actually I work in IT and am not unfamiliar with the current state of things. One of the things I really dislike about how technology has affected people is this feeling that they have a right to know right now whatever it is they feel like knowing as if no one else's time matters. That sense of self entitlement used to be called in the good old days being spoiled f**king rotten and was frowned upon as exceedingly bad manners. Now it seems to be not just accepted, but expected. Personally I love BFs attitude. It is their product and their livelihood and they will deal with it in whatever manner they so choose that keeps it worth doing. Your alternative is what the guy in minecraft did, sold his business. At least one of the reasons is because the freakin pain in the ass user base made it no fun anymore.
  6. That would be mine and I have no idea how it will play out hth. Possibly okay, but it could also end up being a bit of a fight for the Americans as the German AI plan was intended to create a crisis for the Americans that needed to be overcome before they could proceed onto the objective. As such the German AI plans are pretty aggressive. Would really like to know how this plays out. If you do find an opponent, please keep me posted. I don't have enough feedback to know if the few scenarios I have done are good or not.
  7. You make it sound like they have to go delving into some ancient crypt and unravel hundreds of dusty scrolls like some Indiana jones movie. I know you have a much better idea of how search works. And where did you reach the conclusion that anyone reads only one forum? Does anyone here only read one forum? I could see some folks not reading CMSF forum (sad but true) beyond that I highly doubt it. How the heck would you follow the peng thread then?
  8. So you want an apology? Really all this for an apology? And the apology would be "sorry for taking so long to do something that takes a long time and not telling you it takes a long time and we are not yet done"? Man the sense of entitlement there is just a bit deep. I think you should apologize for that. Now. And at length.
  9. I think you missed a subtler point in JonS message. Fair enough as he isn't usually subtle. The fact that it was posted that many times is because a lot of folks don't read sh*t before complaining. Searching the forum which isn't particularly hard seems to be an effort most folks don't want to be bothered with. The point being, they'd likely still complain before reading the sticky. I had one thread where I posted verbatim Steve's response several times and even that didn't work. Your idea isn't a bad one, but don't think for a moment it would stop the post first, scan later practice.
  10. I originally thought the same way and found myself really hooked on CMSF. Afaik what Kieme laid out above is everything with the exception of eventually a CMFI module and at some point a late war NW Europe game (October 1944 to end of war). Then again BF has been known to surprise everyone.
  11. To borrow a line...... There is no crying in war gaming!!!!!!!
  12. This is what we call in my biz, project creep People are already complaining about stuff taking too long to be released and then turn around and add more overhead. The folks who would create those are already busy doing scenarios. Folks have got to learn sooner or later there are only so many elves at santa's workshop and they really do not want to work in santa's sweatshop. Christ we have one guy saying Chris should spend less time playing on twitch so he can spend it on updates and now this. You guys have got to stop feeling so entitled to everything you want and start understanding someone has to work for it and in this particular instance that person is working for free. Sorry, rant over.
  13. Your 30th birthday? The last time you had sex? Your last underwear change? Of you giving up on your comb over after your great great grandson plucked your last remaining hair? All of the above? Somebody had to do it.
  14. Man you guys are all wrong, the game is obviously unplayable!!! This is the moment I knew I was in trouble - this game is far too addicting. Herr Probst leading a fanatical defense in my second pbem - Bois de Baugin http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1307356&postcount=505 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1307357&postcount=506 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1307358&postcount=507 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1307360&postcount=508
  15. Personally I would love the option of telling my guys to chuck a grenade over the crest of a hill, into a house etc. however I wouldn't quite want it to work like a smoke grenade. Smoke grenades only get thrown when you say to, I would not want to hinder the tac AI. Secondly the AI because it is a manual option and it doesn't know when to use it, never uses smoke. It would really suck if the AI couldn't chuck grenades.
  16. Do you really think that or are you just frustrated cause I think with pretty much certainty it had absolutely nothing to do with income. So you are just jumping to a conclusion that is further souring your attitude, but your premise is simply wrong. That may not help your overall frustration, but that particular premise should not be a part of it.
  17. Ack! Kieme I hope that wasn't intended for me, I was just ribbing Steve a bit while also pointing out there are other venues to get info on BF projects, bug fixes and the like. I have nothing but the highest respect for what Chris is doing. Heck I even have a pair of signed boxer shorts from him! Why boxer shorts? Well I wanted something lucky while I play and I couldn't be guarranteed I'd play in more than boxer shorts! Okay only kidding about the boxer shorts, but I really do think what Chris is doing is outstanding as wel as being entertaining.
  18. How exactly do you plan to apply experience at a platoon level? CM experience levels reflect pretty drastic differences and are only applicable on a meta scale. A platoon experiencing a firefight or even a couple firefights isn't going to have earned a jump out of regular status. It would take some serious out of the frontline training or longer term combat to start moving into veteran status. Heavier casualties would degrade a unit as well unless you have trained replacements coming in or time again off the front lines for the unit to rebuild it's cohesion.
  19. I have not yet used this, but I recall JonS suggesting it some time ago. Utilize the import units function to manage losses. So as an example, you create say a BN task force and save as a scenario named TF one. You then create your new scenario and import that task force. After your battle you calculate your overall losses, go back to the original scenario you used to create that BN task force, apply the general loss level, delete any specific units that you need to eliminate (tanks, guns etc). Now save that scenario as TF one A and you now have the depleted formation ready to import into the next scenario that features that unit. It certainly beats rebuilding from scratch and it spreads your casualties across the entire unit. You could also apply casualties more specifically if certain formations suffered more heavily. Either way that would be the job of the umpire.
  20. Welcome to the forum, as a new poster you were bound to get poked. Still,welcome to the forum, may not seem like it but new faces are welcome. You could have been here 10 years and that post would have gotten largely the same response. Google battlefront if you want some perspective on size of company and history. As to the other programmer who doesn't post updates, Charles doesn't post anything. We are not even sure he is real. Rumor has it he is just a brain in a jar. Whatever you do though do NOT risk pissing him off. There is no telling what bugs he might introduce just to get revenge. I can see it now. My coordinated assault moving in text book fashion crushing my enemies before me when suddenly my entire battalion stops, my tankers dismount, my mortar and MG teams abandon their weapons and my pixeltruppen all line up in formation . . . and moon me. This accompanied to the sound of a long wet fart. Fade to victory screen which has only "total defeat loser, now piss off". Yeah not something you want to risk.
  21. Steve, your post was incorrect. You do have a marketing/PR guy. In fact you have your own broadcast channel dedicated to providing wonderful examples of game play and additionally almost every week giving hints of what is coming in upcoming games as well as answers to the extent you have them. What you ask? How did you not know of this? Need to know basis and compartmentalization I guess. Anyway, there is this guy Chris and he has a program on twitch. If anyone is complaining of not getting updates and is not watching these then you have only yourself to blame. Where? Check Chris's sig, link is there.
  22. Actually I have heard all that and more. They just don't spend oodles of time catering to the same old questions over and over and over ad nauseum and thank god or they'd never get around to actually releasing a game. Wait - you've been a forum member a whole month now? Okay okay just kidding for all I know you been lurking longer than me. Still it is funny.
  23. Coors lite is the "silver bullet". Your supply sergeant was well supplied. Probably friends with Bob Seeger as well.
  24. Stop rubbing my ass Very inappropriate behavior for a welsh saint, though perhaps it is leftover behavior from your priesthood days
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