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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Well, Mister Wealth, How about you give BF a few MIllion and I am sure they can manage to add them items you request into the game and maybe even a few more. But sad to say, I doubt sells will go up much because of it, so don't plan on a return for what you give.
  2. Are you kidding me, that is one of the worst investments per hour of entertainment. So now the game looks like a great investment:)
  3. I GET SO TIRED OF ANY THREAD THAT QUESTIONS THE COST FOR THE GAME OR ANY MODULE'S OF THE GAME Unless you never play it after you buy it, it is worth the purchase. And if you buy it and dont play it, then that is all your fault. Nothing more needs to be said. Can someone please show me any entertainment that will not cost more than computer games in a very short while. If you played the game for 8 hours and never tuoched it again, you would have spent less than almost anything else you do with your free time and it cost you money to do it.
  4. The good news is, lay down behind that thing and you have instant cover. Man, I sure would not wanted to be the Radio man, what a pain.
  5. Wow, great game, They modeled the drivers body smells. He stinks so bad no one else wants to ride in the cab. Really
  6. I think the more a person understands about the war, the more they are interested in all the time frames and different locations. Each have a special aspect about it, but many do not take the time to want to learn or find out about that. If you look at it from a casual point of view, The German/Russian war was the best match up as for gaming purposes. Each side has its strengths and they counter each other well. Who does not like going into a fight with the troops that can win. Thus as one person pointed out, everyone always wanted to play the Germans, they had the best troops, rules and game pieces. there is not many people who dont like having a advantage, the Germans were easier to play in many games. But if you had to pick someone else to match up well with them, Late war Russian army is it. Thus it seems to make sence to me why many casual players gravitate to it. I like early war tactical battles myself, That is when Tanks are truely feared. They might have been small and light compared to the later tanks, but infantry was naked as to what they had to defend against them and its where real Blitzkreig can happen.
  7. ScoutPL You have some great post here but I do beleive you are over the heads of many here and that they are not understanding or wanting to understand the concept. I think the main reason is that they only understand combat through the game or maybe other games also. For CM allows for recon type play to work much better than it would in R.L. - because of the player having God like abilities to take all that information and conduct all his units to react to it immediately. No real commander has that ability yet, even with the modern tech stuff. being used. The flexability of combat in the game would be a dream compared to what I saw in my years as a Marine. Command control is a nightmare in R.L. Your points about understanding the Terrain and the enemy and developing a battle plan for where you know the enemy will likely be found works great in R.L. and also in the game. But I find even I will play with foward scouts leading my assaults, looking for the weaknesses in the enemy lines and exploiting them as quickly as possible within the game, knowing all well in R.L. it would be just the opposite of that. Once contact on a expected enemy location is found I would be hitting it with my preplanned base fire units and moving assaulting units in to flank and detroy or capture the enemy. Where as in the game I can find the weakeast areas of the enemy line and either force a penetration there or assault and destroy that sector while trying to prevent enemy reinforcement from aiding the sector. Then use that to out manuver the enemy line. All these things are aspects of combat that you hardly ever see at lower level command. As was pointed out, we play a tactical game with operational abilities - so plenty of flaws to overlook to be a good sim.
  8. Really, I HAD ENVISIONED THEM WORKING FROM THEIR HOMES IN THE FIRST PLACE. Why would they want to drive to work and have office space to pay for. Man, I thought they were living the dream. I keep waiting for the day I can just step into my work office instead of having to commute to work. (The ability is there, companies wanting to change to it, not so much).
  9. I ran 3 "out of the dust tournaments" on this forum and the main reason was so that I would get some feed back on my scenarios. Since most of them in the tournaments were ones I created. That is about the best way to get any feed back. Of course back then I used the scenario depot to make them available once we had used them. I find the best indicator for a good scenario is how often it is downloaded. I am not sure how the word gets around but I saw that the better scenarios were getting downloaded much more. A simple way to decide if your work is good enough and getting appreciated.
  10. Marriage is great, been married for 26 years to the same great woman. I must admit I was lucky, Finding a good woman now days is like finding the needle in a hay stack. But from what I see, they have about the same odds of finding a good man. So in general there is just a lot of peaple out there that are not prepared to handle marriage anymore or know how to make one work.
  11. Good question, I dont know if they impact play much. It would be good to find out. I just send the team with the firepower I need when there is any choice, I could care less if it has the SQ leader is in it. So I have not seen anything to show that they are impacting play much, but that could be a easy thing to miss. Now on the other hand, I take extra care of my platoon leaders for sure, they get every possible advantage I can give them to stay alive. I dont like losing anyone in the chain of command if I can avoid it.
