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Everything posted by GhostRider3/3

  1. True I Just got done reading a couple books of Michael Wittmann, and the accounts surrounding villers bocage... The Brits were completely caught off guard... wow what a epic short battle. yeah whoever designs that scenerio, UK tankers were not really prepared as the vehichles were pretty much parked, and crews were resting outside their tanks, not all of them, but between the smoke, bullets flying, explosions.. it must have truly been a nightmare seeing Whittmann's Tiger thundering down the road.... down the hill into Villers Boacage where more epic street fighting occured.
  2. Say I have not yet played any scenerios or campaigns yet.. is this a campaign or scenerio? Do they have Hill 112?
  3. "They were done, but due to code limitations we couldn't work them in. Yet. We have to do a major recoding of how Soldiers and their models/textures are assigned. The alternative was to have the average unit contain a mix of M43, Smocks, and M-44 camouflage (Peas-44) uniforms. Which is completely wrong, so we didn't go that route." Thank you soo much for not doing that.... also the 12th SS wore Italian smocks, and full jumpsuits, but even this was rare. I just also want to say thanks for creating games like you have for all of us die hard WWII historians. Keep up the good work, we have faith in your team to work out all the trivial little bugs, and keep producing fine quality work.
  4. They are virtually the same diameter almost? 2.33 inches is pretty much 60mm. is it just availabilty of rounds becase I would not see much difference in ordinace load. Although the US 60mm mortar is just a tad bigger. Not sure what the difference would be, could someone elaborate more? thanks:)
  5. Yes indeed... have been waiting months to finaly re-create the drive into Villers Bocage. It will be some time, before I am done with it.. and I am sure others are working just as hard to complete it.
  6. You still need to give them an inital set up area, this is how they will enter ON BOARD. Set them up on how you want them to enter the combat zone... so you still have to put them on your map on how you want them to enter, via road, field, or already in static postions. Also you can give them multiple plans = different routes the AI may take... which can make for more interesting replay ability.
  7. My only question would be, why does the luftwaffe field unit icon sport a Waffen SS helmet cover.. when they would have used the more appropriate Splinter HEER camouflage patter?
  8. Added Pictures I know they are small but the first picture does show a Porsche turret King TIger in Normandy.. I believe this tank was assigned to Pz. Lehr? Anyone know for sure?
  9. Thats why they actually went with the Henschel turret after it was discovered that a shot trap "shot" could litteraly unhinge the Porsche Turret version. I beleive Abt. 503 was the only one to recieve them... I believe there are however 2 pictures of the same Porsche Turret King Tiger attached to Panzer Lehr knocked out around the area of St. Lo. Link from "Achtung Panzer" http://www.achtungpanzer.com/panzerkampfwagen-vi-tiger-ii-ausf-b-konigstiger-kingroyaltiger-tiger-ii-sd-kfz-182.htm http://axishistory.com/index.php?id=1324 Notice in Order of Battle: Panzer-Kompanie (Funklenk) 316 (Tiger) I know this unit has been talked about in possible previous forums and it was unclear that they actually had any Tigers in Nomandy. Trying to find the Pz Lehr Tiger II picture near St. Lo that was attached to the above unit... 316. Anyone have any pictures? only the 503.Pz.sAbt and Pz Lehr had them.. I believe.
  10. Also I know its another nit pick thing... but the Germans did not run with their rifles in both hands... they had it in one hand so when they hit the dirt, they did so in a flat prone position. I understand that all the troops animations are the same, it would have been really cool to see just little differences.. but Iam just happy CW is out now.
  11. Yeah I would agree.. keep it light on comments here. This is what starts huge arguments.. and no one likes to talk bad about all the... bad things the Allies did, or did not do. Boths sides commited ill acts... War is hell.... literaly.
  12. You can set the Mortars reinforcement value so they are not available on the first turn...is one way, I think you can Limber or make the ones on board NOT ready so again they are not available on 1st turn. I have gotten it down in using Regimental size battles.... lots of work, working out reinforcement values, and where to place them one they arrive etc... but its possible to go large scale.. The battles would be pretty long, maybe 1.5 hours etc. But you can trickle forces in using Reinforcemnts, which Im sure you have done to great effect. I only wish Battlefront would allow more Reinforcements, to allow more detailed unit arrival placement-dispersion which would then effect Objectives menu.... more detail anyway Need at least minimum 20 reinforcement tabs and at least 10 Objective targets... I think. Again I think they were thinking squad level, or at the most Company sized elements when creating BFCN.... I have done Regimental size battles but with only having the limited amount of Reinforcements and objectives.. its just a little more difficult. The plus side with the objectives is the different plans you can have, so each battle the AI can take different actions.. which is cool and can suprise the hell out of ya.
  13. My question then... why cant they release another patch.. or would it matter with CMBCW... hopefully they have fixed some of this... tank spotting Infantry is sometimes almost laughable.
  14. I would like to place ATG inside a building.. I have tried to demolish building and then stick them over where my ATG was... it works sorta fine until the map is reloaded then kicks my gun out of the building and places it nearby. Tried this with buring vehicles as well.. no real solution... anyone tried this as well.
  15. I agree with Broadsword here... Possibly just use Historical accounts first... Either way.. I plan to use this map and run Panzer Lehr right thru it.. LOL all the way to Utah Beach or St. Lo. I hope to complete myself two maps that I have started from the outskirts of Utah Beach to Dead Mans Corner.
