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Everything posted by akd

  1. You got it. A loaded round, magazine, belt, etc. cannot be shared.
  2. They won't let you set a target in this circumstance. The targeting pointer will say "no line of fire" if any solid object (terrain, building, wall) blocks the trajectory from the tube to the target. (Trees/foliage do not count.)
  3. Being able to start the 88 towed is a bug.
  4. Was the mission ordered during setup or during play? Whether or not it is on a TRP during setup shouldn't matter, as all missions ordered during setup are in effect on TRPs (registered locations). Also, was it a "linear" mission? If so, and if this was not a setup phase mission, is it possible you put one end of the target line beyond the radius (50m) of the TRP?
  5. They have a minimum range. It is listed in the UI of the selected unit.
  6. Pre-planned missions should be on target, as should missions on TRPs. Spotter-requested line of sight missions should be adjusted on target automatically during the spotting phase, unless you requested an "emergency" mission or the spotter is having trouble seeing where the spotting rounds are falling. In the case of the latter, the spotter may eventually give up and go to fire for effect even though the mission is off target. If the same conditions exist that made the spotter unable to properly adjust during the spotting phase, "adjust mission" isn't going to change that.
  7. Pretty sure this is true for any off-map arty with smoke. In CMSF ammo levels were like an allotment available, rather than a discrete number of rounds of different types. If you fired HE until your allotment was expended, there was nothing left to allot to a smoke mission. If you fired smoke, you used part of the allotment that could go to HE. This seems to have carried over to CMBN despite the discrete ammo counts.
  8. Yes, anything available under "specialist teams" or "singe vehicles" can be attached directly to any HQ in a QB. I think you are greatly exaggerating the ease with which command structures could be changed on the fly in the middle of the battle. Even in the "elite" airborne, there are many examples of units deprived of their normal command structure that would not integrate into a new one or take any initiative on their own. Nonsense. Germans were pretty damn good at flexible command structures and initiative at the small unit level.
  9. Hmm...AI plan should not be targeting the actual player setup zone. Might be a problem with the particular QB map.
  10. No. It is a bug that causes any pre-planned "linear" mission for an on-map asset to fire the first set of rounds predictably off target. Point and area missions should be fine.
  11. I had this happen once during testing. I had installed CMBN beta files in the CMSF directory.
  12. Only the AI opponent follows the AI plan scripts, not your own forces. As for not being able to order them back in the tank, you would have to wait for them to recover their morale.
  13. Pre-planned barrages don't have a spotting phase, so there is no way to interrupt them. I would either seek alternate routes that are less likely to be targeted or wait them out.
  14. "adjust" is to change to a different target, not make corrections.
  15. Not one yet, but the CMSF mod will work fine, save for the anachronistic beep when reinforcements arrive. Few of the shot sounds will be replaced, however. Note that XO teams will form HQs with flag and all, but only if the CO team is entirely destroyed.
  16. Oh, within the same battalion...I misread that. The official TO&E for a "mixed" battalion was approved 1 November, 1944.
  17. Set the date to sometime in July. Click on the unit after purchase and look at options at the bottom. As above, look at options at the bottom.
  18. You need to delete the Batt HQ subordinate first (e.g. HQ support team, XO team, vehicles, and indirect assets that are directly under the Batt HQ; basically any units in white text).
  19. Yes you can. Forum search might be in order. It is generically named because you can select many options after you purchase. You can decide if the unit should have PaK 38s or PaK 40s.
  20. Might want check what town The Road to Montebourg goes through, or where Col. Edson Raff's task force was headed on D-Day.
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