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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Three new mods posted, Stug III G early: Stug III G mid: And my favorite, the Marder III M (a bitch to do but worth it): The Stugs will work in CMAK & CMBB. The Marder is only good for CMAK. My thanks to BFC, MikeyD and Gurra. Enjoy, DavidI [ January 08, 2006, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: David I ]
  2. WW2steel, Yeah, BFC did alot of things right in this game. Most of the other vehicle changes occure through the change in models (ie. PzIIIj, PzIIIL, PzIIIM, etc.). With the 250's and 251's people got real use to just calling them "early" and "late" war with no mention of model changes. DavidI
  3. "Wicky", I believe, is an endearment for Wicked. Good one. DavidI
  4. Dey, Wow and now ww Grey Stugs. :eek: Badly needed. About my previous request... hint, hint. DavidI
  5. Dey, The Winter King strikes again. Well done! DavidI
  6. Kingfish, My keen sense of observation again failed me. Great, sounds awesome. DavidI [ January 05, 2006, 10:17 AM: Message edited by: David I ]
  7. I pitched into a thread about light AA guns wall defense and for my pains got told to F... Off. Where was I...? Oh yeah. T34-85 no doubt. I've killed the very big kitty with that tank (ok, in the fog and from the rear, but still I killed 6 KT's for 8 T34 85's). As the Germans I've lost plenty of Panther's to that bad boy gun. Yep hands down. DavidI
  8. MikeyD, I'm still holding out for Stuarts. But Churchill's would be nice. Actually anything you do would be better than nice. DavidI
  9. Kingfish, Wow! Hope you included landmarks! Is this going to be an Operation? DavidI
  10. Chiavarm, Good show! It's good to have the Depot back. Thanks to all that made it happen. David
  11. Wvfoos, Check AndrewTF's uniform mods at CMMODs, as I recall he did some airborne uniform mods. Not sure it's the look your going for. DavidI
  12. Thanks guys, my pleasure. Panther Commander - got your two scenarios yesterday, will play them as soon as my eyes stop bleeding. DavidI
  13. A Happy New Year to everyone at BFC and to the CM Community! Here's some presents to look at through your bloodshot, hungover eyes. I've been modding stuff for my CMNormandy Game and thought I would share. Some are great, some are OK, but here they are: and from a different angle: And one I forgot: Where? Where else, CMMODs of course. Happy New Year, DavidI
  14. I've played every tatical wargame on WWII combat since the early 70's and nothing, NOTHING, holds a candle to CMBB and CMAK! There is quite frankly nothing like it for realism and detail. Name a better one. My two bits. DavidI
  15. MikeyD, In that case; Say four Hail Marys and put out 2 Stuart Tanks. DavidI
  16. There are some beautiful white washed grey SPW 251's over a CMMODS. As only Dey can do. Thanks again for your great mods. DavidI
  17. Hi Mr. Jingles, My name is David and I am a CM junkie. DavidI
  18. Bert, Anything else I can reasure you about? Human. David
  19. Cuirassier, There are dozens of "what if the Germans did this or did that, would they have won the war?" threads in this forum. Search for them, you'll be able to read every conceivable what if scenario you can imagine. Groans. Rolls over, goes back to sleep.... DavidI
  20. Bert, The operation, "Tank Warning" is crushing my lips as well. I am playing the Krauts. The 1st two battles went alot like yours. By the 3rd battle I had two Pz IV with 7AP and 13 AP respectively, 1 Stug, 1 Pz IV and 2 Pz III with no AP Ammo. A bunch of SPWs. The rain stopped so visibility increased. I received 4 Marders and 2 SPW 251/9's as reinforcements. Lost all 6 reinforcing vehicles on turn one taking out 2 T-34's in exchange. That left me with the 2 Pz IV's, a quick count showed 40 T-34's on the map plus some T-70's. The 2 Pz IV's went down fighting and I withdrew my defenseless SPWs and ammoless armor off the map. At the beginning of Battle 4, none of my withdrawn vehicles returned, but I did get 3 Tigers. However it's raining again. So now I am sallying forth to do battle with 3 Tigers vs 40 T-34s. Wish me luck! DavidI
  21. John, Interesting to be sure. Of course he was talking of his experiance post WWII. David
  22. Vossiewulf, Hold on there buddy! You've got fall and winter versions in the works? Let's have them. DavidI
  23. Dey, I want to chime in too. Great mods! Sorely needed. DavidI
  24. Aragorn2002, You shameless mod slut! But, you're right. No one has done an update since Gordon Molek did the FlammPz III and the Pz III M for the late war period (they share BMPs). So here it is. I did nothing on this mod, but renumber for CMBB. DavidI PS. Looks like this:
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