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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Yep, it will still change the game from a viewer perspective, but not the result.
  2. Why does coffee need a sweetener? BLASPHEMY!
  3. One of the things I learned from JonS, another master of the arcane art of scenarios, Start with knowing what is the story you are trying to tell in the scenario. Cut out anything that isn't necessary to that. The problem of going too big is I think a very standard mistake. (at least one I can totally relate to). The other things is I think it is common to make the AI plan the last thing we think of. I am trying to change that shortcoming on my part by just playing with that. Trying different things then watching in the scenario editor mode as to what they do. Still wrestling with triggers and timers to learn to judge movement flow etc. Getting back to the editor. I was just looking at the CMBN Campaign The Scottish Corridor. Opened the first scenario and the map is just incredible. If CM1 was like making a map with crayons, CM2 is like painting.
  4. Well okay. When you put it that way fine! Presto changeo alamkazz Poof!
  5. I think you mis understood. I sarcastically meant to imply that Bulletpoint's misperception of the effectiveness of mortars had been used by me to best him. No such battles ever took place. Once again my attempt to make a joke fell flat. Guess I should give up on that career goal of being the next Seinfeld... At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.
  6. Is it repetitive to say "a drunken Scotsman"? Okay, it apparently takes even a sober Scotsman more than he can achieve to look at the forum page and note the thread here -> I can get away with the above as I am Irish.
  7. to Thanks guys you may have just broken my string of victories against @Bulletpoint Kidding But seriously not sure where you got that info on trenches, but just think for a minute.. an open topped trench is going help against mortars.. how? Overhead cover from bunkers? Sure, but don't let the art work fool you. Wooden bunkers in CM are meant to represent rudimentary structures. An 81 mm round will defeat them. Maybe not necessarily the first hit, but it will eventually. 60 mm not quite so effective, that's when you resort to Bazookas etc.
  8. One item to throw into the mix and I honestly don't know what this reflects - available time, changes in audience, a newer generation of players that has so many more things that press on their time with social media etc but CMSF has a crapload of material and it is all CM2.
  9. The overlay alone in CM2 is worth it’s weight in gold.
  10. Fair enough. Sorry, my patience level is not all that high lately for reasons totally unrelated to this.
  11. I beg to differ. YOU said it was the CM1 user friendly scenario editor. And with that I am bowing out. I am more than happy to discuss the merits of the game, but not with folks who keep shifting their statements in the conversation. Own what you say or don't bother saying it. sburke out
  12. Yeah I have to say I am relying on previous assertions about that as honestly I never created a cm1 scenario. As to the basis of other people's assertions- well they are on there own. It is worth asking. @FlammenwerferX did you actually create scenarios in cm1 or is that statement based on the relative volume of scenarios you saw in cmx1 or possibly something else?
  13. umm no. I wrote a lot there about various aspects, is that all you got out of it? As far as I can tell, your complaint or request is simply you want more user made scenarios? Would you say that is accurate? Forget the QB discussion.
  14. Actually I don’t disagree with you about liking a well made scenario over a QB. Where I think we might part is feeling that somehow our view necessarily reflects anyone else. The qb allows one to create a whole series of different kinds of match ups that one is never likely to find in a scenario. Scenario creation will never match the sheer quantity of what can be done with quick battles which I think we can agree is their very nature. You expect more from a scenario and that can be anything form a more specific AI crafted response with triggers or a different type map or simply an immersive story. I like urban combat. Qbs by their nature can’t handle that well as you can have any type force there so the qb urban maps tend to not have the claustrophobic feel a user designed scenario might. Even the little Venafro map would play hell with a qb that has vehicles. Lots of folks apparently use the qb tools to create fun little matchups they can play in 30 minutes or less and just have a blast. For me that really doesn’t do much and I expect for you either. My problem with the whole question of user made scenarios is BF gives us all the tools and all you hear are complaints that it is too hard and therefore someone else should do them. Well waiting for someone else to do something you have been given the tools to create is a dead end. Beta testers do create some really great stuff but there are only so many testers and a lot of other things they need to do. Steve and Charles have to make the game so guess where that leaves us? I don’t think you will ever find scenarios being generated as fast as you’d like. The original creation of them can be time consuming. What anyone can do however is open an existing one and add additional AI plans. The more practice people have with that, the better they get until they find they are capable of crafting their own. It wasn’t a “decision not use to use a friendly cm1 style generator”. Cm1 created easier scenarios because cm1 was a relatively unsophisticated product in comparison to cm2. It is apples and oranges. You want easily created scenarios use the qb generator. You want a well crafted scenario, gonna have to roll up your sleeves. There is no 3rd option. i prefer vanilla actually, but I won’t turn down chocolate. If I have my choice i’d prefer a fine Cabernet.
  15. Wait a minute, what were we talking about? Never mind they just brought my mush. Is it time to eat again?
  16. Depends on your point of view. A lot of players live by them (I am not one of them, pretty much never use this). Which only makes Steve’s point even more. Players are all over the place about what they like. Best to assume that you are not the norm. I am pretty certain I am not.
  17. You’ll hear the engine die on a tank and it is rare that I have lost a crew in a tank and the tank still be useable. And when I have a crew that survives I generally knew what it’s condition was when they bailed.
  18. also keep in mind we know the state of a tank whereas in real life these guys wouldn't know the condition. They'd have to go to a tank that has already been hit and maybe wrecked, check it out and hope to get it running all the while knowing they are very likely still in the sight of something that could kill it. I suspect under those conditions it is highly unlikely they'd do so.
  19. He's an Oddstraylian for god's sake. He wouldn't know what to do with a gentle afterlife. Here's hoping he's having a rip roaring time in whatever follows this midden heap of an existence. Didn't have the opportunity to know you Stuka, my loss. Another Oddstraylian I could have kicked, but god speed to you anyway.
  20. Step right up, step right up. What are you suffering from, no no don't tell me, doesn't matter! I have the magic elixir cure all that will fix any ailment. Not only that if you need your battery terminals cleaned or want to get rid of a rodent infestation it'll help with that too - Yours! for just 16.99 plus shipping. um hold on still working on the fine print warnings....
  21. Yeah really. I like CMBS but the tech aspect can be overwhelming. Interesting to see the developments from CMSF era., but I still prefer CMSF.
  22. Looking for some personal validation? Not getting enough on the MBT?
  23. Pfft yeah how many of them have been accused of being a NATO front! Now we’re talking baby!
  24. Nice post @BletchleyGeek and far more articulate than mine. I know some folks would more than likely consider me a fanboi. Ha haven’t heard that term in a while. I wouldn’t, I just feel that BF has a pretty good track record in terms of business decisions and adaptability if their strategy for patching and upgrades doesn’t pan out. The new single download being a good example. I undestand when folks get antsy when there are gaps in releases or periods of low activity, but we seem to just repeat ourselves with these cries like they are facing imminent demise and then suddenly there is a flurry of activity and our world is safe again. Personally I think we just need to be patient.
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