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Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. Here's a little action shot: basic uniform is more or less done, helmet is pretty much done, too. Question. Do you want the loops for attaching camouflage on the helmet or should I rather leave them off?
  2. Für einen Landsmann tu ich doch alles. Und ich wollt mir die selber schon längst mal basteln.
  3. Although it might not look like it, there's a lot of work going on: It's mainly detailing the basic uniform; as soon as that is done, I'll start with the vest and the helmet.
  4. That pattern above is a special trial pattern that never made it into series production. Flags and patches will be added, that's just an early WIP sp you can see what's going on.
  5. You asked for it and here's a first WIP: Suggestions, comments, questions? I think the pattern size is more or less accurate (checked with a camo jacket i own), the colors should more or less fit. Bootes are supposed to be the old 2000 model although they look more like the newer 2005 model.
  6. Something like that, yes. If someone else wants it, there's even more reason to do it now. To be honest I wanted to do another camo pattern - this one: It's a fictional conflict, so why not use somewhat ficitonal camouflage?
  7. I've been planning to do that for quite some time and will get around to it eventually. You'll see it once it's ready (or I have a preview, whichever comes first).
  8. I have had the same thing happen a couple ofm times to me, too, but I always suspected it was because I accidentally hit the wrong shortcut. Might be the case here as well, but I've never though of testing it in more detail. Will do that now.
  9. Most awesome. Can't wait either! Have been using yours for CMBO and am still using 'em for CMAK.
  10. I have all moduels as well and keep playing mixed ones (one, two or all three) and plain ones (base game) alike.
  11. The only hassle is thinking about what troops and equipment to take, but that's it. We got a commander who's moving around all the task forces and assigning battles - we're supposed to play (and win), nothing else.
  12. Well, maybe I can answer that one: During '43 and the first half of '44 vehicles were delivered in plain yellow to the frontline. The respective maintenance units would also receive canned camouflage paint with the order to camouflage all the vehicles by hand according to season and battlefield conditions, so you would see a wide variety of different patterns even wihin the same platoon depending on which maintenance guy camouflaged which vehicle. From fall '44 on patterns were standardized and factory-applied as per official orders, but there's a good possibility they already started that during summer with the ambush pattern, but that is a bit hypothetical. Does that at least partly answer your question?
  13. Yup, Mord cleared that one up. As long as you use the same base texture and just add, say, turret numbers or the like, you're fine. As soon as you have two different camouflage patterns, though, it doesn't work anymore.
  14. We have ONE problem with this, though: Textures get mixed and matched ALL THE WAY. That might not sound odd in the first place because it more or less is what we want, too, but let me explain since I fiddled around with German tanks already: Each vehicle needs more than one texture. Each texture provides the "coat" for different (and usually more than one) part of the vehicle. The current system doesn't take that into account, though, and rather pulls the texture for each part RANDOMLY from all available sets. Meaning: Unless all available sets look the same /and just decals are different), you'll end up with each vehicle showing textures from each texture set you have installed in random order. Not *quite* what we want yet. And I', afraid there's no proper workaround at this time.
  15. Too bad I can't help you more with that since I'm using PhotoShop...
  16. So far, that's looking good, but you will have to save that mask as alpha channel - two different things in this case. No exact idea how it's done in PSP, but there should be tutorials - or even a topic in your Program Help.
  17. And there we tried to make the Shermans as worn and dirty as possible and it still isn't enough... Maybe next time we just give you the templates and safe us all the work?
  18. Now this is a VERY cool and original idea. I think I might even combine it with the icon mod I'm currently using! +2 REP!
  19. That would have been my next idea probably... Nice to already see a working solution. Well done!
  20. My findings are what Rambeler found out, too - although we have two different Zeltbahn MDRs, both seem to use the same "coordinates" and we can't get rid of the Zeltbahn placed betweeen the shoulders. One could cautiously ask the developer's if they could change that tiny bit, though...
  21. Not quite - the MDR files are for the 3D model only. What you're looking for is the feature for vehicle textures we already have for uniforms. That was planned to be included, but I don'z know when and if it still is on the list.
  22. I have already fiddled around with some of those and USUALLY the game doesn't crash. If it does, you can fix everything by simply removing them anyway. The possibility to exchange one MDR for another, though, opens up some interesting modding possibilities, though - it's just a lot of work to see what can actually be done and what can't. I'm curently playing around with the soldier equipment files...
  23. The MDR files contain the 3D models and placement positions of parts. As a modder you can't do very much with them except exchange one file for another and either have funny things happen (like having all the US soldiers wear German helmets and vice versa) or theoretically crash the game if the code's looking for something inside an exchanged MDR that's not there. But that's it...
  24. I, too, believe the MG was intended for air defense, but that some crews certainly used for close self defense. And I'm also certain that some crews abandoning their Marder took the MG with them to boost their firepower - question is: happened it often enough to warrant the request of a code AND model change?
  25. I *think* if we fiddle around long enough we can find the right gear setup files and exchange fro those that either show no zeltbahn at all or only in the right position,. Currently am testing the different setups; will report my findings.
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