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Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Just because reenactors use them and suppliers sell them doesn't mean they were officially issued in 1944 - which to my knowledge didn't happen. Well, if you like them, go ahead. People will appreciate the effort.
  2. And I ave yet to see a Dot '44-style helmet cover...
  3. Nice, good work there! Question: Where did you get a shot of the pattern suitable for making a texture?
  4. That is a misconception - the vehicles WAS meant for fire support and there actually exists a pretty lengthy documetn exactly describing how a hallftrack is to be used under comabt circumstances.
  5. Oh yes, let's see how long it will take others to camouflage that stuff when it took us days...
  6. Although doing texture mods will be much harder because of the sheer size of the texture files and the general setup - took me a couple of hours to figure out where each bit of thetexture was supposed to go!
  7. Now that takes a lot of... imaginative thinking. Not sure what you want to tell us, though.
  8. 3m is A LOT. Go into your living room, take a measuring tape and see if you get 3m behind you when standing at one of your windows. I wouldn't - because there's furniture in the way. Which I assume to be modelled in CMBN as well (just in an abstracted manner). And it's just not plausible to assume that every building an AT team might or might not enter is completely free of furniture, so there goes your free space.
  9. Ah, the old mystery of German vehicle designations... truth is: no one really knows. There are only rumours and one wild guess after another. The most popular variant is that the plans got disarranged and the "Ausf.D" was accidentally named as such instead of "Ausf.A" - and when the engineers realized their mistake it was too late. Another one proposes that "Ausf.A" simply meant the first proven serial variant, though that wouldn't explain why the Ausf.G was next in line. It's also possible that those letters stood for something (and hence were just abbreviations), although that is a VERY wild guess. Bottom line after 70 years: We still don't know. P.S.: The Tiger H came BEFORE the Tiger E. Sorry.
  10. Well, very obviously it's NOT about semantics, but it always works.
  11. Now THAT would be an awesome module for CM...
  12. The real question is: Does wind make sound even if no one hears it?
  13. No ida - I supposethey just put that one together from spare parts lying aroun and didn't exactly care for the looks... It's rather difficult getting to talk to museum staff in Germany (and get information through that) unless one is important.
  14. Nope, that wasn't me. Interesting to note that you first look at me rather than at the tank! That vehicle was indeed a kind of FO tank, used on a firing range by the firing instructor at close® range. And so he didn't acidentally get mistaken for a target vehicle, that tank was painted in said pattern. P.S.: I just happen to like leather clothes. A LOT.
  15. Well, it isn't QUITE the end of April yet. And show me one game that ahs exactly kept a proposed release date, not chanigng said date druing production once and even given an exact day... Anyway, what I wanted to say: COme on, your MEN - surely you can wait for a few days longer?
  16. As far as I know, those particular Centaurs were directed by Navy spotters from the ships via binoculars. Not really sure how that would work from the inside of the tank, but that's what I found out...
  17. Desert camo...? I can clearly see really BIG green patches on it and the base color for all German equipment still was dark yellow. Just interested... Depending on light source the colors come off much lighter than they actually are, though.
  18. I KNEW it was steel helmets they were always missing in Star TRek - that's why the series seemed somewhat unbelievable!
  19. I just pretend that I didn't read this. Posts like these make me REALLY angry. I wonder why I have given up so much of my spare time I could have spent with my wife trying to make the textures look good (a big part of the US tank weathering was done by me, by the way!) when just the next [CENSORED!] [CENSORED!] [CENSORED!] comes around teh corner to tell me it looks crap, but that modders will take care of it. Tell you what - I AM a modder. Tell you something else - I did help with textures to have the game look less "sub-optimal". Well, thank you very much for your statement. It's people like you that show how much our work is really appreciated out there.
  20. Well, at that angle it'd be pretty hard to hit the top of the front hull in the first place and even if it gets hit chances are high the projectile is dflected into the 80mm front hull - which it might not penetrate. Same goes for the StuG. Best course of action is to take out the enemy's big guns BEFORE they can shoot back at you, though.
  21. It certainly is possible to have different texture sets for historical formations, but those would show up on EVERY soldier using the same texture in the game - everyhting else would indeed require additional coding. Not that it'd make that much of a difference since you won't be able to recognize unit insignia unless completely zoomed in of course... P.S.: I for one am one of those that know how to do it. But sthings like adding distinctive unit insignia is pretty simple and can be done by about anyone.
  22. Well, that'd require an extra infantry model for every regiment that historically wore them during the Normandy fighting plus lots of complicated (and ridiculous!) coding - I'm pretty sure that won't be happening.
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