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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. ahem..... but yeah it has been far too long since anyone posted. my excuse is photof*cket sucks.
  2. well you seem pretty set in your view and unfortunately I can't say I feel convinced by your arguments. DPRK conventional and potential chemical attack is more than enough leverage on S Korea. Anyway, like I said before and as you noted time will tell. I do agree things are heading to a critical point, whether that critical point is war or a diplomatic solution of some sort remains to be seen, but I am hoping cooler heads prevail. I don't disagree about relying on PRC and Russia hence my feeling that we need to do something about those ships. Hard for PRC and Russia to contribute to smuggling if we intercept, board and seize the N Korea ships they are meeting.
  3. Sounds like a rehashing of the domino theory. Trump has already gone on record suggesting support for a nuclear arms race in Asia with Japan and S Korea having that capability so that kind of undermines the proliferation argument. Regarding our support vs N Korea, it is one thing to call for an economic blockade, it is quite another to support a war. I fail to understand how an almost guaranteed catastrophe for S Korea (Seoul is a city of 10 million people) is balanced out by protecting the US from a possible but highly unlikely DPRK nuke strike on the US. I doubt many other countries will see that either especially if S Korea starts saying hold on here we have millions of civilians at risk right now and the US has no answer as to how to prevent that. The US is in position to enforce a sea blockade of N Korea, what is it like 33 ships we know about that we have to contain (only 19 of which are actually N Korean flagged)? That would have significant impact and force Russia and China's hands on the sanctions that they supposedly support. The only retaliatory action N Korea has is to attack S Korea, but that is also their only ace in the hole. If they play that card then all bets are off and S Korea would not only support a US attack, they would probably be all in leading the charge. However that only works if we continue to push on the sanctions and blockade side. Only those who ignore the human catastrophe that could unfold keep pushing for war. This on the other hand is what sane people say. U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis says that war with North Korea -- should tensions ever come to that -- would be "catastrophic." "A conflict in North Korea, John, would be probably the worst kind of fighting in most people's lifetimes," Mattis told CBS News' "Face the Nation" host John Dickerson in his first official interview as defense secretary. The North Korean regime has hundreds of artillery cannons and rocket launchers within range of one of the most densely populated cities on Earth -- Seoul, the capital of South Korea, Mattis said. North Korea is a threat to the surrounding region, including Japan, China and Russia, he said. "But the bottom line is it would be a catastrophic war if this turns into a combat if we're not able to resolve this situation through diplomatic means," Mattis said.
  4. well none of us really knows, but the idea of the US trying to launch an attack where we admittedly are not going to be able to stop N Korea from causing a huge number of casualties puts the US in a bind. Is it legitimate for the US to launch an attack because N Korea could possibly launch a missile at the US knowing that attack will likely cause untold suffering in S Korea? I think what you would find is the US extremely isolated and without allies as the thought that they could be sacrificed to prevent a possible attack against the US just isn't going to go over well. So is the US prepared to be that isolated internationally for this? I don't think war is inevitable. What I do think is inevitable is the US has to realize we do not have a military option to solve this situation. But what the hell do I know.... Hell I couldn't even figure out how to get rid of Bermuda grass. Ended up ripping up my entire backyard and building my own wall to stop it...and Mexico won't pay for it. Oh and for what it is worth. I find it really really hard to take geopolitical information and strategy from a hand puppet... just saying.
  5. War is logistics and the US trying to wage a war on the peninsula without S Korea is highly unlikely. There are millions of S Korean lives at stake. It is the US that is risking the relationship by trying to unilaterallly push a war, not S Korea.
  6. CMSF for best modern. Especially once CMSF 2 is out. Frankly my favorite all around, but if I had to choose best ww 2. Damn that would be hard. Really I am kind of in the same boat with c3k. ask me next month, I am likely to give a different answer. Last night I was messing with "A muddy affair" in CMFB and having a blast.
  7. Even if the US was committed to launching a war against the DPRK, it isn't gonna happen off 3 months of mobilization. Not to mention S Korea will not back a war. Without them it is pretty much saber rattling. Any attempt to launch it on our own would be a political disaster. Likely before the US got close S Korea would demand all US troops leave.
  8. damn, yep seeing that as well. I expect that was baked in way early in design and then whatever issues arose after were never noticed. I have played that scenario multiple times and never noticed my uncons has stolen US military uniforms. good catch - I'll check this for CMSF2 to try and be sure it doesn't follow through.
