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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. I renumbered the muddy tracks so that they appear in snow conditions. This is specifically done for CMETO's light snow look. With snow measured in inches, rather than feet, most vehicles would have mud on their tracks rather than snow. Anyway the difference looks like this: I included an alternate folder with snowy tracks, just in case. Enjoy, DavidI
  2. Magomar, I am not that interested in the Spanish Civil War as far as wargaming, but... F...ing Brilliant! Well done. DavidI
  3. Panzer IV G (late), H & J. Look like this: Panzer IV G (late): Panzer IV H: Panzer IV J: Used to look like: Main difference is that the underlying camo shows through. Lots of alternates. Enjoy, DavidI
  4. Patboy, This is the closest picture I've found of an active Panther at the Bulge (I think) that looks like a mix of snow and some sort of applied white camo: Anyway thought it was an interesting pic. DavidI
  5. Here are some Panthers that look really cool for CMETO winter scenarios. If I may, they look even better on the screen. That said.... This is what they look like: Panther G late: Panther G: Panther A: Done with BG Bogdan's Panther mod series and BFC original art. Lots of alternatives, mix and match. Enjoy, DavidI
  6. By the way when I "wok with that maddening pre-'43 Soviet command hit" I add a little garlic and Scheshwan sauce. Turns out perfect. DavidI
  7. Oh boy! It's Monday morning! Let's look under the perpetual BFC Christmas tree...Look it's a beautiful Honey! Oh boy, that's mine, that's mine... Thanks MikeyD, absolutely stunning. DavidI
  8. MikeyD, Ya snuck one in on me! I'm off to check it out. DavidI
  9. Mikey, Absolutely beautiful! You have brought new life to some often seen Stuarts. I look forward to your later war US Stuarts. Thank you for your hard work. DavidI
  10. Made a number of improvements on my original, and first, mod for the Hermann Goering Panzer Grenadiers in the Late War period. Changes are listed at CMMODS. All original art work belongs to AndrewTF (The Great and Powerful), I mearly cut and paste. They look like this: Enjoy, DavidI
  11. I've posted a modification to my Normandy Pz IV J. It includes a bunch of netting options. The netting is from Gurra's excellent ETO Pz IV H. Mix and match. Have fun. DavidI Oh yeah, they look like this:
  12. MikeyD, You are awesome! I was the first to download this beauty. I look forward, as always, to your future releases. Stunning! Wait a minute, is it Monday already? Where did my weekend go? DavidI
  13. Shmavis, I read the designer's interview at The Wargamer, sounded pretty good. For a 1st person shootem up it may well be superior to anything we have seen so far. As I said earlier, Half-Life and Half-Life 2 are way cool. This may well be the one of it's gendre I get. DavidI
  14. Well this is the last of them (unless I run across something in a Normandy scenario that needs "the treatment"). Self propelled guns, and they look like this: and this, and this, and this (obviously not a SP gun): I may be to modding what MacDonald's is to cuisine, Steven King is to literature and Soupy Sales is to Comedy, but the overall effect is cool. I did not do any Tigers, JagdPanthers, Brumbars, etc. as these were not Divisional Vehicles and hence would not be as uniform as vehicles within a battalion/regiment/division may have been. Anyway I hope you enjoy them. DavidI
  15. Looks like a First Person Shooter game. I have to admit that I enjoyed Half-Life. DavidI
  16. Painfbat, The switch over date for mid-war/late-war is May 1944 so mid-war goes from July 1943 to April 1944, and late-war goes from May 1944 to March 1945. If you have renumbered your mid-war Fallschirmjager to late war they will have the same appearance from July 1943 to March 1945. Which is fine, of course, but then you won't have the pleasure of seeing my late war Fallschirmjager on your screen. DavidI
  17. JohnK, Right you are. Famous German General. That's a Knights Cross with Oak Leaf clusters worn at his throat. Iron Class 1st class would be worn in center of left pocket (or there abouts for tunics that did not have pockets such as the Flieger Blouse or the Pz Wrap_around). Iron Cross 2nd class was typically worn as a ribbon in the next to top button hole (or ribbion bar on left breast). As to the officer in question; here's some hints: Commanded a Pz Army, as part of Army Group Center, in the invasion of Russia, later became Inspector General Heer, was fired a couple of times by Hitler because he argued with him. Initials H.G. Very famous indeed, even ended up in the learics of a song called "Roads to Moscow" by Al Stewart. A song, by the way, that should touch the heart or nerve of every CM'er on the forum. DavidI
  18. Philippe, Got'em, love'm, use'm. Thanks, DavidI
  19. Junk, Thanks alot. I thought maybe ATF had done something different - what, I don't know. His Crete Fallschirmjager would cover France & Norway 40 and Sealion 40/41 excellently. Painfbat, All I intended to do was renumber ATF's mod for you. You can't do better than that. DavidI
  20. It's still a damned good book, and unlike many books on military history - well written. DavidI
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