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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. I know yours was in that content and I smiled at it poking fun of my claim also. I put it out there so I should have expected such things - right It sure did help me pick up some players quickly that want to take me on, so that is a good thing in the end.
  2. Sorry, but you misread my words. One statement points out I have no interest in ladders The next explains I am not a fan of QB's The two comments were not meant to be together as you think, but I can see why you thought that. Well I am not too concerned about what you think. And I really am not trying to brag or claim any great skill level. I am just pointing out I can play the game well and was wanting good competition. I will let those I play decide what type of player I am and how good that is. My comments did get a little out of line since some of the post here were questioning me. I generally would not address such comments for just the reason we now see what comments they create. As for playing you, Sorry if I am mistaken, but I do have it recorded I played Someone with the call sign Weapon and it was two matches (but it does not have the 2010 behind it) So maybe another person.
  3. The best tactic is learning to not be where the enemy is going to drop his mortars. The real world tactic is to select positions that allow you to withdrawl and to relocate to alternate positions. Anytime you have done any action that might reveal your position, then its likely time to move if the enemy has or likely has mortars out there. Nothing better than sneaking into a new position a few action spots away as you watch the enemy waste their rounds on that spot you were just at a minute or two ago.
  4. I have no interest in ladders or the games around the game in Ladders. I really don't like QB's much or the types of battles they create. I find them Boring and somewhat predictable. I have been invited to play for teams but did not take that too serious. The one player that I mentioned which is by far the best I have ever played, was a leading player for many years in the early CMX1 days until he was tired of it. Now we played for many years and I know he won more than I, I still won my share and some of them in battles that I had the disadvantage. I like scenarios, I like ones that have good military types of objectives and that give you a chance to use some tactics. I do not try to learn how to micro-play the hell out of the game but learn to play it for what it allows and find good general decisions are much more important than getting each unit to be trying for the perfect play. I take no great joy in wins or losses. I find enjoyment in crafting plans that actually work out once all the unpredictable events are thrown in, that the plan though very un-similar to the preplanned concept has worked and the results are what I was striving for. I have managed to find enjoyment with how I play and I need no club to fill any needs. If I run out of good player to play. I look into a club then
  5. I would have to look back at some old files but I thought we had played and I also recall you not on the trouncing end of things, but I might be remembering incorrectly
  6. Well, scenarios can be one sided, so winning is not a given for any player. But as for my trash talk. I have been playing these games for many of years, over that time frame I have played many a player, out of them there has been a small percentage of good players which have similar skills and I find we are basically on the same level and can have great games and hopefully a long lasting chance to play each other many times. And enjoy the challenge of playing a good opponant. Now only one person can I give credit to for being a amazing player and we must have played at least 15 -20 battles against each other and I can easily say he was better than anyone else I have played and it showed in his games. Best feeling in the world when you can win one against someone like that. But putting it out there does get some wanting to take you on. So if they want to, we will let you know how things go. I lose battles plenty, but I also play the side plenty that has the harder challenge.
  7. Now you are making comments that really dont apply, just because it is fun to play blind. Some of the best scenario battles I have ever played is when me and my opponant has played the battle before. Yes, you know what to expect to a extent, but both sides play much more polished and have solid goals in mind, It can be a more challenging battle Just like the fellow pointed out, pre practicing missions is a common practice for real troops when the time allows it. Like Dessert storm, how many times did they practice breaching the berms and defensive line for the first day mission before they did the real thing. It happened very smoothly because of the pre training. There is plenty of ways to play these games, just because it might not be your favorite, nothing wrong with it. The best advice given has been and is. just communicate with whom ever you play with and come to some type of aggrements. You can find a long lasting friendship and good entertainment when you hook up with the right person.
  8. Easy for you to say. Them things take alot of work, and that is without doing all the fancy stuff Bill likes to do in his.
  9. Well, since you appear to be a marine, I can pick you up also. I Was from 80-87 But that is it for new opponants, I have a number I games I like to keep going at one time and that will fill it for sure. I will private message you also.
  10. Your post has clarified your issue even more. Maybe there is a Bug, but like any bug, sometimes not easy to prove or as we have seen in the past, or remove from the game. So good luck with getting it resolved if it is there. IF it is a bug, it is one that does not produce results that are non relistic, in the fact that at times, getting a accurate arty result is not going to happen no matter how perfect the conditions, that is all I was pointing out.
  11. Battlefront needs to make a little more money from these games so they can buy that panther. Give them something else to do in that New England country side
  12. OOPs - 2=to Anyway - Sounds great Para Lets get our email addresses exchanged (thru private message) and go ahead and get a drop box folder prepared.
  13. I would like to pick up someone who is interested in playing HTOH Scenario's from the game. I will only warn you that you should have a decent skill level or you better like to lose. I would just like this set up now so we can jump right into a battle right after it gets released.
