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Everything posted by GhostRider3/3

  1. Copy that. I know you played CMAK and CMBB right? Do you recall that the German Infantry from the TOE had the correct piping? example the Panzer commanders and such had pink, Recon had yellow, Infantry was white, pioneer was black etc? I have not noticed this with CMBN... maybe I need to look harder...lol It will be cool when they come out with the commonwealth campaign... crap.... its hard to wait and would like it very much if the admin would give us a tidbit or something.. on what we have to look forward to in the next few months. Its like the old ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) but in 3D... I got 2 of my old ASL buddies to pick up Combat Mission Battle for Normandy.
  2. This is great news....thank you so much for the time spent on its design. All we need now is a squeek from BF on any new things coming our way... Yikes.. maybe January??? maybe?? Anyone got any info. Semper Fi.
  3. Thank you Schultz, do you have any that you would recommend?
  4. Nice job, I was thinking you may be able to random it up abit by switching some Blouses to the Splinter Smock with Helmet cover... or some folks just with the Splinter Soft cap, or Helmet cover. Another combo could be albiet rare would be the full Splinter para jumpsuit. I think the only Splinter trousers would have been the ones they issued for Winter as they I believe were reversible. Anyways splendid job.
  5. Say I was curious as how the Scenerio designers are creating their maps and inputting them into the Mission breifing Map location. Some questions. What Icons are you using to place on the map? Where do you get them? What programs are you using to make them? I noticed that all the scenerios at least from the BF team all the icons are the same, uploading pictures to the main briefing screen is excellent. I am just wanting to know how to make those tactical briefing maps so that the scenerios I design can have more detail instead of a large black box, and no picture Icon as well. A how to in regards into creating such tactical maps would be great. Thanks so much.
  6. Hello everyone, Say will they ever get a patch that will allow for permenant mods. For example when selecting different infantry types for the Americans, would it be possible to select Rangers instead of normal Infantry and get their correct displacement. I am just curious as to when they come out with the British.. will we have to download a Canadian mod, Royal Marines, SAS etc. Just seems like they can do this already and make it a selection in game. It appears that they would have the Germans squared away. However I really liked the fact that in their previous game, CMAK, CMBB you could select between Mech-Armd Inf, Waffen SS, Heer, Fallschirmjaeger, and Luftwaffe troops. I understand that if you want different voice, tracers, brush, trees, tank skins etc. One other thing that I am not certain of, is that when they do come out with the Russian Theatre, will you be able to select winter, fall, summer etc? I would hate to have to switch between 2 different disks just to play a winter scenerio, then to another playing a summer scenerio. It would be nice if Battlefront would take some of the best moders, incorperate them into the game, to allow for a more perfect selection of at least infantry in game, instead of the time consuming task of replacing files, all the time. In my honest opinion Battlefront games are the best as its modders, however I just wish we had some of the modding selections as actual game selections in game, instead of replacing other files.
  7. Correct... Herman Goring Div. did not wear Waffen SS Tunics, they wore the Heer Splinter Uniform, some of the units actually had Fallshirmjaeger Jump suits in the Splinter pattern. I have several books and have never seen a Heer para in any dot pattern. It was even rare to see them in Italian jump suits and tunics, but even that would have been more common then any dot pattern. If its historical accuracy. Anyways the mod looks great.
  8. To Sgt. Shultz: How did you get trees on top of the buildings, or at least it appears they are on top of the building in your above post. Thanks, and what mods if any are you using?
  9. Are those particular trenches the stock version or are they modded? They look really good.
  10. I was doing a quick battle and used German 350mm Rockets... all I have to say is.. .HOLY CRAP... It looked like Asteroids collieded with the earth after the bombardment.. so much so a Sherman tank got stuck in one of the craters and they had to bail.
