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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Thanks, I'll see about scanning and posting. Kind of funky historical artifact.
  2. The gestapo is on the way, you can shoot yourself or wait for them.
  3. sales support is likely to get less attention today than the help desk. Steve etal are much more likely to get word of your problem at the help desk faster, but you can do both.
  4. According to the specs your card supports open Gl 3.1. Dang that sucker is old. http://www.hwcompare.com/8275/geforce-gtx-260-vs-geforce-gtx-460-1gb/
  5. pshaw, call a mulligan and don't sweat it. It wasn't exactly even close to some of the more heated discussions on here. Go have fun with the game, it is why we are all here anyway.
  6. get what, I don't see the specific error. Screenshot would potentially help if you can post. I am running Win 8.1 64 bit as well and have had no issues. Absent any other info, I would be suspicious of virus protection software, it seems to create 90% of the issues downloading and installing CM.
  7. ticket. heldesk Activation Modules icon is not needed- future use item. You overall procedure looks good hence suggestion to contact helpdesk.
  8. Cmon you have a tank, what more do you need? You could try the forklift, but I expect it will just get bogged. Heh heh
  9. The software doesn't do anything without the license so I doubt you are screwed, but this isn't the place you will get an answer. If you don't already have a helpdesk ticket, open one.
  10. Download is to wherever you have preferences to download to, install is wherever you tell it to. I have had CMBS installed on an "e" drive and thanks to Ian have transferred the my docs folder there as well. It is an hdd and game runs fine. That has changed as I bought a big ssd and upgraded to win 8, but that isn't relevant to your question I do not see a significant change in game load time from.
  11. ChrisND wins!!! Imagine that, what a coincidence.
  12. Super what? Sorry couldn't hear you over all the main gun tank round explosions, oh crap incoming Hind, gotta go!
  13. Nah just the part where we chuckle about his inability to read the email. Still it is fun, like watching kids run to the tree Christmas morning. It's all good.
  14. Wait, is this some kind of sign? Gawd what could it mean? His teeth look good, do I have an upcoming dental appt? Oh geez just tell me, what does it mean???!!!!!
  15. And we don't get why you are having a hard time wrapping your head around this. This is not a release of a video of downtown abbey preordering does not give you a date. There is absolutely no difference between an electronic preorder and ordering the day it is announced. Get over it. Pre orders are made for orders that require special effort printing and packaging. Electronic downloads require nothing so there is no pressing reason other than your angst to do so.
  16. From now on we are gonna flag you every time you go off topic. What might be better is provide the sound file and ask for a translation. I'd love to see a list of the audio files and translations for all the CM games including CMSF. For all we know your hearing aid battery is failing. Maybe you had a geico commercial on and aren't even playing cm, we know that senility thing is tough. Anyway gunnersman, I do appreciate that. I now know at least one thing my pixeltruppen are saying I did not know previously. And none of my troops are geckos.
  17. Dark doesn't explain why you can't see something? And it isn't just dark but hazy as well. In other words you have conditions where visibility absolutely sucks and your complaint is you can't see. Ummm I don't think a new engine, new glasses or even turning on the lights in your gaming room are gonna help.
  18. Came across a picture in my father's files that I believe belongs to an Uncle who passed away years ago. It is a lion lying in the grass, the note on reverse side says " lion at Grafenwoher 45th Field Artillery Mascot. Googling has come up dry. Anybody have an idea on what unit that might actually be or when? It is an old pic, I am guessing maybe the 50s, possibly older (Uncle served in ww2, his son served in 1960s, but in Marine Corp.)
  19. I was seriously doubting his service record up until that moment. I now accept it is possible he has served, but still questionable.
  20. hmm I am not sure that came out the way you intended. Ken I think he earned demerit points.
  21. I have no idea what you mean by poor performance, CM runs great on my machine. As a separate topic as noted above BF is lookIng at other options, but I wouldn't go so far as to say things that give the impression it is a crumbling game hobbling around on it's last legs. There are ways to ask about the future road map without some of strongly worded thoughts above.
  22. well when it is out, BF will announce it officially, not via a forum thread post so you could just look for the official announcement.
  23. Honestly I think that model would work terribly for this product. BF would go under trying to implement stuff that is just not feasible resource wise. Why can't we just be happy that we have something, stop freaking out if it takes a few weeks longer to develop and stop trying to change a working business model. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  24. I can't speak for the bundle. I have the originally purchased disks. I installed by the same directions Philo listed (it is available in the knowledgebase and I have it saved to a text file). I would simply reach out to the helpdesk, they can sort you out.
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