  14. I think you are making something out of nothing. My off board arty has been working just fine and I see no issues. I did see a similar event as you are desribing with a on board 80 mil mortar. It had point target, clear line of site and for some reason a majority of the rounds flew long. I just figured it something in the game that effects the accuracy if the spotter has been disturbed or not seen the spotting round clearly or something along the lines. I like the fact that once in awhile there is a error, Like there should never be a gareentee that the mission will land perfect. No matter
  15. You do know you can play German on German in the game don't you, That takes away that issue anyway.
  16. Well I have to smile, I sure wish we had some cheating going on in the present battle we are playing. Because I am scratching my head at what my mission and briefing was. As to how in the world I was to adcheive it also. Your play so far is not doing much along the lines of what I thought it was telling me you might do in the briefing. So in other words just one confusing small battle. Oh well, i will find someway to get some kills
  17. Gamey, you want gamey. Playing someone that you can tell has played the scenario before. When you are playing Blind - how can you tell. When their units do not focus on game objectives but for some reason move and locate to an area of the battlefield where your reinforcement are to be brought in at. That is a easy one to spot, but there is plenty of ways to tell who likes to take advantage anyway they can and how honest or unhonest people are in playing fair in these games. Anyway, most rules are a waste of breath unless they are easy to enforce or point out that they are breaking them. Because in general, most people will take any advantage they can get and play with it, and if you dont beleive that you are fooling yourselve.
  18. SURE WILL CHANGE HOW THEY PLAY, BUT UNBALENCE IS NOT A GOOD TERM IN MY BOOK. Since who ever claimed any scenario balenced. Balenced for who and how can you tell unless your opponant happens to have the same skill level as you (which do you know that??? - what skill level, is it balenced for AI or HtoH - In other words there is only one type of balenced scenario, that is Blue on Blue in a meeting engagement with the exact same items and map layout. And that is about the only time balenced can be used. As for your question, sure will change game play. I am in a battle right now where the F.O. is directing 3 arty attacks. That seems a little unrealistic. So I would not have any issue forcing more observers being used. It will for sure cut down some scenarios on how affective arty will play in the battle.
  19. Its a self inflicted wound, seen it plenty. Happens after the dear John letter from Home. This game models it all, why do you question it:eek:
  20. Interesting So maybe there has been no changes. But since I have not tested 1.0 to 2.12, I should say nothing. Or maybe what I am seeing is players have learned to deal with arty better, I sure know I have. So maybe the affects of arty is not as bad as it once was just for the shear fact players have learned how to avoid it.
  21. I agree that the tank should not be able to spot the infantry like is shown in the example. But I also think tanks cannot spot enemy tanks fast enough many times within the game. So for me that is opposite timing issues for spotting. So can one be fixed without making the other worse. Only the designer knows But sighting in the game does not mimic real life sighting well, has not from the first and still does not to this day. So just pointing out one more post isn't going to change the system. They can only do so much and I think we see the game as it is going to stay for the present time.
  22. Yes, tanks can still spot and respond too easily. But I see them drive past my troops all the time now and not spot a thing. So it has improved over what it use to be. For your example there is plenty of issues as to how you are judging it. The infantry lying on the ground using the Binos should not be able to see much, face it, pretty hard for them to see through all the vegetation they are lying down in. So nothing wrong there, so nothing to compare with since if they were elevated and had a clear line of sight, maybe they spot the enemy also very easy. Second, Your playing against the AI. So I know them units your tank spotted are not set to Hide. Play someone HtoH and see if you spot them hiding at 300 meters in these conditions. Last, even if the rest worked perfect, then there is the issues with foxholes in general and spotting. So maybe it is not the tank issue, it could be the Foxhole issue. Anyway, was it really worth bringing it up again. Like we should all know the game limitations at this point, right.
  23. I THINK IT IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND POST LIKE THIS. From the time we were little children we found we could get many things given to us if you just cry or scream. So for many of us, when we get to the age of Adults, Our method change some, but the purpose to say things along the line of this post is that so doing they think they can irritate someone to a point where they are going to get them to make changes and grant their wish. How many of us have not at some time not complained about some aspect of the game, wanting in the back of our minds that by some magic means that complaint alone was going to get BF to make some changes. Be careful before you say you never would, because it is so easy to look at all our old post.
  24. Now that was funny:D Of course the dollar seems to be just fine here, as long as you still have a job and can have some of them to spend. Vacations need to be planned to third world countries, thus you can still feel like a filthy rich American.
  25. Reading this thread I see Weed has made it out of the legal states to sell and smoke it in. All I am going to say "ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN" and if they tried most of these suggestions, it would be a loss to them and possible the loss of the company. Face it, they must stay in conflicts were they make enough sells. You forget that most of you here are grogs and that makes you nuts, I am sure that a major portion of their sells are going to people we never hear of or see a post of and they have no interest in hardly any of these conflicts. But for the company to make money they sure do need sells from them. So they will continue to pick topics that appeal to large mass of generally interested people that are not the dedicated wargamer's as most of you are
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