  16. My Father was a Range Instructor for the Air-Police during the Vietnam war, he trained not only Pilots but other AirForce staff that had to qualify. Anyways my Father said there were very few that could shoot extremely well... Like Chuck Norris and Steven Segal.. (Actually the later Steven really can shoot well), but most of those qualifying with the Pistol just got by.... My Father said even some of their own MP's or Air Policemen did not shoot really abnormally well, but most were good with the Rifle. Anyways I have run into the same thing with US Crews running around all over the place going "Chuck Norris" all over the battlefield.. LOL at one time while playing the Germans we destroyed over 28 Tanks.. as the Infantry advanced they had to dispatch these Super Human tank crews... taking medium and in some cases heavy casualties from ranges well over 60m.... Thats pretty damn accurate for Green and vetran Tank crews...
  17. I think Motorcylce side cars would almost be a must for the Eastfront campaign... and any early Modules if they do them... Awesome for any Aufklärungs-Abteilung!
  18. Ok perhaps I have misunderstood their design. CMBN I know is the base game... and CW, and Market Garden stacks with the base game, and as you say the Bulge will be enitrely different engine... Am I getting you right 'Ranger"? Thanks for clarifying. So there will be 3 seperate games then... CMBN plus CW and MG into one game, Bulge another game, and then the Eastfront?
  19. I agree with you here... I Love the game.. and I enjoyed the first series very much. Although CMAK and CMBB was better graphically then the first Combat Mission covering Normandy. I liked waging war either from the early 40's to the end. It was a great game. Now that CMBN is complete, I have been enjoying the game endlessly. With the CW comming shortly I hope, it will be even better. However paying another 150.00 for 3 seperate Campaing areas I have to wonder, what a waste... I will never really go back to CMBN one Commonwealth is out... Why would I.. CW will have all the forces I want and then some.... or will it? Then there is MG, Bulge, and Ost Front...(east Front). IMHO East front should cover Barbarossa till 1945... the entire scope. So basically it sounds like alot of Disc swapping to play the particular campaign or scenerio.. thats what it is sounding like. But they know best I just thought would it not be easier to use the same bloody engine they are using now, add a CW, Market Garden, and finally a Bulge-45 by just adding new units, buildings and terrain.. with menu's you could select? Of course by the time you got done the game would be huge and modders would have an easier time perhaps. Talking about the Meditereanean Theatre, you could still possibly do it with the tiles available, not to mention Modders will probably have a hayday if they can. But it was an epic part of History.. could Rommel have really done it.. maybe some scnerios of capturing Malta... etc.?? It is more then likely that the engine they are using now is getting dated perhaps and they do not want to prolong advancing their other projects.
  20. But then, Chuck Norris stands up from his trench and proceeds to kill five men with his Browning. One from the assault section, and then five from the base of fire at the hedgerow. Again, they were close to sixty metres from Mr. Norris. But as I watched flabbergasted as Chuck wiped out the base of fire, two more Crewmen (I'm calling them Stallone and Statham) started firing Brownings from a building and killed a tank commander at 50m away and kill two guys in the assault section in a building. OMG... I was laughing my ass off... sorry I just thought that analogy was awesome... "The Expendables Last stand" LOL Sorry mate... Just button up a panther and smash them.
  21. I agree with Sergei... it really depends on the map, QB City maps are not going to benefit your troops at all. From what I have experienced with th QB maps anyways. I made a partial section of Carentan. Its alleyways, intersections, High and low walls and different level of buildings offer a Urban nightmare for any attacker... LOL unless they pound it with Artillery for awhile.. (but Artillery is Queen). Anyways with the right equipment, and placement you can hold off a large contingent. I had roughly simulated a Company strength of Germans with 3 75mm Pak ATG, x2 Stug III, some 81mm Support, which held off rougly a Battalion size American element, and about 23 Shermans.. It was all pretty much Ambush placement.. hiding until the last moment if possible, Mortaring Infantry in the open to suppress them, and running 2 stug's around as mobile Fire Brigade. However that being said, I still lost 2 ATG, and 1 Stug.... with some Infantry casualites of about 40% The tanks really do SPOT Rather well even buttoned up im afraid... Anyways alot of it is placement, and security for your AT Assets.
  22. I am not sure what it is, but why is it that in the game, the Panther's gun seems to always get put out of action? just wondering if anyone has done tests on this. I was reading your response and could not help notice that the gun of 2 panthers KO'd. This is usually the case with my Panthers as well.
  23. I agree... however in the end I would much rather play SC games then that of HOI, they were often too buggy, maybe with the latest patches not, but I was tired of things just bugging out. I understand the HOI concept, but when attacking Russia, and defending the west, and Middle East it was just crazy to keep up with all the Battles in real time. Anyways they were good, but I can enjoy SC GOLD now... lots of fun. Plus being able to edit your units etc, and the detail they have put into it is awesome.. its like Axis and Allies but way better.... although I do like a nice game of Axis and ALlies everynow and then.
  24. That would be awesome. Just getting the map by itself or with AI, would not matter to me, as all forces can be deleted once loaded, and can be resaved using different title etc, that way your map can still be played with your original settings. I think alot of us like to make maps, and possibly link them into Campaigns. Again I would really like to see a Map only, so I can add this to the other two maps I am making around the Juno Beach Landing area.
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