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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Interesting idea, a sandbox in effect. Problem for BF is they still need to develop all the ToEs and art . Still it solves trying to come up with game story lines. Pick a year and start creating the ToEs and art, do a couple different insurgent models and presto, the player can create whatever they want. They haven't shown much interest in that, but it is a real stretch to come up with story lines now that involve heavy US units being positioned anywhere.
  2. I can access so I suspect it was a provider issue. As far as I know BF is not revamping the site
  3. Nothing works optimally all the time. Hence my statement about circumstances. However that being said I have rarely had the occupants of a room survive and defeat a blast assault. One thing I have learned to do is have a team positioned outside as they will tend to get any survivors before they can react. The issue with not entering is that the period of time you have where the blast recipients are stunned does not last long. You either act right away to take advantage of it or you find another way to deal with the threat.
  4. Yes actually I do as they will typically slaughter the stunned occupants inside, depends on the exact circumstances as to when it makes sense to move in or not.
  5. what he said - CMFB came out in April last year. The upgrade in October and if my memory cells are functional ( I make no claim they are, but IF they are) the full installer was updated in November. If you open a ticket with BF and they see the sale date I am pretty certain they will rectify it for you which you could have done right away but that must be the kind of advanced behavior that only a team of NSA / Chinese hackers could perform. </sarcasm>
  6. It is as the sheer wanton brutality of blowing up teddy bears that was supposed to induce fear in western minds. I mean where does it stop? The Paddingtons, Bernsteins, Wiinine the pooh?! The horror!
  7. Happy Birthday, you don't look a day over 9!
  8. Yeah it could be specific to the whole issue of targeting a building if you can't see the ground tile.
  9. LOL you are letting him get to you too much. You should know by now what he wants - CM should intuitively know exactly what he wants to do with a single mouse click. All scenarios should be 10,000 sq km maps with recon phases and he should be able to get a total victory while still being challenged by an AI more powerful than Deep Mind. Simple. Why are you getting so worked up?
  10. I do use the cancel one in WeGo pretty frequently Once in a great while evade can be very useful.
  11. Damn this reminds me of something, but I can't put my finger on it. ? http://www.apnewsarchive.com/2017/Islamic-State-group-militants-have-put-up-stiff-resistance-in-their-stronghold-of-Raqqa-using-an-extensive-network-of-tunnels-to-strike-behind-their-enemies-deploying-land-mines-and-su/id-de0f1235c4094cc28b22e7c0bf468f25
  12. Be nice. It is Friday after all. Superwoz the feature isn't really a "loot the hell out of my dead buddies" deal. It is kind of a mix of keeping wounded buddies from dying while also grabbing some critical weapons some times. For example an AT weapon. Ammo has always been an issue, you don't necessarily get it. It is more like quickly grabbing the weapon rather than grabbing the weapon and searching the body for more ammo.
  13. Erwin you really need to stop reading alt right news sources. The west is not in danger of collapse and there is no place in the US functioning under Sharia law nor in the U.K. Meanwhile ny times magazine article on the battle battle for Mosul. It has a panoramic video of what is left of the old city. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/07/19/magazine/mosul-battle-against-isis.html?_r=0
  14. Not to mention Japan fighting the enemy to the east - us
  15. Yeah seeing the building collapse full of ISIS zombies when the air strike hits is way cool. ?
  16. some recent satellite imagery reviewing the devastation of Mosul. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/war-torn-mosul-july/?utm_term=.93a39d5095d6
  17. post a save. Can't tell what may or may not be wrong without it as the covered arc should prevent unit from firing.
  18. The Battle of St Lo is really a campaign as you noted to take the high ground and prepare for the breakout. LongLeftFlank and Broadsword were both working on maps for the area. Broadsword and I also fought a mini campaign which accounts for my SIG on the 352 ID. As to making the St Lo map itself, it just doesn't lend itself to CM all that well. I considered it for a while and felt 1. there was no way to do it justice and 2. there really wasn't much fighting.
  19. good lord, really? Look at what some of our executives do and tell me a freakin lobotomized hungover aardvark couldn't do just as well. "There aren't enough qualified"...that should mean that just about every qualified non white exec should already have one of these positions then right? Should we bother googling that to discover the truth?
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