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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Actually did find a shot, granted it is upside down, but that is correctable. Working, nope haven't found anything. And I am pretty sure our guys went looking to kill this thing. If I was ISIS I'd have it parked in a garage somewhere out of sight and I'd be damned if I'd drive it anywhere it would be seen. http://www.uskowioniran.com/2014/07/islamic-state-captured-m1-abrams-tank.html Some of the stuff I have seen has suggested that a lot of the material ISIS has captured is in really poor condition. I expect this tank could be made operational, whether they figure out how to use correctly is another question. As to the Peshmerga hanging from the barrel, well I don't usually buy stories that have the only verification as "coming from my spook friends". If it was so secretive seems awfully funny to end up being blasted on a public forum. Wiki leaks we aren't.
  2. Well I am a deadhead so coming back from the dead is not necessarily what I would have wanted. Jeerrrrrrryyyyyy. Heh heh no I was not referring to German troops
  3. You couldn't possibly know this, but I just finished Stryker:The Siege of Sadr City last night. Good read - but at one point on patrol they come across a dead donkey and it is moving and making noise. Gross but funny scene as these guys are into zombie stuff - movies, games etc. it ends up being a feral dog that has gotten stuck inside and had to chew it's way out. This is after they have stepped back and thumbed weapons off safety.
  4. Can you post a screenshot? It would give folks a better idea what to suggest or not.
  5. Open a ticket, BF will sort you out and get you back in the game. Wait, what? Was this a Viagra commercial?
  6. I think you have no idea how close you guys are to giving Charles a coronary.
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11068888/Wing-Commander-Ken-Rees-obituary.html Wing Commander Ken Rees, who has died aged 93, was the last surviving member of the digging team that constructed the tunnel used during the “Great Escape” from Stalag Luft III in March 1944. Rees was the pilot of a Wellington bomber shot down in flames over Norway during a mine-laying operation in October 1942. He managed to crash-land into a lake and scramble ashore where he and two of his colleagues were soon captured — the other two members of his crew lost their lives. After interrogation, Rees soon found himself at Stalag Luft III at Sagan in Silesia, a camp specially built for captured airmen. A gregarious, high-spirited, and at times irreverent young man (he was 21 years old at the time of his capture), Rees was a restless and troublesome prisoner, always baiting his captors and he regularly found himself in the “cooler” — the punishment block. When Hollywood filmed the escape from Stalag Luft III many drew parallels between Rees and the character of Hilts, the “Cooler King” played by Steve McQueen. “It’s always said that he was based on me,” said Rees late in life, “apart from him being a 6ft tall American and me a Welshman of about 4ft 3in who can’t ride a motorbike.”
  8. I think the launcher to activate is there by default. Perhaps a botched attempt at subliminal advertising by BF. You do have to buy the module before you can activate.
  9. Ken I would bow at your far superior ability to relate a tale, but the hole in my head prevents that. Would a little blood dribbled on tng's boot do?
  10. I wondered could it simply be a lack of good ale there, but a quick check revealed New Zealand ranks 21st in per capita beer consumption. :eek: Maybe they just take their beer drinking too seriously.
  11. I agree about how slow the west has reacted regarding the Ukraine however I think Putin has already over stepped his capabilities and I think that unfortunately is partly why the west is so slow to respond. They don't truly feel threatened by a Russia that despite Putin's dreams is nowhere near the threat the USSR was. This is not 1939. The relative state of readiness for war is not the same. If anything the US and a good part of NATO have had far more experience in combat and much more faith in training and doctrine. NATO also has had the opportunity to see several large "exercises" by Russia and I expect our early warning capability to understand Russian troop movements has been greatly aided by Putin's little dance. That is part of his problem right now, we are gaining a ton of intel on how the Russian military prepares large scale maneuvers. Economically and militarily the west is fully capable of a real smack down. If Putin were to threaten a NATO state, the US would not wait on the EU. We would fulfill our NATO obligations and face it, the US is the bulk of NATO's power. As it stands the cost of this venture has a real possibility of undermining the Putin regime from within. The west intervening would only provide the bogeyman that Putin needs. So far though the Ukraine has been put on a defensive stance, the overall integrity of the Ukrainian nation is not at risk. The west can afford to financially stabilize that state and thanks to Putin's heavy handed behavior it is firmly in the western camp and asking to join NATO. End result, Russia lost and Putin has to start dealing with the fallout - further economic decline in Russia, a financial burden acquiring the Crimea, political fallout as the extent of the cost of his adventurism in human lives, money and the freedoms that your average Russian is likely going to start regretting having lost starts becoming more apparent. Russia has proven incapable of controlling the flow of information at all to the degree China does. None of it bodes well long term for Russia not to mention the rancor spilled in the Duma towards other nationalities within Russia is going to carry some cost as well. Russia is facing a difficult time ahead and I fully expect they will look back on this period as a huge mistake in policy and a watershed moment where they had a chance to recognize how bad it was going and didn't make the effort to correct course.
  12. zoom in and make sure your gunner isn't Marty Feldman
  13. Mostly agree, but I think we in the west miss a lot of the underlying struggles within the Islamic movement. In particular a distinct misunderstanding of wahabism and it's roots in the Saudi kingdom. This article is pretty good in laying out some of the historical aspects of the movement and a misplaced faith in western thought that somehow it could be used to our benefit. The question of power is important in understanding exactly who is ISIS contending with. In western news there is little beyond discussion of the founding of a "caliphate" to provide us with an understanding of who is threatened by that concept beyond simply a geographical position and conflict in Syria and Iraq. I think this is about the only article I have seen that expresses that ISIS is fundamentally a challenge to the Saudi monarchy's legitimacy. Defeating them on the battlefield in Iraq or Syria is not the end game here. At root, wahabism as a movement will not go away, it lives at the heart of the regime most at risk from it. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alastair-crooke/isis-aim-saudi-arabia_b_5748744.html It isn't just us either, Turkey has had a similar issue of not understanding the risk. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/as-turkey-turned-blind-eye-isis-took-advantage/ ISIS isn't just another face of Sunni extremism nor necessarily just a resurgence of Al Qaeda politics. Al Qaeda didn't really confront the Saudi leadership, it mostly lives with their tacit approval. ISIS however seems to be much more clearly focused on challenging the monarchy.
  14. It is a large amount of time, but do not expect turn length to change. Do expect to have to alter your perspective on how to play versus the ww2 titles or even CMSF. Modern tech is deadly.
  15. Encouraging that he was actually escaped with the assistance of a fair number of Sunnis. Perhaps not enough to change the dynamic but at least enough to know there are folks who have not lost their humanity in all this.
  16. That is what Ng cavscout missed. The guy did his research. He figures his girlfriend's dad might buy it for him. Smart kid.
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