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Everything posted by akd

  1. There is no reason in the game for observed fire that has been properly adjusted on to target to be inaccurate, but maybe you are saying it feels too precise.
  2. Binoculars mean they are often the first to spot and first to fire. SMGs with long engagement range (300m) mean they frequently fire more often than riflemen (and I think there is a chance to be spotted per shot).
  3. I think that may have been the 251/17, which was "standard" in the PG TO&E (as replacement for 251/10 and others) but never realized.
  4. Which would be a nonsensical order from the immediate commander from the perspective of the AT team. The order only makes sense, and the imperative to obey it only exists, at the level of the player as god. Nonsense. A shaken or panicked unit won't obey the order. A unit under heavy fire won't obey the order, and a unit that does obey the order might turn around and run away if they take a loss in the middle of the order. All behavior that happens because in some situations TacAI self-preservation behavior will kick in and cause units to behave in ways the player did not intend or not do things the player wants them to, and that may be obviously contrary to self-preservation at the player's level of god-like knowledge.
  5. No, target light will fire the mortar at reduced RoF.
  6. If you want a quick way to try out any vehicle, set combat force to "mix", purchase an FO team from "formations", select the FO on the right, change "formations" to "single vehicles" and then buy whatever vehicles you want to try out. You may need to change the "branch" on the left side of the purchase screen to the appropriate one for the vehicle you want (e.g. "armor"). Also note that the date of the battle can affect the availability of certain vehicles.
  7. "Assault" really should be called "bounding overwatch," and is a good order for crossing open ground.
  8. This assumes that all shots are distributed over the entire frontal area of the tank. I don't think they would be in the given circumstance. AI aims for center of mass of the exposed target and dispersion for the 75mm at 500m is not high (although skill may also play a role), so a majority of shots should be landing in an area much smaller than the entire frontal aspect of a Tiger. Both weak points may be in this area, and rotating the tank to an offset angle may be placing one of the weak points more in line with the axis between the gun and the Tiger's center of mass, increasing the chance of the weak point being struck, particularly with multiple shots since aim improves shot to shot.
  9. They are not bursting shells, but still dangerous:
  10. You need to turn subtitles on.
  11. Okay, you don't mean rarity, you mean cost. You don't think there should be any points at all, but points are fundamental to balance and AI choice of units.
  12. Then set rarity to "none" and purchase what you want.
  13. No, dedicated crewed weapons show the range in the interface beneath the black profile picture of the weapon. If the bazooka or panzershreck is part of a multi-team squad, split off the AT team and you will see the interface for this team change to a dedicated crewed weapon. The range of panzerfausts is contained in the name. Panzerfaust 30 and 30k have a range of 30m.
  14. The other half of their ammo is in their halftracks/trucks but dismounting them in the editor/QB purchase screen does not transfer ammo (and same is true for the dismounted PG armored battalion available under the infantry-only force setting in QBs). Also, mortar ammo bearers don't carry ammo in QBs, which is probably why you are seeing them with no mortar ammo. For QBs (and the first time you hit deploy in the editor) the available ammo will all be with the mortar team.
  15. FYI, I believe this is the same book published under a different title and can be had fairly cheap in hardcover (at least on Amazon.com): http://www.amazon.com/Battle-Normandy-1944-Death-Combat/dp/1902304470/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1307496288&sr=1-2-spell
  16. Are you saying there needs to be a warning on the box? Pretty sure this is in the manual, but if not, it has been known and discussed openly for the last 5 years. As far as multiple shots falling short despite clear LOS from the gunner to the target, I don't think this can automatically be assumed a bug. Imagine a gun elevated 1 foot above perfectly flat terrain firing at a target 1000m away that is also elevated 1 foot above the terrain. Let's also assume that the trajectory for this imaginary gun is nearly perfectly flat, but the dispersion at 1000m is 10 feet. Even if the gunner has the range pegged perfectly, some percentage of the shots fired are going to impact short of the target. And due to the random nature of dispersion, you could see every shot of a given number of shots impact short.
  17. Of course they would since, in CMx1 12 men occupied an infinite point in space. You could solve this "problem" in CMBN by either having 12 men stack inside of each other or by having the player control every single soldier on the battlefield individually. Some probably very much want the latter, but it is not the type of game CMBN is trying to be, so you have to make do with units occupying 8mx8m spots at the team (2 to 7 men) level, and in the vast majority of cases making good use of the 3D cover that might be available in that discreet space based on the selected facing.
  18. Not specifically, but you can limit the availability of ammo by reducing unit's supply level from full.
  19. If you are giving orders to an infantry unit that does not have sub-teams (e.g. an HMG team), the yellow box indicates the underlying action spot the selected unit will move to and occupy. Their facing within this spot is determined by the direction they arrive from, unless overridden by a "face" or "cover arc" order. With squads that are comprised of multiple teams, you should see up to three "boxes" (yellow, red and orange) when giving a movement order to the squad. These indicate the action spots that the respective teams in the squad will occupy and are oriented based on the direction of movement and the terrain at the destination with a tendency to align to linear features approached from the perpendicular. (There is a lighting bug currently that can make the red and orange boxes near impossible to see at certain times of the day). There are two exceptions to the above for squads with multiple teams: 1. The "assault" order will show only the single yellow box on the action spot, but squads will still spread their teams over 2-3 action spots at the destination. 2. If you have multiple units selected (e.g. a platoon HQ and two squads), you may see only the single yellow box when issuing movement orders.
  20. How are they supposed to adjust fire onto a small target they can see if they cannot see where the spotting rounds lands when they miss the small, visible target? Mind you there should be more leeway for spotting the fall of shot in the vertical plane (due to dust/dirt plume), but fundamentally this is a real world problem that can only be overcome with a TRP. Also you are allowed some leeway for targeting points on the ground that are in defilade only a few actions spots beyond loss of LOS, so if the ground occupied by the first floor of a building is obscured by an adjacent tall wall, you should still be able to target the building with indirect fire.
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