  12. I have not tested this either. But I do similar I stop the tank, I then either reverse back out, or try a slow move in a new direction. I agree, it seems if you catch the unit early, the success rate for getting free seems very high. So I think it is programmd, but like I said I have not bothered to test it, to prove it to myself. I just do it because I think it works.
  13. This is the most important answer, Give a player unlimited time and even the worst player can beat the AI. In H2H matches, the side with the firepower would almost always win because there is no need to rush into any fire fight without making sure you have the advantage. Maybe you think a timer is unrealistic. but that is not always so. If the enemy has reserves that can take away a advantage you have when they arrive, then in real life missions you have a time limit. The mission must be accomplished and done before the reserves arrive. Market Garden had a ton of time limits for most units that were fighting for the Allies. And we see what happened when they did not manage to hold them. If you don't like it, make your own where possible, but as others have pointed out, improving your skills at playing at a higher level will take away most of your time clock issues
  14. Well after that post I have to add my famous loss of a panther to a bazooka round launched at over 200M from it and itwas such an arched shot that when it missed the Turret, it punched through the engine deck aand created a massive exposion - oh the horror
  15. your own answer is the answer, I never recall seeing it or hearing about it ever happening. Normally I figure it is something where the guy dies and by chance a grenade or mortar or something else just exploded at the same time on the location. There has been some amazing claims in CMX2 as to what the game can do that were just normal functions seen in unusual situations that make it look like something else has happened.
  16. Or from known mailing of pre-orders, even if 24 hrs would normally cover that.
  17. March 21 at 4 pm eastern standart time, thus which would make it 9:00 pm gmt (right???) like should I really know this.
  18. Now, that's funny. Now I like kicking some Butt as much as the next guy. But for me only if the opponent is talented or in a battle where the odds are against me. But I'm no death angel:D Actually, either I have battles that I look like I am superman or at times I can have battles that I show the strength of being as strong as a single sheet of toilet paper. So what kind of plague would that be.
  19. Except once I have to mention back when playing CMX1, I had this fellow pull off a perfect Blitzkrieg move on me. My right flank was defended by engineering and infantry units placed in the backside of some light woods with armor reserves in my middle area that could give them support fire if needed. I felt good about holding off any armor or infantry attack there. Then all at once this fellow sends two armor platoons followed closely by two infantry platoons in HT’s at full speed across a stretch of open ground into them woods, tanks firing smoke as they approached. It turned into hell on earth in moments, the tanks were suppressing much of my infantry with point blank fire and then I watch as German HT’s rolled up and troops debarked to finish off the job their task force had started. It was over so quickly my supporting armor could not get in place and aid much before it was done. It was really a memorable moment and was a joy to watch except for the fact I was on the receiving end, not the person that had achieved it.
  20. Good choice, But I want to put a plug in for CMFI also, anyone that gets into this hobby is a fool if they dont branch into the different periods and areas of the war. I was getting a little Bored here recently and decided to come back to play CMFI and focus on playing the Italian's and go through the campaign and any scenarios I had already played on that side vs the AI, spiked with extra troops for the AI. I just been having a ball and really enjoying it when I get a chance to play. The only problem with cmfi is the less amount of support from the players themselves as to the amount that play it or add additional scenarios and stuff.
  21. Yes, I use them like this also at times. But you need to weigh in the fact how they can affect the scoring of the game or needed future use in campaigns. Because even in this limited roll of additional firepower help, thay have a high chance of getting waxed. But why not use them if the game is not going to punish you in scoring.
  22. Well, I wish I could take more player on, but Sorry I cannot. I like to keep my turn rate at a turn per day if I can, if the opponent does similar. I have a set number of games and players that give me that ability in what I generally have in time to give to this pastime - So with these two new add ons I am pretty sure I am at the limit of where I like to keep it so that it is pleasurable instead of work. But as with many things there will come a time again I will be looking for someone new, so maybe then. I look for players here because I am not a member in the clubs and dont see that changing unless I cannot find some players here.
  23. When playing scenarios, you will get your wins in. Promise
  24. Womble just gave you pretty much everything you need to know, good post, that one should be added to one of them training sites that are out there.
  25. Thanks I should give you praise also, we have had some good challenging battles and you are the best player I am playing presently also. It has been enjoyable and like you just mentioned, I think in some ways we are similar in our attitude toward the game.
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