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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. suffering builds character... I do it all for her. If I were a better person it would deny her the opportunity to grow. I am so unselfish at times it amazes even me.
  2. no and I have given it thought. Have been looking at the battle of Najaf and the cemetery is just not something I think that can be done in CM. LLF has one in his Ramadi map and with a mod he has it works for that but I don't know if it will translate for you. Tombs are tough. I've even gone so far as to consider pillboxes. They are usually a tomb for infantry anyway.
  3. heck I'd be interested to get em. When they swapped the forum out a while back a lot of my links got broken. A little google fu and searching the archive recovered some.
  4. gotta ask- the wall is like an L shaped building? The wall is 8 meters thick? Dang. There is no reason you can't build it. There is enough room there to move vehicles behind it if that is your concern. If you think it adds to the initial start for the player, why not?
  5. you could, but you didn't. If this were the peng thread I'd go bug my wife for some witty retort. As it isn't. pffffttt
  6. I would beware of making statements on BFs behalf. Your last one there is not one I have ever heard come from them.
  7. Exactly what I found in my next test. After nuking my drink I found the glow disturbing while trying to sit by the fireside. That green glow just changes the mood into some weird cult like effect. And to make matters worse the drink was now uncomfortably warm.
  8. yeah right?! I had to sit down and pop open a bottle of wine myself. This thinking stuff is just a bit hard to handle. And this was my second in 2 days. Last night the wife took me to see Coldplay. The 4 people in front of us were all watching the concert through their iPhones and inviting all their friends on social media to watch. I suggested that next time they can save a bunch by just drawing straws. The loser goes to the concert and the other 3 get to sit at home relaxing watching through their iPhones.... then I kicked them over the railing. No not really but......
  9. see that you totally missed the goal here. In order to show he has recovered, we need to test his skill and precision. But you do have a point , ng cavscout, kick him in the head.
  10. pffft simpler than that, why chase the hurricanes? Follow the trail, they originate as tropical storms off the coast of west Africa. So all we need to do is pull the entire antarctic ice shelf to west Africa. Cool the ocean there and voila! problem solved and no way there will be any other knock on effect! in my test simply putting the ice cube in the glass cooled my drink appropriately proving this as a viable option. I then repeated the test a few dozen times. when I woke up in my neighbor's yard wearing a giraffe costume I knew I had succeeded. I was not under arrest or in a wreck off the side of the road proving that cooling my drink had no deleterious effect. You over complicated the solution Ken and that should have been apparent as soon as you put a straw in your drink.
  11. exactly and what is wrong with a bookmark Create a folder in your bookmarks, call it CM game information or some such, bookmark link.. voila! You have the tools soldier, use em!!
  12. now you are just showing your own bias, better to let this conversation fade to crickets. It invariably ends up being locked anyway.
  13. John Musgrave’s story I think is the one that hit me the most (at least for the American side). Listening to what he went through, how it impacted him and the process of dealing with it all was pretty tough. I knew a lot of folks in the anti war movement and while I agree with the opposition I never liked how that got directed at Vets. There was so little compassion for what we were doing to our young men and women and the pain they endured on so many levels. The conversation continues on the PBS site http://www.pbs.org/kenburns/the-vietnam-war/vietnam-stories/#stories sadly while there is better appreciation for our vets now, at least initially, I think we still don’t comprehend the long term impact of sending them in harms way especially in these low intensity conflicts that have no real plan on what we hope to achieve and when are we getting out Add to that the burden for these conflicts is overwhelmingly shared by a very small community The split between the folks who carry that burden and the general society is not healthy By split I don’t mean a difference political or social but simply those who bear the cost of our decisions and the overwhelming portion of the population who do not
  14. Suggest you open a ticket with BF. Also just an FYI spamming multiple threads with the same issue is not usual etiquette. https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  15. It is also frustrating to watch. We have learned so little.
  16. how about this potential battleground https://www.yahoo.com/news/iran-iraq-plan-joint-drills-over-kurdish-independence-005805198.html
  17. LOL you doomsayers are really a hoot. You have no actual data to back up your doom and gloom pronouncements and yet announce them as fact. Be nice to have a graph over time showing how these perspectives spike over time whenever there is a lag of seeing something spanking brand new from BF. Good lord it is really just two guys folks, your expectations have always been extremely unrealistic and instead of appreciating what these two guys deliver year after year you keep trying to pretend they are some big game firm that has all the dedicated programming and art depts. to indulge your fantasies of the ultimate game. It isn't gonna happen (and likely if it did you'd STILL be dissatisfied) BF is not under any threat of going under, the product is still strong and you guys frankly (and no offense intended) have no idea what the hell it is you keep harping about. Cheer up! Have a little faith. It is still Steve and Charles. They haven't sold off the company to some outfit that doesn't share the vision, they haven't made any comments about a dire situation affecting the health of the company. Yeah there have been some changes, but that isn't new. BF has been around almost 20 years. Change is a fact of life, to expect BF to keep chugging along with no changes over time is just not realistic. What the hell does relaunch even mean? Crowdsource? You do realize BF is still here and financially stable right? On the other hand if they had followed the advice of CarlWAW above we wouldn't have to worry about it. BF would have gone bankrupt. Damn good thing Steve and Charles are in charge eh?
  18. Base design was mine, but the designer tweaked it and changed the character of the fight. Very cool and shows what can be done without a huge amount of effort if you want to create something a little different. That one was a blast playtesting. The full map is called Ukrainian Crossroads. Not sure if that made it in or not as it logically should have been in master maps as there are no AI plans and it is about 5 x 5 km.
  19. bummer, in terms of good reporting it is comparable and some times better than frontline.
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