  11. I actually made a non historical scenerio... LOL its freaking huge... about Battalion size vs Battalion size. 1 co. of German armor vs I think at least a Battalion of US Tanks.. in the end there were like 50+ AFV kills. Still trying to figure how to load to repository. Anyway it would take a good machine to run it. I am really waiting for the Brit scenerio pack with the Waffen SS, it seems that all the major tank battles were in their sector. Would really like to redo Barkmanns Corner with more authentic reconstruction, and with the proper units.
  12. Freaking Amazing documentry... really awesome! Congrats, I watched the entire series today and I was utterly blown away by the narration, and History. Truly well done. Thank you so much for posting, I look forward to more... we all hope. Cheers
  13. I am curious if there will be the Hummel (150mm) and Wespe (105mm) SP Artillery for the Germans, after all, there finest panzer divisions were equiped with I believe 2 battery's of Wespe's and one Hummel SP batteries. It would be nice to have them available for either the map or offboard artillery... maybe they are there but I have not seen them available.
  14. Interesting... well I know I dont have a hardware issue, so my guess is.... is that its the programming and how it crunches the numbers in CM2. However again, I had some huge battles with Shock Force... is that not CM2? Anyways I did a work around I think....with large battles. (Need to make them Reinforcements with good entrance spacing) Map size is 1680x1650-----Map has 1 town, and 2 villages, Trees, and many hedgerows. Lots of tall grass in some areas. Germans have equivelant of 1 full battalion of troops and 1 company of tanks. Germans also have a company of ATG US forces have the following. 1 Battalion of tanks... albeit coming in at various times so it does not puke out. US Forces have 1 Battalion aprox of Troops again coming in at various times. + a Company of Gliderborne infantry. Whew!! So far soo good turn 8 and no issues... we will see what happnes in 35 minutes when most of the units will be on board.
  15. I think your right... 'Depends" I just got done playing a battle of my own. Size of each for was over a battalion... Lots of Trees, open ground. total tanks was somewhere arouond 80. Battalion size min on each side, however I did have to change up when they all came in. Map size was 1680x1650. However that being said... was shock force a CM2? because I had no difficulty with large scale battles, on my older machine... the one I have now is only a year old, and I have updated the graphics to pretty much play anything out on the PC right now. New Battle is a German defense, and again I have over Battalion size on each side. however Iam changing the US to come in at different times to see if this helps the break down of TMI..... LOL Too much Information! to process. THE GAME IS TOO Beautiful to only run with 1 company at a time... LOL Were talking Normandy here... thanks again BF, for an excellent game. Maybe in the next rendition we can check things on a larger scale... however if built right, I am not having Huge issues at Battalion size, its just how the battle is designed I think. Cheers.
  16. My graphics are set at pretty much High...Max really. But I dont think the graphics are the issue. I think it is the game number crunching so many units and what they are going to do at the same time. So if you have like a total of 12-15 company sized units on the field, I think it is for some reason overloading the game BRAIN if you will. I play other games that are way harder on graphics then anything battle front has to offer and there are no issues at all. When there was a 'Memory leak" it only happend on large maps or huge battles, usually created by oneself. All the campaigns and battles that Normandy came with ran fine, even long campaigns, but the battle size and maps were not battalion strength. This makes me wonder at all, if BF tested Battalion vs Battalion on a map scale of greater then 1500 X 1500 plus, and then tested it with alot of buildings, Trees and possible rain. I would strongly suggest that before they come out with a beautiful addition to this game, they fully test Battalion size battles. Thats one battalion vs another.....
  17. The game just sort of timed out... CM Normandy stopped working. The 1st minute worked, then just timed out. I checked the memory, it was ok. the map is about 1600m by 1680m and there is aproximately a German btn + strength, and US forces are equal if not a little more, although I have 2 companies of Para joining in at about 10minutes as reinforcements. I am going to change and make most of the US forces as reinforcements.... although that sort of defeats the purpose of a two prong attack at the same time. I have no idea why it locks up in big battles, this never happend playing Shock Force, or the old BF games such as CMAK, and CMBB. The graphics for example are not as detailed as say... Empire (total War, or Shogun) My computer handles such games very well. I think its just the data crunching or something with CM Normandy.