  9. After all these years and people are still struggling with "Steve" time.
  10. whoa...we can't have that. This is supposed to be a forum for grumbly old grognards. (insert appropriate insult here). I had a similar experience with another CMBN scenario. Enemy set up nicely behind a hedgerow decides to try and sneak instead into a shell hole on my side of the hedgerow. It is frustrating when the behavior displays itself, but it isn't totally consistent. Was playing a bit of "a muddy affair" in CMFB last night and the freakin AI was holding out and kicking my butt.
  11. that and the fact that there seems to be corroborating evidence. Sounds more like someone decided to leak some info to further embarrass Putin. He is learning a lesson that no one seems to get before they are in it to deep - don't mire your troops in a political morass unless you really do have an exit strategy.
  12. Before you go to far down that train of thought, you may want to read some other threads. When it became a "known" issue and when there was some actual evidence that something was awry and when that information translated in testing to an actual source was not Jan 2017. TAC AI behavior in CM is complicated- one of the reasons we all like the game so the fact that BF is taking the time to try and get it right rather than a hasty patch that likely breaks something else is a good thing. I would check back sooner than 6 months though.
  13. Glad you just found it as it is being worked on so hopefully you'll not have to face it too much longer.
  14. I like the general idea, but I do worry a bit that you aren't gonna have a copyright issue. I would consider running by BF to make sure they have no concerns. Meanwhile what might be an alternate is some of the other suggestions - how about "A Player's guide to playing CM" that is a compilation of knowledge accrued on the forum.
  15. Stylish and stinky. Like good cheese i am not slacking off. Welll not as much as I’d like anyway. Just want to be sure where we are on CMSF2 so you aren’t doing anything unnecessary.
  16. can you guide them by putting in waypoints that use the alternate route? have a save you can post?
  17. CMFI Engine version 4- but close. This is what you want to get fully up to date. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage_bfc&product_id=620&category_id=37&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26 These are the instructions you want to follow. Note, if you own the original v1.x (Engine 2) version of Fortress Italy and/or Gustav Line you will need to relicense those products. After installing the Upgrade launch the game and enter your new Upgrade 3 + 4 license key. Exit and use the Activate New Products link from that game's Documents folder to launch the game again. Enter your original CMFI license key and the game should now fully load. If you have Gustav Line repeat this process and use your Gustav Line license key. This is a one time hassle resulting from making CM more cross platformable going forward. This is what you should see when launching the game.
  18. LOL to his point I think he is trying, but isn't sure what that is or how to get there. The good news is once he does it becomes a lot simpler. He just has some catching up to do.
  19. yeah this has been a confusing item for a while. The problem originated from the fact that when a game is released it is 1.0 of that game, but the underlying engine is a different subject. Without breaking the two apart it became really confusing to know what was what. BF has shifted to separating the game and engine so now you see them both in your launch screen. There is no simple way past this, you have to read the notes on the various downloads as they do highlight specific info to help. For example on the CMFI version 3/4 engine update it says specifically. The Game Engine 3 and 4 Upgrade Bundle for CM Fortress Italy is not a standalone game. You need the original CMFI v1.x (Game Engine 1) in order to play. Once upgraded the version number changes to v2.x. What it is telling you is the game version will change to 2. The engine version will show 3 or 4 depending on what upgrade you purchased. As confusing as it may sound it is important to see the game version 2.0 as it reflects specific changes to the CMFI game independent of the engine version. If BF reverted to just saying version 2 of CMFI, we'd be back where we started of asking is this CMx2 engine 4 or not. I could go into the history of CMFI to explain a little more why that is, but I am afraid that would only start you to grinding your teeth.
  20. It is one of the independent buildings - houses. - the 3 story one I forget off hand which but it is like the 4th or 5th I think.
  21. Actually you probably can. I think the issue is that some of the maps may have been created prior to that being allowed. They then get "baked" in like that. I just tried Lonsdale's Block. There is one location that has 4 Flat topped independent buildings. I could not give a move order to the roof. I then edited the map, deleted the buildings and replaced them. Now I can access the roof. Bummer as deleting and replacing is tedious, but I don't know of another way to correct.
  22. what is this CMBB you speak of? It sounds like some strange prehistoric CMx1 title.
  23. Gawd I am laughing my butt off after watching that.
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