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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Slight correction- your earlier directions and the one that works is "cm_btt_mutator.exe -t CMBS some_file.btt". At least for running. I just tried on a couple CMSF maps. It did create the new btt file however it will not open in CMBS. I am not totally surprised, it is asking a lot to move from CMSF to CMBS, but I had to try.
  2. On a complete aside, looks like photobucket is enforcing a policy of not allowing you to post images elsewhere unless you pony up several hundred dollars.
  3. CMSF is actually cmx2. Just the really old version. Taking advantage of the new AI features is a matter of actually re crafting the scenarios once the game is actually upgraded. Not really all that far off from early CMBN scenarios not having the AI features in version 4 of the engine. They could have them, but it is a lot of additional work to redo AI plans
  4. okay so is it user made campaigns, all campaigns, all scenarios, CM is just too hard now? I am thoroughly confused.
  5. Just for clarity, you said all the stock campaigns play well, but the user made scenarios are the ones you are critiquing?
  6. heh I like the one behind him just lying there in his own drool - typical oddstralian
  7. visibility or spotting - too my knowledge there is no dynamic lighting to improve spotting. Sounds like something worth doing a quick check to test though - back in a jiffy hmm my first quick test seems to indicate I am wrong. I have 3 German units in the open at night, one next to a burning vehicle. So far only the unit near the vehicle has been spotted. hmm maybe not. The guy who was spotted was crouched. The next and first prone unit spotted is not near the vehicle. Yeah spotted all 3 teams - one individual in each. The only prone individuals are in the teams not near the vehicle. Of the three guys in the team near the vehicle, only the crouching one has been spotted. It is only one test but seems to indicate that for spotting purposes the flames have no impact.
  8. Dunno but I saw one article in the weekly world news once that was so damn funny I had to buy it and cut it out to save. Unfortunately I lost it over the years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gatestone_Institute The Gatestone Institute (formerly Stonegate Institute and Hudson New York) is a right-wing[2][3][4] think tank that publishes articles, particularly those involving Muslims or the Middle East. The organization has been criticized for publishing inaccurate articles
  9. You might want to start reading more reputable newspapers. I suspect your view of things is getting skewed by reading tabloid crap. Stop picking up papers in the checkout aisle is always good advice unless you really enjoy reading about Sigourney Weaver having a space alien baby - or in the case of the daily express still another sensationalist article about Princess Di - so much so they have been called "the Daily Ex-Princess".
  10. yeah probably time to move on before this derails too far.
  11. I think there is validity to the sense that cooperation with the police is not as high as folks would want. That is a far more complicated question though than simply saying there is a large group silently applauding. The problems the police face are more an issue of poverty and isolation of immigrant communities. As an example, according to the LA times thanks in part to the escalation of deportation spurred by the Trump administration, crime reporting within the Latino community is down. Sexual assault reports in LA for example have dropped 25%. It is a contested claim, but it is not a stretch to think that calling the police is going to be seen as an increasingly risky move in a community that feels under threat. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-immigrant-crime-reporting-drops-20170321-story.html If we had a militant movement in the US based in the Mexican community, in the current climate how much cooperation would one expect from that community? Hell if people aren't going to report they have been sexually assaulted, they certainly aren't going to call the authorities for something that would draw far more attention.
  12. How exactly do you know there is this "large segment" quietly applauding?
  13. are you belittling the importance of lutefisk?
  14. Isn't it a staple in their MREs? Mmmmmmm
  15. Then don't move your troops in response to sound icons- it is your choice.
  16. I didn't even know you could recover a radio. sumfink new every day.
  17. go here and open a ticket to get official support - sounds like you'll need that. https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/login/create_request#/ticket-form/19756
  18. Jfc if I hear anyone complain about the price of CM ever again . . . .what you get maybe one Sherman, a tiger and maybe a half track for the price that I can get unlimited battalions of armor for? ?
  19. So that is what you have been doing to my posts! ?
  20. well of the things you could be doing at this time randomly surfing stupid news stories on the web watching your grass grow examining you belly button lint collection Pondering the significance of short-person behavior in pedal-depressed panchromatic resonance and other highly ambient domains... you instead chose this, I submit you are well and truly bored as to Forced crossing of rivers by the Russians, they have no need to worry. They can now just drive up and place the bridge as long as they have a big sheet of this material covering it - game over Hato armies!! https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-scientists-develop-invisibility-cloak-071649342.html
  21. It is rather funny all the development time that folks are willing to commit for a unit that almost none (has even one suggested they'd bother?) of the actual scenarios designers would be willing to commit their time to. I am really glad Charles and Steve are the only ones who get to say what goes in this game or we wouldn't actually have a game. Oh yeah,and you are so blatantly wrong @panzersaurkrautwerfer. pffft I can just drive my BMPs into the water in CM, current schmerent, heck I can make a river 3km wide and cross in a straight line no problem. What the hell are you going on about? and the why of you typing all that is clear. You are bored. I have some stuff I could use help with around the house. Interested in helping me put up some beams in my living room? Signed - Cobra King II
  22. Not yet, I'll start later today and send you that AAR screen as well. Work has gotten busy, I really need to retire.
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