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Earl Grey

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Everything posted by Earl Grey

  1. I'm not 100% sure either - for that we'd have to take a look at the files structure. I'd rather not bother Charles with such a question. Maybe we can work something out...
  2. Whta he wants is not to delete the Zeltbahn entirely but rather that the zeltbahn is either NOT shown or shown bein worn in the right place. That's a code thing, though, and I'm not sure we can actually tinker with the equipment files enough to get that to work...
  3. I *think* that source you're citing got a few years on its back by now - I actually have it in my collection a, but would rather see a newer source checked. Sadly, I don't have one (yet), but we should check ALL avaibale sources - errors creep in very quickly and even newer stuff has got a lot of wrong stuff in it from time to time.
  4. He's currently in the proces of overhauling said mod for CMAK, but since he's on active duty, that'll be a while - no idea if he's planning on porting it over to CMVN, but I can ask when I next speak to him.
  5. Are you talkign about Badjuju4's Alsace-Lorraine mod...? If so: That one is for CMAK, not CMBN.
  6. First time U've seen these, but I, too, believe they were intended for AA use. Certainly some crews used them for close defense in a combat situation - but if the enemy is that close I doubt it'd been very effective - angle seems to be VERY limited, no matter which mount one uses.
  7. Well, since there is some interest, I'll see if I can upload all the StuGs and StuHs in due time...
  8. Finished it recently on 'Elite'. 33 KIA, 58 WIA including one platoon leader and about half of the company's NCOs. The company almost ceased to exist as a fighting force, but enemy losses were three or four times as high. Very well done - can't wait to see more!
  9. Second, Oak leaf pattern wasn't used for pants during summer, only for winter uniforms. It's possible that a couple of guys sew themselves a pair of these, but it definitely was no official item and certainly not widsspread, if available at all.
  10. I'm looking into this and the really odd thing is that if a unit can't get OUT of a building, no one can get INTO a building either. Seems to affect only a few buildigns so far, though... further testing required.
  11. Then it's most likely the RAM, everything else is comparable to or better than yours. Thanks for clearing that up!
  12. Already found three people (including me) who can't even load that thing - crashing during loading because we run out of memory. What kind of PC do I need for this? Or do I need to set all details to "Lowest"...?
  13. Although I had expected a somewhat different poll, I'd say I'm a "Don't-Ddo": Winning is nice, but winning isn't everything. People who always want to win tend to take everthing too serious very soon and completely forget it's just a game. And that's the point when you end up having beheaded a good friend of yours with a real sword because he sold a non-existing digital one for real money... sad, but that actually really happened. Which is the reason why I don't take winning so serious. Besides, there'S ALWAYS someone better than me, so I'll loose anyway.
  14. Wissen tue ich's nicht, aber ich würde mich in jedem Fall mal beschweren. Bringen tut's insofern nix, weil der Zoll die Box nicht ersetzen kann, höächstens den monetären Gegenwert. Da aber alle ausverkauft sind, kannst du auch nicht bei BFC einfach nachbestellen/austauschen... Ich freu mich schon wieder auf meine örtlichen Zollbeamten. Die müssen sich sowieso langsam fragen, was ich für ein schräger Vogel bin, dass ich immer so komischen Kram bestelle!
  15. Fast so, als würden die nach Bestelldatum erst hergestellt und dann verschickt. Das kann in meinem Fall aber noch 'ne GANZE Weile dauern.
  16. Auch im kochenden Unterfranken weit und breit keine Metallschachtel in Sicht und auch keine Benachrichtigung. Sehr eigenartig das...
  17. Those roofs are a tad too much compared to the building facades if you ask me. Maybe a bit less photorealism...?
  18. Very nice! What else are you gonna modify?
  19. That, too, yes. MikeyD's working for BFC now, Marco Bergman's been doing stock textures since CMSF, I do stock textures as well. No idea where all the other modders vanished to, but somehow I have a feeling they're all waiting for the Eastern Front...
  20. O yes, vehicles do take A LOT of time. While doing the StuG textures I was nearly going mad a couple of times - even when teh abse textures had been done nad all I had to do was slap on some camouflage!
  21. Also mich wundert's da mein CMSF wesentlich schneller da war, das hat nur so ca. 3 Wochen gedauert. Kontrolliert da am Ende einer das Spile auf Verfassungstauglichkeit zwecks verbotener Symbole oder so?
  22. Sacht ma, Jungs - was ist denn das hier für ein Spaßvogel? Will der uns beleidigen oder tut der nur so? V.a.: "Schweinelatein"...?
  23. Looking good - apart from the fact that the colors are a bit wrond and that technically the Sergeant Major was carrying the same insignia like the Master Sergeant: http://usarmyinsigniahomepage.110mb.com/wwii_era.html
  24. Right, forgot about that one. Sorry. Awfully occupied these days...
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