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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Nope, nothing more from my side, had told you already. Found a whole bunch of Luftwaffe insignia, but nothing for 18. And nothing for those infantry units either. But the idea of taking the ID flag and maybe adding a number to it sounds good to me.
  2. I've seen them use LW helmets , but not very often. From the looks of it some helmets have been assigned the wrong wearer. Can be "fixed" depending on the number of different helmets assigned, but that's what I'll test.
  3. @Patboy: Ah, I understand. Yes, that seems to be a little bug. It seems to me, though, as if only one or two helmest are actually affected and not all of them. I'll do some testing and report back to you. @Frankster: For the time being we're either stuck with the standard "WH" plates or would have to get rid of the plates altogether (which I usually did for CMx1). I'm not sure if they intend to work out a "solution", but it defnitely is a feature with VERY low priority (probably even lower than turret numbers or bounce/penetration decals).
  4. @Patboy: Can't replicate that one. which formation are you chosing exactly? All My drivers show the correct textures. Date and parameters (fitness etc.) might also be important for this one. @GhostRider: The CMx1 engine only used ONE set of textures for each vehicle, so they would show for every formation, no matter what type. Had you a PzIv showing e.g. 2nd SS insignia that tank would show those same insignia even when being from the "Hermann Göring" division. The new engine can use multiple sets, but those would be mixed and matched, so you'd still end up with the wrong plates bein shown. The only real solution is to delete all the plates.
  5. Thing is that you would get SS plates when playing Heer or Luftwaffe respectively - vehicle textures always stay the same, no matter how you make them look... Only option - if I understand you correctly that is - would be to exchange the plates every time before a game depending on what units you field in battle. A lot of effort for a comparatively minor issue.
  6. That's what I usually did if someone asked me to design inisgnia (which i do from time to time). I'll see if I can find something for 18. Luftwaffe, maybe I can turn up some more sources.
  7. Apparently not every division carried distinctive insignia (or at least there exist no records of it) nor has every insignia that has been found on photographs been identified. Which seems to be the case for most of the above save 5. Fallschirmjäger. Here's what some claim to be the insignia for that division: Sorry I can't help you more but I checked all the places I know that have collected more or less every known insignia. Should I find more, I'll let you know.
  8. Well, nothing's perfect and I vote for no base as well (Option #2). We have to live with other limitations not just graphical in nature and have lived with much more sever limitations in CMx1 (shared vehicle modles anyone?) so a couple missing interior ground floors is nothing to be concerned about.
  9. Most awesome. These are so good they deserve to be put into CMx1 as well.
  10. Yes, really nice. Can't wait to slap those on my rather bland looking stock portraits!
  11. P.S.: I tried it just out of interest if it would wrk - insane amount of work and indeed technically impossible to do without completely reworking all the silhouettes. Juju's are in fact much smaller and you need all the space you can get for the bars.
  12. Sadly I can't put as much time into these as I'd like and even a comparatively small and simple detail like those camo loops take a couple hours to get right. I got good reference material for the vest avaiblae already though and that makes things much easier.
  13. The grogginess knows no end when it comes to CM. I'm only counting every single rivet on my tanks and checking measurements, but these guys...!
  14. Taking much longer than anticipated, but I finally managed to do the camo loops on the helmet and finish the detail work on the rest of the uniform: Only the vest to finish now.
  15. Looking good. Do we get a plain version without any insignia and stuff for these too? I like mine clean...
  16. Awesome work and so much appreciated. But, you know... I've always wondered what we need those portraits for in the first place. In CMx1 I exchanged them for accurate and proper rank insignia and in CMx2 I've never bothered to look at them because the portraits tell me nothing about the unit I've selected on the battlefield. Which actually brought me a flash of inspiration what else could be done with the portraits. Anyway, you carry on so I can use your updated mod.
  17. 2 strikes me as the best compromise as well. If eyesight is REALLY bad though, you my want to think about 4.
  18. I might be mistaken, but aren't these in fact Heer decals instead of proper LW ones?
  19. Nope, wasn't. Might have looked similar because of the sandy color, but most definitely different.
  20. Now that looks promising. Will result in more work for me making it compatible with a couple other mods I'm using...
  21. You'll get them, you'll get them. Not as fast as I'd hoped, but not too long now either. The above shot is taken at dawn, so the lighting isn't perfect either. But I'm trying to have them not look too "flat" and add some contrast and wrinkles to the clothes where applicable.
  22. Another preview, getting closer all the time: Mapping is a catastrophe (sorry, Webwing!) but I think I nailed it down pretty well. Flags look odd becasue of that, but they won't get any better.
  23. I know, I know, things got held up. Real life's a bitch sometimes, sorry. But I'm trying hard to present something ASAP.
  24. Will post another preview soon, have been working on the crew textures in the meantime. Those took much longer than expected, though - think I can show something new tomorrow.
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