  18. Say I'm just checking but I think that Regimental size battles on a large map is pretty much out of the questions... My computer is great, graphics card, memory etc, but whenever I create a master piece... LOL BF just cant handle it... I know they fixed the memory leak, which was awesome, but I just dont think you can have the large scale battles like in CMAK, and CMBB. My only resolution I can see, would be to still create, said masterpiece, but make it so that the equipment and troops are extremely seperated via the reinforcement option, its a work around I think, but for now I guess I cant have two Battalions attacking an enemy battalion at the same time...not to mention all the support pieces as well. Anyways anyone else? I am suprised that the game does not support Regimental game play. Still not complaining.. its a great game, and am looking forward to the future installments... Semper Fi.
  19. LOL Crazy thing I remember doing manouvers in the Marine Corps and we were in a sort of ditch and 2 Abrams coming down the path, crap.... the ground was shaking and I did not feel like exposing myself... I peeked and thought.. Its glorious we have such machines... Anyways... maybe the zook team did not feel that confident with their weapon... LOL hence the tree shot. Sometimes **** happens... I have read this entire post, and can honestly say that AT guns and Infantry rarely get spotted first when I am playing. Normally for me my tanks are always taking hits from AT guns, that 57mm is a real pain in the ass as it normally always pretty much is impossible to start...even unbuttoned. My tanks have been shot at all the time by zook teams from the tree line, only then if they miss they get pounded on. I think the OP just had a freakish moment... it happens, but not enough to say anything is broken. IMHO. Cheers. Looking forward to the next release.
  20. Say the little out house is nice, but can we also get a German Guard Shack in Striped Red/white/black? Also some more Propaganda posters would be nice, any chance of getting some really large Poster that could cover a side of a building? maybe some dead horses with flies, and parts of wagons... I know.. its kinda messed up, but hell, I just played a scenerio, and bodies were all over after an Artillery barage! There never is really one last request with a game soo outstanding, so I guess... just keep up the good work and keep em coming is in order. many thanks, Juergen
  21. That is Freaking Awesome!! I did not get a screen shot, but I saw a Panther round from 450m penetrate right through a Sherman and hit a wall where a US Mortar squad was bypassing, Killed the tank and half the mortar crew....while the mortar squad was pinned, the Sherman Explodes in a Fiery inferno injuring and killing the rest of the mortar squad... WOW... talk about some good immersion.
  22. I concur... hell any vetran here could tell you shrapnel is a MotherF... hell just seeing an Abrams take out a small building with 1 HE round and crap was flying all over the place.. from high above to crazy debri flying in every direction at hurricane speed or more... Deadly! In game one of my StuH's fired at a building where troops were hiding, I had my own troops near another building about 20m away from target building... first 105 shell that hit the building not only took out the enemy, but killed or wounded 4 men of the squad that was adjacent... YIKES!! my bad.. must have been wood splinters and brick.
  23. Awesome, thanks so much.. going to try it now... Really appreciate the visual aids. I think it will help those of us who were having issues trying to get the bridges out of the water.
  24. Hello, I was curious if one of you glorious map makers could do a walkthru on how to properly install Bridges on the map. having issues between large and small bridges and getting them correctly aligned with the land. Not to mention I think this would greatly assist the Battlefront Community because I know it has been asked 'how to" alot. Searched the forum and could not find a significant source on how to make bridges in any great detail... ( just make sure the bridge ends are same elevation) did that and bridge is still sumberged. Anyhow looking for one of you great map makers to explain in laymans terms on how to create bridges accurately. Thanks so much for any step by step help.
  25. That would be like including the German Brandenburgers.... extremely doubtful as mentioned. Perhaps if they had Royal Marine Commandos or something. But even that is doubtful, although they were used alot in Normandy.
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