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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I would never call you lice...that is unfair to them, but to your point yes I haven't yet found a way to rid the neighborhood of you. Have you built up a resistance from all the times you've been tased by your dates or is this still possibly effective?
  2. Really? The Olde ones are gonna let these two malcontents to be the last word for weeks. Sigh is it time to stroll along the street in front of house Rune and wake up all of it's denizens asleep in the gutter with a few swift kicks? 6 posts and one dares to be here commenting on some stench?! (Obviously from time spent at house Rune). Dammit where is my Taser?
  3. And it is a damn good thing they got away from borg spotting before they did modern.
  4. I'll give him/her the benefit of the doubt. Joined March 20, could be they are just unfamiliar with what the pack actually represents.
  5. LOL I just noticed your member title City Works Manager..... Probably been there forever, nothing gets by me.... gawd I can still remember first discovering SL and that particular map board.
  6. Finally got to read through this start to finish. Excellent job bringing attention to an outstanding scenario. I had the privilege of doing extensive playtesting on this and found it to be different every time, but always exciting Very high replay value. As to the AAR - great job bringing the pixeltruppen to life and illuminating how desperate the fight is. Riveting read and excellent screenshots. So what's next? I need something to read over coffee.
  7. Well I am betting every ISIS cadre hiding out in a cave complex that he previously thought was pretty safe is wondering how soon he is gonna see those virgins. That is as soon as he finishes changes his britches. Net bonus for your average Afghan if it causes those guys to pull back to a different safe haven - like Pakistan.
  8. As someone who works in telecom, the rational for US national toll free has largely gone out the window. Most folks have a mobile plan in the US that does not differentiate between local and long distance anymore. All Toll free does is cost the owner of the toll free. You are showing your age Michael.
  9. Depends on what you do with it. In Chris' CMSF airborne campaign he had a scenario "the snitch" that had a combined airborne and SF team attempting to retrieve a human intel asset. Really fun scenario.
  10. Umm doing the DL version is faster than waiting for a mail delivery and you can save it to a disk. In addition that load from disk is only good the first time. After that you'll need to keep following patches whereas you could just re download the full installer as it is updated. I have completely stopped bothering with disks.
  11. I don't believe he was referring to movement between buildings, but rather just entering a building and his team was going to the wrong entrance. There are a lot of items that can lead to that, I've seen flavor objects block entry, walls etc. In addition there was a bug sometime back in CMBN that occurred for certain buildings that denied entry as well. My dim recollection is that was fixed, but sometimes these issues are "baked" into a map and can't apply the fix unless the offending item is deleted and re added. If you have a save or at least the map and can pinpoint the location I'd be happy to take a look.
  12. I am sorry you will need to remove that review of your review as it does not meet our guidelines.
  13. Heh things go a bit round and round on you eh? My suggestion is to just try the demos. See for yourself if you think it won't drive you nuts. My concern is you may just find other things to razz you. I try not to get too emotionally involved to that degree in any game. There will always be something that is going to irk you to some degree.
  14. Rather than get frustrated based on your perceptions it really does make more sense to do a bit of research and try to understand what it is the designer was facing and maybe why they chose that battle. Not saying that they did have anything specific in mind but it is certainly feasible For me that is a very important part of playing I try and get everything out of what time I have to play and getting fully into the atmosphere and not just opening a battle and treating it like a random fictional game is important. This is especially true if I think the designer has spent time and effort to research details. I think this is more and more the case these days unlike my paltry efforts which have usually been entirely fictional For two hours the platoon tried to advance and succeeded only in crawling up 5-6 yards closer. Lt. Murray was still in the lead, but fortunate enough to have refuge of a large shell crater. The rest of the platoon behind him was annihilated; all 17 were either killed or wounded. http://1-22infantry.org/history/hurtgen.htm
  15. As @gundorf notes, read up on the fighting there. Particularly this one - it is a tough read, but a good honest appraisal https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Bloody-Ground-Hurtgen-1944-1945/dp/1585442585 the US willful ignorance gutted many fighting units and was the very reason the 28th ID was in position in the Ardennes recovering on Dec 16th. In CM it can be frustrating if you are expecting the scenario is gonna allow you to show off your tactical flair ? But is is definitely far from unrealistic. Artillery was not particularly effective in the Huertgen. First you had to be able to spot anything to use it, then you had to take into account the Germans heavily dug into some of these towns which CM is not particularly good at replicating.
  16. My father served on her in Korea and in his memory I have kept up a membership. The latest newsletter announced an upcoming birthday. Seems the oldest surviving member of the association served on the Juneau before being transferred prior to her sinking. He knew the brothers personally and turns 100 in April.
  17. Lol yeah a lot of YouTube reviews I see are done by folks who have no business doing them. If it is at all helpful I see the same thing in woodworking tutorials. ? I saw the announcement for this and first thought was dang this might be useful for a CMSF 2 campaign generator, but it is single player only which severely limits it's usefulness sadly.
  18. You seem to have this perception that designers plan missions requiring the player perform exactly in one manner. I don't know of anyone who actually does that. It is possible that without thorough testing a mission could be a very high difficulty level, even more so than the designer expected.
  19. Avidly reading this and looking for that map update. What i am really looking forward to is the CMSF 2 update. Not sure when BF will get to that, but afaik it is still on the list to do.
  20. a configuration issue. Adding them means changing the models to do so. It was done originally for Red Thunder as historically it was used a lot by Russians. They then put in the effort to allow in CMFB, but none of that has been backported to CMBN or CMFI and it isn't clear if BF will consider doing so.
  21. Thanks @J Bennett i missed the opportunity to speak with my uncle on his experience, something I will always regret. Glad to hear you were able to get that time with yours. I expect he probably appreciated the opportunity to share as much as you did
  22. How about we have a thread that only Haiduk can post in? I'd like to see updates from him without the international troll brigade
  23. Well to give some credit, the Strykers are green. Maybe somebody picked them up on Ebay along with fake flags.
  24. LOL really? NOW you guys are gonna start respecting other gov'ts? Good lord this is worthy of a comedy act. Who's on first also known as What's today's excuse?
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